Your still Batman.

Batman Arkham City still holds up with its fun combat mechanics, Story and its open world of Arkam. Arkham City with has its few flaws, Catwomen part in the story feels short and playing as her ends so quickly just when you're getting used to her style in combat. I also had some experience some crashes on the PC version but didn't ruin the experience replaying it again.

Solving the Riddlers challenges with his trophies around Arkham or doing the combat and sneaking missions sometimes challenging but not unfair is satisfying.

even after its release in 2011 I still recommend this game for its combat, story and challenges.

A game that you don't have to hurt anyone.

Undertale has made its mark to the world for its memorable characters, a great soundtrack, and emotional story. The gameplay is whichever you choose to either fight all the enemies or befriend them and spare. How you act during the game effects the characters around you either to be your friend, try and stop you or not showing up at all.

Undertale has achieved for being nominated, having its own orchestra and one of its characters appear in Super Smash Brothers. I hope people who have not played Undertale will give this game a chance and hopefully see what it has accomplished.

The people making this game: Hey! remember those Three paper Mario games you loved so much with the buddies, the great stories, and fun gameplay you liked so much?
Fans: Yeah!
People making this game: Well what if we dumb down the story, the characters, the fun, and replace it with stickers?
Fans: uhh...No?
The people making this game: Great! I knew you'll just love it!