A fantastic paper adventure that everyone should experience. New and old.

Yes. I'm been a huge fan of the paper Mario series. I love the first one on N64 to the Nintendo wii. Yes, I maybe biased after the downward spiral of sticker star and the new releases but i can say Paper Mario: The thousand year door is back with extra few pages inside the book. it is upsetting that the game is only 30FPS.

The remaster is as faithful to the original on the GameCube. The RPG battle mechanics, the companions, the story, its all here. The remaster improves everything from the locations and music and adds a few extra stuff new and old fans will enjoy. Its easier to jump to other locations without having to backtrack multiple times. You gain much more coins then you did in the original and don't lose any when you run from fights. The dialogue is slower so you cant rush the text boxes to speedrun through the game. It also includes hint boxes if you get lost and unlocks artwork from the game when you collect star pieces.

This game maybe a wake up call for Nintendo and possibly retyred to its roots for the series (If not then hopefully it gives them some new ideas for the paper Mario series.) The Thousand Year Door still holds up when it came out on the GameCube and Its still as fun as ever. I recommend it.

Not any ordinary pizza. its Peppino Pizza!

Pizza Tower 2D platformer That you play as Peppino trying to save his restaurant from an evil pizza for a face that wants to destroy it. The game is a spiritual successor to classic the Wario land games that you collect items threw the level and run back to beginning withing a time limit.

Peppino Is the combination of Sonic and Wario and becomes a speed demon destroying anything in his way. You'll be running through all levels with special gimmicks that appear in the levels. you'll be running and next you'll be wearing armor to get threw obstacles or riding a giant sausage or even playing golf.

The game also ranks how well you do in levels. If you want an S rank, you'll need to collect pizza toppings, find 3 secret rooms in the level and find the key man to unlock the treasure room. You'll also need to build up a combo so you can get even more points and go through the level again.

The animation in the game is great. Peppino reactions to hitting a wall or screaming his head off in a cartoony scream is hilarious. The music is very catchy, the music plays when running back to exit the level never gets old. Pizza Tower is wacky time and worth the full price. Just be careful if you want to get the Perfect ranks.

Everything is magical and the points don't matter.

Hogwarts legacy is an open world role playing game Where you create your own witch or wizard and attend the Hogwarts school. I'm not a big Harry potter fan, I never read any of the Harry potter books, but I have seen the movies (Harry potter weekend on TV) So i won't know some of the references the game offers. The idea that you can attend a school and learn magic to fight enemies and solve puzzles is a fun concept. I kind of hoped the game would be like Bully Academy (another school like game) but sadly you can't lift students in the air for their lunch money.

The world of Hogwarts is huge, and I haven't seen everything that the game offers. The game has fast travel, so you won't get lost and a navigator to get to your main quest objective. The school is big, but it never looked the same in areas or felt like you're running in circles. You can also fly on a broom to get other places as well.

You can also craft in the game to make healing potions or give you an advantage in combat. The combat will take time to get used to. You will need one type of spell if the enemies use shields, and you'll need to defend yourself from attacks. You'll have to level up and find better gear to stand against strong opponents cause strength comes from the costume (Why else would we run around in color undies?) You'll also gain skill points to level up your magic. Instead of lifting one enemy you can lift up multiple.

There are a few nitpicks and flaws of the game like popup of objects when you enter an area, characters repeating the same dialogue and the talent spells you can learn to upgrade magic is small. You can't reset your skill points as well so you will need to make another character if you want to focus on other talents. A major flaw of Hogwarts legacy is that if you go around the Hogwarts castle you may fall off the map and may lead to an unfair death or fly underneath and see everything below.

You're going to be very busy in this game. You can design your own base, do side quests to learn new spells, catch and raise different kinds of animals and possibly more dlc in the future. It's worth the 70-dollar asking price and if you're a Harry Potter fan you're going to love this game. If you're not a fan of the series Give it a try in the future. What Harry potter games lets you become the bad guy in the series?

Spongebob and the cosmic references.

Spongebob Squarepants plays a big part of my childhood. I watched the show when it aired, Played the games like battle for bikini bottom and the spongebob the movie game and a few others. I haven't watched newer spongebob episodes. It kinda lost its passion when The creator Stephen Hillenburg (rest in peace) and the team left, I felt hopeful for the game and see what it has to offer and it was Ok.

The story starts like other spongebob episodes. Spongebob and Patrick find magical bubble soap and make wishes just to turn all of bikini bottom into chaos and now has to fix it. You'll be playing spongebob threw the whole game, no Patrick or sandy to help. Spongebob brought his spin attack and ground pound as for his other abilities are new. he'll karate kick enemies in the air or shoot bubbles to trap them. For a story about bubbles Spongebob does not have a good bubble arsenal.

The Cosmic shake should be called references cause that will be threw out the whole game. spongebob does not be quiet in this game and has to make a comment on picking up jelly or glinding around with the krusty krab pizza. spongebob can also wear different costumes but it does not effect gameplay and they are references to old spongebob ( WE GET IT! OLD SPONGEBOB WAS BETTER!) If a kid haven't even watch spongebob in their life they would not understand the jokes. Is this game for adults who grew up with it or for the kids? And stop with the grotesque up close characters, It comes out of nowhere and felt like jump scares.

Some of The levels in cosmic shake are fun. going threw Rock bottom during Halloween and Glove world were my favorite. The game does freeze sometimes but it never crashed. Spongebob did disappear in one cutscene. I can't say this game is the return of spongebob but I didn't have a bad time with it. Watch youtube videos of it or get it cheaper.

Fire emblem Engage classic edition!

Fire emblem engage goes back to its original route When the story and character building was less focused on and more focused on battle strategy. If don't care for the story and characters and just get into the battle, you'll be right at home when you played Fire emblem on Gameboy Advance.

Fire Emblem story starts with your character named Alear awaking with amnesia (Remember FE Awakining?) and the goal is to collect the emblem rings and stop the Fell dragon.

The emblem rings are the big event of the game as you are able to form bonds with the classic fire emblem characters and give stat enhancing boost to your army. If you form a bond with Sigurd, you'll be able to attack and move your character. Form a bond with Lyn and you'll be able to rain arrows on far away enemies.

The main hub of fire emblem engage is the location of Somniel where you will do most of the work. Forming bonds and knowing your allies, eating meals and doing workout to give your team a stat boost, also shopping for upgrades and have your characters wear different clothes. The conversations between your teams are short and not as compelling as it was in FE houses.

Fire emblem engage has more focus on the strategy style then on the world building. If your more classic Fire emblem and focused on the gameplay I highly recommend. For the people who enjoys story and character building its still their just not as much.

Humans are one hell of a drug.

High on life is first person shooter that you play as a human on earth that gets invaded by aliens that are taking humans and using them as drugs. You pick up an alien pistol (or Gatliens they are called) name Kenny and helps you fight off the alien drug cartel.

As ridiculous as it sounds, you'll be running around different planets and fighting off aliens that are selling the humans. The biggest part of this game is the dialogue where everyone loves to talk. aliens talk, your guns talk, except your character does not talk. you're either going to like it or hate it sense your character not speaking so the world does the talking for you and a lot of alien's love using swears. If I got a quarter for every character that used the F bomb, I would get my 60 dollars back and more.

You'll be using your weapons fight enemies and solve puzzles. you'll be switching around your guns a lot when you'll need to get threw another area and find treasure chests to get upgrades like a jetpack that you unlock later in the game or have your gun shoot and reload faster. You'll also need take down the alien drug bosses, and they can be a little bit of a handful. The final boss is tricky and one part you'll have to fight 3 bosses together.

High on life is an ok time but the jokes in the game are very repetitive and there's not a lot of planets you'll explore. If you have Xbox pass, give it a shot but be ready for a whole lot of talking.

The Callisto protocol or I would call it

The Callisto Protocol is a Survival horror game and spiritual succesor of the dead space series. You plays as the character named Jacob who was unfairly arrested and now is trying to escape the prison.

The first positive of the game is the graphics. I did enjoy the style of the game. exploring the prison and getting out into a snow covered planet was amazing. I heard the Pc version had a lot of issues at launch. I got the ps5 version so I didn't have a lot of problems but some minor pop ups of random things.

Unfortunately that's the only thing positive I can give. The gameplay is kind of hit or miss with the game wants you to use melee against the monsters. (Sadly, they didn't give the monsters a name) you'll be doing that much in the game, and you'll need to doge their attacks and attack back. It's going to take a lot of practice to see which way the monsters going to hit but it feels though i just got lucky when dodging them. You're going to need to master this for the mini bosses that one hit kills you on harder difficulty.

But my major gripe with the game is healing and reloading. When you need to heal Jacob crouches down and injects the medicine inside him (I called it heal mode) when he is doing that, he's open to all attacks which leads to unfair deaths or attacks. why couldn't it be like dead space and just press one button and your healed? And the guns take too long to reload and to change weapons. The enemies love to get close and when you're attacking them just to see your out of bullets the monster evolves and it's tearing you apart.

I'm kind of disappointed of how it turned out. I can forgive the gameplay and the weak storyline but when I saw the trailers, I thought this game would be scary and sadly it wasn't scary and left me frustrated most of the time. If they didn't compare this game to dead space, I would be a lot easier on it. wait for a price drop for this game or watch youtube playthroughs of it.

The Paldea region is big but can't seem to hold itself together.

Pokemon Violet/Scarlet is the next generation of the pokemon series. Trainer's step forward to the Galar region to go back to the past of the Sinnoh region now to explore the Paldea region Which seems to be having issues trying to exist in the pokemon world. (Maybe Arceus didn't have enough to finish it.) But so far let start with the good.

Pokemon scarlet/violet lets trainers explore the Paldea region without following a set path and lets you go wherever you want to. Some areas you won't be able to reach without the help of the pokemon Miraidon or Koraidon if you chose Scarlet. You'll need to do a couple of quest to upgrade Miraidon to able to move faster, climb rock walls and move across water.

Scarlet/violet lets you choose to battle trainers or pick whichever gym leaders you want to battle. You'll also need to stop the new antagonist group called team star. The new pokemon and the terastal gimmick can be fun as well. you won't be able to change the terastal type of the pokemon until you beat a specific gym and collect crystals.

The major issue of the game is the performance and graphics. The pop up of grass, cities and pokemon ruins the immersion of this region also the number of glitches you might run into. I haven't experienced those issues people have run into, but my game did crash once. I haven't seen anyone talk about the online tera raid battles. it takes forever getting into a match, and if you do it can end very quickly.

Pokemon Scarlet/violet does have some good and its moving into the right direction, but the unfortunate issue of graphics and performance will keep people away. I'm sure the games will sell very well but this will tip the scale of future pokemon games. Wait for a price drop or patches for it.

Sonic Frontiers. one step forward and hopefully no steps back this time

Sonic Frontiers is the new game for the downward spiral that is the Sonic series. Sonic boom didn't help, and Sonic Forces kept it going. Alot of bad after bad games and now it feels like a breath of fresh air for sonic Although flawed it still has some fun things going in it.

Sonic Frontiers is not like the other sonic games with the mission Act levels but more open world and running around and finding the chaos emeralds. Frontiers also has combat that you fight different enemies to being small to huge bosses called titans. (Insert Attack on Titan theme here)

To Collect the Chaos emeralds, Sonic needs to get gears from enemies to enter a Cyber space level. The Cyber space levels are the least fun, they are too short and feels copy pasted from other sonic games. A big issue with the game is the Camra which will not follow sonic leading to unfair deaths. and sometimes the areas in the open world will force the Camra into a 2D side and can't get out until you do the task.

Sonic Frontiers with its faults still have some good parts in it. The story is ok, Open world is fun and the combat not great can be fun at times. Its Sonic but trying to crawl back into decent games again If you like Sonic to be more open world and running wherever you may want this game. If you like Sonic mission act style, you're going to be disappointed.

(Running around an open green hill zone would be fun)

As Professor Oak would say "Well Done"

Pokémon Snap is nostalgia trip for me. I spent many hours on this game during my childhood and still Pokémon snap has charm to it.

Pokémon snap is just what the opening title begins, just snapping pictures of Pokémon. You start the game as photographer with a name of your choice and his goal is to take a photo of the legendary Mew.

You'll start the first level at a beach, and you'll progress to a tunnel, volcano, river, cave, valley and rainbow cloud. during your travel you'll be taking pictures of Pokémon to progress through the game and be scored on how well those pictures were taken. the scoring is a bit faulty at times, you'll sometimes get higher scores on pictures that are not great then to the one that's exactly on frame.

What makes Pokémon snap special was definitely the advertising for the game and during the Pokémon hype. commercials telling you to Take your copy to BlockBuster and take it to machine to get stickers of the photos you took, and it worked very well.

Pokémon Snap won't take long to finish and possibly a product of its time during the Pokémon craze I still recommend it for short bits of fun.

Mario + Rabbids. The crossover that nobody asked for but turn out to be a very fun strategy style turn based game.

Mario and Rabbids continues with the strategy style and adds more with new characters like Edge, Rabbid Rosalina, Bowser and the new inclusion of sparks or Rabbid lumas.

Sparks gives Mario and his team different advantages during combat. A spark could increase attack or defenses and have element powers such as fire, water, electricity that enemies could be weak to.

Your teammates all have a different weapon and abilities in battle. Mario has two blasters; Peach has umbrella blaster and Edge fights with a sword. You can choose who you want to bring to battle. you can have just the mushroom kingdom characters or all Rabbids.

A little nitpick is that they got rid of the challenges and ranking. in the first game you get a bronze to gold trophy's on how well you do in battles. Also got rid of couch co-op.

Sparks Of Hope will not be everyone game but how they put a lot of effort and care to it, I hope this series does well and continues to move on the right track. Worth the full price and I look forward to the DLC and bringing back Rayman.

Some improvements here and there.

Splatoon 3 is definitely if it ain't broke don't fix it but let's add a little more to it. The story mode plays like the splatoon 2 octo expansion with you playing a level with mission quest like get through a level with the paint roller or ride the rails to get to the end. a few are a little difficult but not being unfair. (There is a boss fight that does a callback from super Mario sunshine which I thought it was cool)

you'll mostly spending most of your time in multiplayer with turf war or anarchy battles like tower control, clam blitz, Splat zones and earning money and leveling up for better clothes, unlocking weapons plus new cosmetic stuff for your locker that you can decorate however you like.

Salamon run returns and is always open if you want to play and the new tableturf battle is a fun distraction.

The major issue with the game like a few online battles is either you're going to get connection errors and players leaving during a match. Nothing makes a player more upset then to be on a winning team just to for the other team to rage quit and ending it with a draw.

Splatoon 3 is more splatoon with some improvements. If you love the games so far, you'll feel right at home and as newcomers should start with this one.

I got to say 2022 has treated the TMNT franchise very well.
First off, a new TMNT game now a collection of the classic games. Having turtles in time on my SNES is a blast and now I get to bring it on my switch. The collection also includes the infamous NES TMNT game, The gameboy games and tournament fighters, plus arcade style versions. also, a gallery of the strategy guides, Tv shows and online. This is a definitely worth the 40-dollar price.

grab your friends order some pizzas and Go NINJA GO NINJA GO!

the real saints are still in space kicking butt and once they hear about these fake saints they'll find them and give them a wedgie of a life time.

Worst game of 2022

Two become one or one become two?

People say that if you don't know the Xenoblade series it's fine to start off with this one but I would recommend playing the first or the second Xenoblade games so you will get a premise of the Xenoblade world and many of its callbacks. The game does have a lot of content, so you'll be spending hours into it.

-Great story
- likeable main characters
-different variety of classes to play as
- much to do in the world
-Quest marker for easy tracking
- Many over the top battles
- Interlink and chain commands
- very good soundtrack
- more future content coming soon

- equip to different accessories in the menu is a mess
- can take a long time to learn new classes to other characters
- Battles sometimes drag on
- this game really needs a monster encyclopedia
- One unlikeable person (you'll know who she is)
- Quest tracker picky on quest locations
- Yes, Lanz you are MVP but i don't need to keep hearing it over and over again!

I would go more into detail, but I don't want to spoil anymore of this game.

Xenoblade 3 is a great time and worth the full price. I already picked Elden ring as game of the year, but Xenoblade 3 is in my top 10 best games of 2022 and will return back to this game with all the new content coming up.