3 reviews liked by yumornges

This game totally blew me away by how good it is, the story is soooo good. I haven't played a game where I've been sucked into the story like this one since Hollow Knight, I loved every minute of it. The exploration is great and the combat is near perfection for a Star Wars game. Customization options are really cool and varied. I don't have anything bad to say about this game except sometimes the difficulty spikes are weird, but you can change the difficulty

This is a hard game to review.

It is the most fun I've had with any game in a long time, and is the most detailed "base building" game I've encountered.

The fresh coat of paint and tutorials have helped a lot with making the game accessible to a crowd that isn't interested in looking at a manual every 15 seconds.

If you're on the fence, give the game a shot. If you don't end up enjoying the game, you can still look at "Legends" mode for fun procedurally generated story time and you may enjoy adventure mode when it comes out.

at the end of the day, aren't we all just dwarves in a really big fort?