I've been kinda itching to play this for almost 7 months and i'm really happy this is a game really makes me happy with all the characters of this franchise, it feels like a culmination of the previous games and giving an perfect conclusion for the first half.

The concept behind Fate, future predictions and bonds were all delivered well into this. The idea of routes into the game is fantastic which ones has their peaks without having an pacing issue in it and has stuff happening in their respective routes.

Everything being converged at the end was pretty much the PEAK of kiseki for me, build-up, climax, soundtrack, everything went crazy in it.

Episodes giving an bit an characterzation to each of them were dope as hell but Osborne episode is gonna live rent free in my head so much.

In conclusion this game managed to give enough seratonin while making me sad that ''i'm caught up'' to the series (i'm waiting for the pc port :copium:) but i'm really happy that i was able to experience this game and i love it with all my heart. GOD I LOVE TRAILS

Rockstar look like amatuers compared how BANDAI milks this game lmfao.

I really can see why people say this game is the ''Persona 4 of Falcom'' but damn i really didnt expect to be so much worse.

(I honestly wasnt even expecting to make a long review after i literally finished the game but here we are)

I started this game in my mind to cope myself for playing the Trails after going 9 games in a row but my god this game blew my expectations to the point that i couldn't stop thinking about it and the JDK Band tracks in this game.

YS plot start is always the same of every YS game but something about it never makes me bored seeing it happen countless of times. There's something about the start of that always me amazed of how the setting puts you in especially when you're hearing ''Sunshine Coastline'' in the back (god Unisuga never dissapoints) and it shows the sense of adventure and needless to say it's such a immaculate feeling.

The characters are pretty much solid but Dana and Hummel stole the show for me, kinda annoys me Hummel's backstory is locked in a bonding system but i really don't find it difficult to get it.

One thing about the story especially if you played till chapter 2 (if you know you know) but something about completly threw me off on it and honestly kinda gave me impression after being done with it was just ''huh? so the chapter ends like with that ''cartoon ass vilain?'' but honestly after looking at it, it honestly feels fine especially when the lore about Dana's character in the game comes in.

The experience after finishing a game and living rent free in your head after beating the game for days/months and rarely years is just why i love video-games so damn much.

Kuro no Kiseki was one of the things that i was really hyped to play especially when they give the first teaser, at the moment i was trying to catch up with the series and i didnt had a proper console but my god it was worth of the wait and the grind to the into this game.

The game manages to be the strongest starting point of Arc and have a consistent character moments for each in the Cast, i was scared that seeing how many character in it especially going through Cold Steel that it had too many characters to give a proper moment to shine and not feel like some of the characters are just there for the sake of it.

I was interested how would handle the second half of the series and the aclaimed Calvard arc. It adds a new a battle system, improves the field battle even more and the shard system. It can feel overwhelming at first but my god it feels satisfying as hell when you get it right. In my playthrough of Hajimari i really was feeling burnout of battle system not because its boring but it feels like a shore to get through the post game. I feel happy that they changed the estructure but still feeling like trails.

For me Van stole the spotlight for me, being someone that's not a usual MC at his first glance but he really started to grow on me by the time you continue playing the game, him being a character that accept request for almost everyone is compelling as hell because it gives a new point of view.

Overally i'm really hyped for what Kondo is cooking with Kuro 2 and i'm hyped for this direction that this arc is going.

This game ruined dragon ball fans and my mutuals.

Replaying on this game had me so excited for it since i loved budokai gameplay especially 3 but man this game is the definition of unfinished to hell. The combat continues using budokai movesets but giving a bit of freedom but this what i could give props to it.

The reused animations actually pains me so bad, especially on key moments they just re use over and over again and there's nothing that surpasses the Original except for Goku going Super Saiyan and Vegeta beating Second Form Cell.

Either way, it's a game that exists but at least it brought the coolest soundtrack that dragon ball game gave to us. (Sorry Tenkaichi series, you are a close one.)

Worst gacha game of all time.

How do you fuck up a port so damn bad?

Bought this just to play DMC 3, kinda worth it not gonna lie.


The parallels between Ofy core and this game is the Greatest thing ever.


Very slow paced but 2nd half are pretty much my favorite part of all game. Also has probably the best final chapter of trails