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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 30, 2022

Platforms Played


The amount of potential this game has is honestly amazing.
Gameplay is the only thing holding this back from being truly great.
Any attack in the game lacks the weight that it feels that it would have (a fully charged "smash attack" against a foe at 100+ won't knock them all the way to the blastzone, but a simple attack that aims upwards will send them flying 100 miles per hour? it's weird.)

It's way too easy to completely delete any impact a punch may have had thanks to the dodging mechanic (just dodge in the opposite direction of the attack and you'll be back on track), and like i said before, most "strong attacks" feel weak; creating a game where it's more effective to spam the same move over and over again until somebody fucks up and dies.

Movement is snappy and fun, and the way to unlock characters is JUST grindy enough to not piss me off.