3 reviews liked by zechs6437

My first impressions with this game were abhorrent. There was absolutely nothing to do in this wasteland of a game. Since then Bethesda has updated it a ton, and with the hype of the Fallout TV show, I figured I'd dive in and give it another go. I mean yeah, there is certainly much more to do. I wouldn't say I absolutely hate the game now, but the content that was added isn't all that engaging. Most of it feels like busy work. Really, it feels like a watered down Fallout 4 with multiplayer slapped on top of it.

Everyone said that this game is good now so I tried it and it still sucks just as much as before. Though playing it with other people is fun so that's a net positive.

I forgot how boring it is to play a bethesda game without mods and quicksaves. I didn't get too far, and the focus in building shit + the incredibly bad PC UI just really turned me off.