Log Status






Time Played

165h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

January 20, 2024

First played

January 9, 2020

Platforms Played


Some games are easy to review, allowing you to express your thoughts clearly about what you love or dislike. You can easily sum up your experience and share what aspects of the game evoke specific feelings.

However, there are games that go beyond the usual gaming experience and present a unique challenge when it comes to reviewing. Final Fantasy VII falls into that category for me. In my childhood, this game shifted me from a casual video game enthusiast to someone passionate about JRPGs, a fondness that has stuck with me over the years. While I wouldn't claim it changed my life, it certainly influenced how I perceive entertainment and shaped my preferences for media to unwind and disconnect from the 'real world.'

This recent playthrough is my fifth complete run, and I chose the original PSX version, flaws and all. We all know about the subpar translation, filled with spelling errors and plot deviations. While I revisited the original on my Steamdeck, my partner played a heavily modded PC version, featuring the Echo-S fan voice acting—an impressive fan creation that deserves recognition. This fan work resulted in some amusing scenes, perhaps not present in the original but strangely fitting into the narrative.

Despite the contrast in experiences, with his being fresh and mine ancient, we both found aspects to enjoy and criticize passionately. Despite its imperfections, I believe Final Fantasy VII is a genuinely great game, though not without its flaws—achieving perfection is a rare feat in gaming. Its lasting impact on the gaming industry over decades is undeniable. The game captures the essence of what makes JRPGs enjoyable, displaying the power of storytelling with well-developed characters and intricately crafted worlds filled with lore. Final Fantasy's dedication to innovation is evident, and VII stands as a title that embodies that commitment.

"There ain't no getting off of this train we're on."