why are you guys playing Vegaful when yall can play a good video game instead

I really enjoyed the hour or so I got to play Chrono Trigger but I honestly really need to sit down and finish it one of these days. very glad Gamestop had a cheap copy somehow

one of my first games as a kid that wasn't a Pokemon game, this bad boy introduced me to the wonderful world of Super Mario. I didn't mind the screen crunch at the time, but I imagine I'd absolutely hate it if I came back to play it. but the game had a lot of cute additions to it, so

I remember being so excited to go home and play this game on my Game Boy Advance at my birthday party. I was turning maybe 10 or 11. I was a major horse girl at the time playing stuff like Howrse and Ponystars and I had just gotten a Game Boy Advance. needless to say I was hyped to take care of horses on the go

I booted up the game and then proceeded to lose my first horse to the Horse Authorities because the game outright wouldn't let me care for my horse at all. which is the point of buying the game. I even had to check as a late teen or young adult that the game was legitimately bugged and I wasn't just complete shit at it like I was when I thought games like Pokemon Emerald and Diamond were hard. nope, the game was bugged.

anyways fuck this game and the horse it rode on

I'm not playing this game until they add Gallade in as a playable character. if that never happens I will never play this game.

there's just something about this game that just doesn't.... feel right? I have no idea what about it makes me feel that way, but it didn't feel as good to play as the original Dream Land and has far more annoying level missions for the Rainbow Drops than its sequel. unless you really want to play with the original 3 Animal Friends or really want more kirby in your life, I'd just skip this

this game ended up causing me to rip the original 3DS joystick cap. so I guess you could say I had some fun with it

my rating is based on how hype it was to get Pac-man in the game. the hype before release was very easily the best part about this game

the actual game was serviceable enough but a very hard sell these days when it has nothing that sets itself apart compared to just about every other Smash game, including its 3DS sibling. if you can stand the screen crunch I'd just go for 3DS if I REALLY wanted to scratch that 3DS/Wii U itch or Ultimate if I wanted literally anything else

one of the shining stars of that era where everyone had Flash and played computer games at school, except now on iOS! one of these days I want to come back to this baby and rate the worlds for myself

I remember begging for this game back when I was in high school after finishing Super Scribblenauts. still as good as I remember tbh

story was an okay enough background for the game but people generally aren't playing these for plot

it really is a shame Nintendo Land was never the killer app Wii Sports was - it was a super nice little medley of various Nintendo franchises in a way that was relatively simple and easy to play. main thing that holds it back for me is the lack of online gameplay - I mostly spent time in the Pikmin one though because I didn't really have any friends that wanted to play in real life

Monita my beloved

one of maybe three titles I liked for the Nintendo 64.

it's not a particularly bombastic 3D entry like a lot of other N64 games but considering how often I would struggle with the cameras on N64 games I am more than happy with Kirby 64 being a 2.5D platformer with some funky camera stuff going on

the copy ability combo idea is a very cool way on expanding what Kirby's Dream Land 2 and 3 did regarding the Animal Friends and copy abilities, and while one can argue that moves nowadays have just as many interesting effects when it comes to button inputs, it doesn't really feel the same. idk

outside of some annoying missions (the Bomb + Stone copy ability combo immediately comes to mind when it comes to this) it's a genuine delight of a game and I recommend every Kirby fan play it at least once

a good way to get the most recent Scribblenauts games if you haven't already. Unlimited is really really good, Unmasked is a lot harder to like

I don't know what it was about this game. it's good, sure, but it just feels like it lacks a lot of what made Unlimited such a fun romp and feels more railroaded than its predecessors

still a decent game and a must-play for DC fans tho

I remember downloading this off of Yahooligans back in the day and becoming INCREDIBLY enchanted by what it had to offer at the time.

played it semi-recently and while there are lots of better arcade type games out there, there's something about it that I still quite love