I think between this game and Super Paper Mario, I realized that Mario games are immediately better when Peach is a playable character

ended up replaying this again and oh MAN using a controller really makes a difference when it comes to whether or not this game is good. I knew this game was good back when I originally played it on my Wii U but couldn't figure out why it wasn't clicking for me on PC until I brought in my Switch Pro controller

still believe that anyone who worked on the Himalayas level is going to hell and the final sequences in Mount Vesuvius suck. but that is a small price to pay for a remaster of one of the best NES games ever released

it's a glorified tech demo/minigame to get more Pokemon into your Black 2 and White 2 games. unfortunately Black 2 and White 2 are bad so I suggest you skip this unless you desperately need Gen 5 Multiscale Lugia in your life

I mostly just remember this "game" for the ridiculous amount of drama that surrounded it when it was added to the Japanese eShop and promptly disintegrated the 3DS eShop and servers for a week, causing it to be delisted for a while and delayed the app coming stateside for like a month

probably not as good as I remembered, but after being let down by Apollo Justice back in the day I was so happy to see Phoenix Wright back on the saddle again accompanied by autistic icon Athena Cykes. anyone who says this is the worst the series has to offer has not played the original Ace Attorney Investigations

Simon Blackquill please please be my husband please

I'm sure it's not that bad, but I remember being very disappointed with this game back in the day for being nowhere near as good as Trials and Tribulations with a bunch of characters I didn't care about. regardless, excited to replay again at some point and maybe see what other people like about this game

the music was pretty damn solid though, I'll give it that

I know that there are plenty of things to say and not say about ET and how utterly horrible of a game it is. but honestly I'd rather talk about the things surrounding the game, such as the urban legend turned true about how this game, among other infamous Atari 2600 games, were buried in a New Mexico landfill as they couldn't move units in stores. or how this game was rushed out in SIX WEEKS to hit store shelves. even the most rushed of modern games had more time put into them than six weeks

this game wasn't the prime reason for the video game crash of 1983 - it just makes for an incredibly easy and very visible scapegoat. I think this is a game every self-professed gamer should play at least once, even if it's absolutely horrible. it's important to get a little perspective into finding out why the video game ecosystem is the way it is, and especially why early Nintendo was the way it was. and, yknow, how capitalism ends up requiring the mass manufacturing of bad art in order to prop up entire industries for the sake of profit, no matter how much the customer hates it in the end, or something. it's 2:30 AM where I live

how I got introduced to Frogger back in the day. another very early Game Boy game I had - as a kid I thought it was pretty macabre too

even without the mods going "no gay or trans people however Nazi shit is okay", I was never really into this the way my friends were. I'd just rather play something else most days

haven't QUITE finished these yet, but I'm basically at the Pokemon League so I think I'm close enough to give a decent review on it

a Diamond and Pearl remake really only had to do two things: a) run better than the originals, which unlike what a lot of Pokemon fans will try to suggest, is probably the single most rushed Pokemon games to exist, and b) incorporate Platinum content which.... they do a lot of weird half measures. they don't have the Platinum Pokedex but they'll have them conveniently hang out in the Grand Underground. no fixed major trainer (Gym Leader, Elite 4, Cynthia) teams.... until you rematch them. I get that they're trying to stay true to the original Diamond and Pearl experience but.... eh???

I wasn't stoked with the art style when it was first revealed but since playing through it's admittedly grown on me a lot... until they try to do the cut-ins. why is the anti-aliasing so bad in this game

music is fine. it's in that weird spot where I'm finding myself either wanting to listen to the originals or figuring that they're just as good as the originals. it's not offensively bad in this area the way HGSS was at least

the following Pokemon in the HGSS format is really great though. usually I find myself either turning it off or wishing I could turn it off in HGSS but I think this game really hit the peak of what walking Pokemon can be. really really wish more games had this system for it

would love to see ILCA eventually tackle a Pokemon game when they're not constrained to making an incredibly loyal remake tbh. don't know if that's an unpopular opinion or not

I guess my only major problems with the game involve a) Pokemon fans that want to act like they didn't piss and moan about how bad ORAS supposedly was for the last 7 years when they go off about this game being the worst game ever and who will soon later learn that DPPT is just BDSP in many cases except with a much worse engine and b) actually serious question. I still don't understand the demographic for this game. for Let's Go, Sword and Shield, and Legends Arceus you can tell right off the bat what market they're trying to corner. I can't tell with these games. are they trying to corner fools that dropped Pokemon after Gen 5 because they thought ice cream and gear Pokemon were too stupid? are they trying to get kids who have never tried a Pokemon game before to play?? are they trying to get people who wanna just walk down memory lane to play??


copying my review from Brilliant Diamond since they're the same game

haven't QUITE finished these yet, but I'm basically at the Pokemon League so I think I'm close enough to give a decent review on it

a Diamond and Pearl remake really only had to do two things: a) run better than the originals, which unlike what a lot of Pokemon fans will try to suggest, is probably the single most rushed Pokemon games to exist, and b) incorporate Platinum content which.... they do a lot of weird half measures. they don't have the Platinum Pokedex but they'll have them conveniently hang out in the Grand Underground. no fixed major trainer (Gym Leader, Elite 4, Cynthia) teams.... until you rematch them. I get that they're trying to stay true to the original Diamond and Pearl experience but.... eh???

I wasn't stoked with the art style when it was first revealed but since playing through it's admittedly grown on me a lot... until they try to do the cut-ins. why is the anti-aliasing so bad in this game

music is fine. it's in that weird spot where I'm finding myself either wanting to listen to the originals or figuring that they're just as good as the originals. it's not offensively bad in this area the way HGSS was at least

the following Pokemon in the HGSS format is really great though. usually I find myself either turning it off or wishing I could turn it off in HGSS but I think this game really hit the peak of what walking Pokemon can be. really really wish more games had this system for it

would love to see ILCA eventually tackle a Pokemon game when they're not constrained to making an incredibly loyal remake tbh. don't know if that's an unpopular opinion or not

I guess my only major problems with the game involve a) Pokemon fans that want to act like they didn't piss and moan about how bad ORAS supposedly was for the last 7 years when they go off about this game being the worst game ever and who will soon later learn that DPPT is just BDSP in many cases except with a much worse engine and b) actually serious question. I still don't understand the demographic for this game. for Let's Go, Sword and Shield, and Legends Arceus you can tell right off the bat what market they're trying to corner. I can't tell with these games. are they trying to corner fools that dropped Pokemon after Gen 5 because they thought ice cream and gear Pokemon were too stupid? are they trying to get kids who have never tried a Pokemon game before to play?? are they trying to get people who wanna just walk down memory lane to play??


don't get me wrong. this app game wasn't good or interesting by any means. but I really do miss high school and early community college where I'd curl up to the couch and just play this for an hour while watching some true crime shows. life was simpler back then

you were taken from us too soon sweet prince

"but it's so well crafted!" well-crafted shit isn't reliant on shitty 4chan memes (or memes of any other social media, Pom Gets Wi-fi being reliant on Tumblr memes wasn't funny either). please play literally anything else with more than an ounce of creativity than "hey remember this meme from yesteryear wasn't it funny? wasn't it offensive and edgy?"

I really do regret not playing this game when it came out - between my final semester before graduating from university and the pressures of finding a job that used my bachelor's, I simply didn't have much time to contribute to playing Chicory. but now that I'm out of there, at my new job, and have enough time to myself in the afternoons and evenings... I started playing

this game is so goddamn good dude. gameplay is fun and relaxing. I always trusted that the guys behind Wandersong would make an excellent story, but man did they blow Wandersong out of the water with this game and its themes

my ONLY complaint with this game has to be with figuring out exactly how to hit the final boss. phase 2 in particular was incredibly annoying. but that's an incredibly small complaint compared to just how well crafted the rest of this game is. it's a very special game. play it now.