man. i'm not sure what changed but compared to the previous chapter/season i'm finding it a lot harder to do well at this game. i consistently lose faceoffs i should not be losing (when i see my opponent's remaining health/shields and their weapon/quality versus what i was using and had aimed directly at their face). the map is a lot more basic and boring than chapter 3's was (at least near its end, when i started playing). i like maybe 3 of the new guns. the giant hammer is fun, but it disrupts things so much that it changes the game perhaps a bit too radically. the worst, maybe, is that i'm also playing against console users who get aim assist, which i can only assume is the busted-ass deciding factor in most of my losses. it feels like an "anyone can win" game for babies, now, and i don't understand how streamers who play this and win consistently do it. i dunno. hopefully it recovers, because i don't think i'd have gotten so excited if this is where i had jumped in.

Reviewed on Jan 12, 2023


1 year ago

While the hammer is a lot of fun as a transport tool, it's outright unfun to fight against - it feels like a poor replacement for the chrome ability from the last season imo. Feels like a Smash Bros item! Rest assured the beginning of a given chapter is traditionally a brand new map at its most bare. Every oncoming season will compound new locales and mechanics to turn it into something resembling the playground-esque island Chapter 3 ended on. Apologies if that's obvious though lol.

1 year ago

i wouldn't say it was entirely obvious, though yeah i have noticed (during both of these chapters) that things on the map will periodically change with updates. that's cool! hopefully this chapter has some good stuff in store. my main grief right now, i think, is the issues arriving from auto aim (for console players) and weapon accuracy. i've seen a lot of arguments that controller players are at a disadvantage compared to kb+m, but i honestly think it's the other way around lol. if controller players had NO aim assist, then maybe this would stand to reason, but aim assist is HUGE. it's a shitty situation and they really ought to just give players the option to choose to only be matched against one or the other...

1 year ago

It's a season of extreme highs and lows for sure. When Deku Smash and Hammer drop rates were at their peak there was essentially no needs to carry a gun and I kinda loved/hated that depending on what I'd been able to scrounge up in that match. I think this game thrives best when you treat the competitive elements as incidental to the sandbox you're questing in with your buds - Team Rumble seems to be the place to go if you wanna have a smoother PvP experience. YMMV though because I do basically treat this game as a storefront for jokes that I can piece together from different emotes and skins.

Epic have always said they wanted each season to have its own unique feel, and this one definitely feels the most unlike anything else they've done since I started playing regularly - I mostly appreciate that and respect them for having the guts to put extreme shit like the Hammer in, even if it does drastically shift the game away from its origin point. Would kinda love a week where the webslingers, chrome and nimbus cloud were unvaulted alongside the hammer just to see what insane mobility tricks people could manage because I honest-to-god think Fortnite might have some of the best traversal of any game ever.

Gotta say, I love augments too - being able to "build" a character that suits whatever particularly nasty strategy you have in mind is such a pleasure. Getting into a big rig while using Tricked Out + Supercharged and being able to ride around in an invincible Mr. Plow for twenty minutes just gathering up an entire flattened POI's worth of loot is an elite-tier gamefeel.

1 year ago

Also big respect to Epic for giving all their devs three weeks Christmas vacation and just allowing Fortnite to descend into an anarchy of bugs and exploits over the holidays. More massive live-service game experiences should have a Purge Month.
hope you stick around, not cool what they did to you

also completely agree with this one in regards to the season. used to win a good chunk of games and now it is waaaay harder. keep your head up

1 year ago

Don't know what's goin on exactly since I'm not in that discord, but that review was good and deleting it is crazy. Hope you stick around, but couldn't blame you if you felt like bouncing after that.

1 year ago

yeah, so far what i've been told is that i was being rude (funny thing: others were being rude to me). and yeah, going after my reviews/posts for being "meta" while reviews calling people masochists and shit are left untouched... bizarre. i wanna stick around for the cool people i follow here and because i like the site a lot, its moderation aside. we'll see how it shakes out from here. the support is appreciated. <3

1 year ago

"your review is meta" = "you can't talk about anything anyone else has said, ever"

so fuckin dumb, honestly
yeah they got me with the meta one the other week when I said the hogwarts rating graph looked like a game of pong lmao

hopefully they can fix the sites problems & also relax a bit, there are a bunch of other competitors
I dunno why they got both you and appreciations for again, making very light jabs about a predicament no one was gonna get bothered by, when as CURSE pointed out before, some people on here are far more hostile and vitriolic in regards to other people's opinions when they're making a review. Genuinely some nutty shit.

Hopefully this all cools down and you're at least allowed on the Discord again, I'm not really in it for personal reasons but a mod pushing you out was fucked up.

1 year ago

that's goofy as shit, appreciations.

right now i'm talking with a mod who is doing everything in their power not to comprehend my point of view. literally started to feel gaslit at one point. absolutely fucking wild.

1 year ago

I was wondering why Appreciation's review for Hogwarts disappeared, I assumed they deleted it.
yeah as someone who was actually called out by name along with a few other people in a review and it didn't get removed by a mod after being reported to my knowledge, it is puzzling to say the least as to why they took that action against you when they've had no issue in the past and you didn't even call them out by name, stated your own opinion


yeah the report message was "has nothing to do with the game". on hogwarts legacy. lol

1 year ago

so, a few things i have learned: the site mods and the discord mods are not the same people. the site mods are apparently anonymous, while the discord mods are not. my mistake was going into the discord to vent/complain about my review's removal, whereupon (i'm being told) a bunch of people thought i was just being rude and responded in kind - making me feel like i was being antagonized and treated dismissively for expressing my grievances.

at least one of the discord mods took the time to talk with me about it, though we hardly saw eye-to-eye. meanwhile, the site mods are a bunch of anonymous weirdos operating based on their own whims, i guess? i'd really like a word with the site's owner/admin to see how they feel about this style of moderation. it's fuckin horrible. they should all be dumped and replaced. or at least the goofballs obsessed with this "meta" shit. elden ring haters and harry potter lovers, perhaps? lol

1 year ago

apprecations i missed your pongwarts legacy review, but yeah: that is straight clown shit. it's 100% relevant to the game, especially on this site. unless the mods intend to say that the site's ratings graphs are meaningless...? seriously, how dumb can they be? god damn, it's mindblowing lol

1 year ago

I think the meta thing started with people using reviews to target and be transphobic towards someone on the site who had criticized Asmongold outside the site itself. I know the rule has also been used to remove Hogwarts Legacy positive reviews that were targeting some nb friends of mine on the site who criticized the game for being transphobic

1 year ago

i've very much agreed that the site mod team has been a shit show for a while now, and the complete anonymity is sort of ridiculous. basically means they can just do whatever they want without question.

and as far the admin goes, for the site and server, mr.prog really doesn't care about making this a community. he treats it as a small, tiny project that can just be ignored, that the only issues that matter are technical ones. he is unwilling to treat this site as a community, just a project for him to work on.
@zn0: yeah it is disappointing. very very very disappointing. hell there were straight up rancid reviews left up on that page for a while, until people started reporting them but it is what it is

1 year ago

i mean, maybe it's just me, but shouldn't transphobic reviews and comments simply be removed for being transphobic... rather than for being "meta"?

1 year ago

@squiggly, that's pretty disheartening. kinda makes me feel like some of us ought to start our own separate community on discord... or, like, irc (!) or something. i mean, who's to say when this site is no longer an option for any of us due to how it's managed?

1 year ago

I know, technically speaking, there isn't a report thing just for hateful content, like transphobia or racism and the like. thus, i guess meta is the closest middle ground. with that said, the mod team really just doesn't seem to care in any serious way. its all about whatever gets Too Much Attention
you’d think

1 year ago

@zn0 real talk, i've made my tiny little server of people from the discord i like, but i keep it pretty under wraps and, well, exclusive, specifically cause the crowd the larger bl server seems to bring just... blows lol

1 year ago

Because they weren’t outwardly being transphobic I think. It was more of a pattern of people being, y’know, pretty suspicious in terms of who they chose to target.
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1 year ago

seems like there ain't even any lines to read between there, to me
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1 year ago

def agree that mod accountability is a must especially if the admin is so hands-off

1 year ago

I think I’m just messing up my words here. I was referring to the original situation that lead to the meta rule in terms of outwardly, not the Legacy game reviews.
I think it’s also an issue with the site mods being “reactive” as opposed to proactive. They don’t do anything if there isn’t like 5+ reports for a review or something
So you’re saying if something is removed, you’re alleging that there’s 5+ reports on it?