2 reviews liked by zonesville

Demon Turf is a hodgepodge of great ideas and self-sabotage. The game's strong moveset and early linear levels are great, but momentum dissipates as the game leans into half-baked overly long levels and terrible combat. Top that off with an unnecessarily lengthy path to the final boss, and I can't see myself finishing this one.

The moveset is unique and fun to handle thanks to a plethora of jumps, transformations, and a deliberate pace that provides full control of Beebz, the player character. Unfortunately, the moveset best accommodates moments of linear platforming in which you try to use your many movement options to skillfully and quickly navigate a perilous, narrow path while setting your own checkpoints (another of Demon Turf's quirks -- you set your own checkpoints). It's less fun to aimlessly wander through open levels and slap around enemies in a repetitive, slippery combat system that adds nothing to the game but time. For unknown reasons, Demon Turf quickly loses interest in linear platforming, and I can't stomach any more long, open levels.

Here is the math that made me drop the game: you get a battery each time you finish a level. There are 28 levels and 28 "remixes" that, well, remix the main game's levels, but not enough to feel fresh or different. You need 50 batteries for the pleasure of facing the final boss. You nearly need to play the game twice to beat it, but I've realized I don't even want to play it once. I really wanted to like this one.

(I will, however, check out Neon Splash, which seems to provide a quick set of linear levels that should be a much better use of Beebz' moveset).

To sum it up, there's not a single piece of media (and I mean that) so consistent with it's inner physics of time travel and at the same time using them for actual plot and character development. This VN has it all: one of the best, if not the best, protagonist ever written in japanese media, a wonderful support cast, fantastic soundtrack, excellent pacing and some of the best plot twists I've ever seen. This is my ultimate favorite thing ever when it comes to entertainment and would give it 100 stars if I could.

2 lists liked by zonesville