5 reviews liked by zurak03

oh thats my weenie.

that my weenie becoming very big.

Have NOT played the dlc case (i will after writing) EDIT: i played the dlc case and it was the best case in the game by a long shot i actually enjoyed the one-off murder mystery with entertaining characters and a good mystery but its still filler for a bad game
Just barely above utter drivel. Every case is boring, original trilogy case 3 tier, easy, and bloated. I could go on about them all individually but my main complaints can be boiled down to 4 points:
1. Phoenix wright has no reason to be in this game. Him being the main character adds nothing, and subtracts from everything 4 tried to accomplish. This is not the same phoenix that purposely gave apollo faulty evidence in order to prove how the courts needed to change, possibly damning an innocent girl in the process. This is the phoenix wright from case 2-3, for an entire game, but now with trucy. He goes through nothing, and is only there to allow the (shitty, pointless) apollo melodrama to go through easier.
2. The dark age of the law is inherently stupid. It sounds corny in the opposite way that these games are supposed to. “Victory in the courts is now all that matters eeeek!” Yeah haha anyways remember 1-2s prosecutors being obsessed with results and having to confront the fact that this was a disgusting egotistical perversion of the legal system, and theyve been trying to damn innocent people?
3. The main twist is stupid and obvious. This would work as a case 1 twist, not something built up over the whole game
4. Widget is also pure nonsense in any context. Literally only the main villain points out that the robot “therapy” session only makes sense to the defense and blackquill, and they just get away with it because they didnt think of how to actually legitimize it to a third party. This is a series where they cross examine a parrot, and this is still so much of a shark jump that it completely breaks any immersion i could have had every time. (Very little because these cases are all boring and i guessed every aspect perfectly halfway through the day one investigation periods every time)

I heard 6 is good so I’m keeping my hopes up for that one, but damn this game is easily the worst one

The Answer means to bring closure to some of the remaining mysteries from the main story and piles up its gameplay through lots more dungeon crawling alongside its share of brutal bossfights.

Aigis is now your wild card persona user, but unlike in the journey there are no social links and also no compendium leaving fusing a lot more restrictive and more grindy.
In addition the enemy formations almost always have scattered weaknesses so that you have to utilise the ai commands and row orders excessively, this is a pretty good premise for more tactical usage of your party members, but there is one major catch. Bossfights also have the same formations of enemies with varied elemental weaknesses, however each and every fucking one has evasion skills set to them, which means you need to pray you have some luck hitting or you WILL more than likely die. Of course, as long as you grind...you will eventually be fine.

If you want to fight a bossfight at full capacity make sure you conserve for the earlier 8 floors or so. Yes there are no warp-points before the boss, however there is at least a savepoint.

Outside of some rather nice flashbacks, I didn't really like the story in the Answer and I honestly disregard its direction on its latter course with some of the character's motivations as well as simply completely shattering the impact of the Journey's ending.

But hey, at least the new music tracks were pretty good, and it was nice to hear more dialogues from the old va cast.

zero escape should just have ended with 999

i used to think this game was a tragedy but now i know it's a comedy