Reviews from

in the past

I had always tried getting into this game but I never managed to get very far, so when I started playing the Alan Wake games I decided to pick it up again since there is some connection through the DLC.
The graphics are gorgeous, and my jaw was constantly dropping at the incredible world blending in with the red theme. There are some weaker areas in the map which are not quite as interesting as others, yet the way you can interact with the environment and break it during combat was awesome.
The combat starts a bit slow, but once you start unlocking abilities it gets way more fun, albeit more challenging. Unfortunately, I did feel some of the enemies were simply damage sponges, which made some fights extend for more than they should have.
The story is pretty decent, but honestly what had me more interested were the little tidbits of information you would gather along the game, especially the video tapes where you would get a pretty good explanation on something.
As for the DLC, I loved both of them, maybe Foundation more than AWE though. There are several nods to Alan Wake throughout the whole game, but the AWE expansion is where this becomes even more apparent, as it features not only Alan Wake himself but some developments on the story from what I can assume is the events between AW1 and AW2.

Overall, very enjoyable game.

Alan Wake 1.5

Jokes aside, it's a very fun. Little confusing navigating at times but gameplay was incredibly solid.

La storia non l'ho capita, gameplay molto molto carino.

Another one of those games that took me years to get too...
I got it on launch and hated it the performance on ps4 so i dropped it. i tried again when ultimate came out and I have no idea why i dropped it. Really this games biggest flaw is the map and figuring out where to go. Its just not fun and really messed with the pacing for me. Levitate is so satisfying to use and the Ashtray maze was sick. Now I can play Alan Wake 2.

Great storyline and a new combat system, albeit a little confusing at times to navigate (Mainly due to the map design) and what to do but overall a great experience.

Sobre Control eu já tinha uma certeza: a que eu ia gostar muito! Adorei Quantum Break e sempre achei Alan Wake interessante mas como sou medroso, evito todo jogo de terror/suspense (Sim, pelo que a internet fala, eu deixo de jogar muita pedrada dos games mas não consigo mesmo kkk).
Sobre o jogo, a gameplay é ótima, os poderes tornam os combates deliciosos. Os gráficos são lindos, especialmente cenários em que usam e abusam dos efeitos de luz. A história é interessante do início ao fim porém um pouco confusa, quem ler os coletáveis pode ter um pouco mais de contexto mas são tantos que acaba deixando a jogatina chata com tanto texto a cada poucos minutos. Sobre os personagens, achei que faltou dar uma trabalhada a mais neles, nenhum interessante exceto a Jesse, nossa protagonista. O mapa do jogo também é algo que não gostei, principalmente no início, parece muito confuso.
Control é um excelente jogo, possui uma história interessante e um combate excelente, a campanha principal não é muito grande, o que ajuda pra quem procura uma experiência um pouco mais light do que muitos jogos de hoje em dia.

Control is a wild ride through a twisted world of mystery and power, delivering an experience that not only captivates but also feels like a love letter to Remedy Entertainment's past works. Coming right out of Quantum Break, I was thrilled to hear echoes of Beth Wilder in Jesse, a clever nod by Remedy to their own universe despite not having the rights to the IP.

From the get-go, the game's visuals, enhanced by ray tracing, are nothing short of breathtaking. This was my first experience with a game truly built to utilize ray tracing and I could not have asked for a better way to test out my new hardware. Every detail, from the vintage designs to the font choices, adds to the immersive experience. And speaking of immersion, the integration of game mechanics into the narrative is genius. It's like the game acknowledges its own existence, making the experience seamless and organic.

Let's talk about those powers! Telekinesis felt so satisfying, especially as you unlock and upgrade skills throughout the game. It's a testament to Remedy's expertise in combat mechanics, building upon what worked in Quantum Break and refining it to near perfection. I absolutely have to mention the Ashtray Maze, it’s up there with some of my favorite moments in gaming and had me smiling at my screen.

Exploration is rewarded generously, with no fear of missing out on anything which is huge for me in games. Lore, world-building, and environmental storytelling are everywhere, enriching the experience and making every corner worth exploring.

The nods to Remedy's universe? They're everywhere, from subtle Easter eggs like a reference to a book I’ve read authored by a character in the Alan Wake games to major plot points with the AWE DLC. It's like a treasure hunt for fans, deepening the connection to the world of the game.

The DLCs, Foundation and AWE, further expand the story and gameplay, introducing new abilities and tying in elements from Alan Wake seamlessly. The Foundation was a great way to expand on the base game’s story and I enjoyed the inclusion of Marshall as a key character. The horror elements in AWE are particularly fun, and the inclusion of familiar themes and gameplay mechanics from Alan Wake was done well. I can only imagine how the ending must have felt prior to the announcement and release of Alan Wake 2.

Overall, Control is a masterpiece that continues to showcase Remedy's talent for storytelling, gameplay, and world-building. With its thrilling combat, immersive world, and nods to its own universe, it's a must-play for fans and newcomers alike.