Reviews from

in the past

The first 5-10 hours worth of missions are basically tutorials. The plot is a mess. Anything has to do with flying a plane made me wanna commit seppuku. The weapons and the shooting feels so wonky and imprecise. Its chaotic, at times super frustrating and one of the most fun sandbox games ever crafted. Legit testament to the "do whatever the fuck you can" spirit it was founded upon.

JOGAÇO! Moldou minha adolescência(joguei tarde por questões financeiras), mas é definitivamente bom em tudo que se propõe. Fugir da policia igual maluco é legal, mas a história desse game é bem divertida, surreal pra epóca, isso é gta San Andreas.

I am glad I beat this game but I won't play through it completely again. Pretty much the same take I have with most Rockstar games. The map is probably the best one Rockstar has made for the GTA series so far.


Holy man, what a great game, finished it today 1st time and it really shows that rockstar were definitely hitting the mark on this one, many consider this the definitive 3d gta for a reason.

they run out of ideas for missions in the last third of the game plus the obligatory microsoft flight simulator school was complete garbage. other than that this game is great

Woman: You asshole! What were you doing with my sister in that hot tub?!?!
Announcer: A diamond lasts forever. But your relationship might not. A diamond is love. Rock hard. And frozen in time. Luckily, most women are shallow, and materialistic.
Woman: A diamond? So you -do- love me!
Announcer: Nothing says I love you like a lump of carbon, mined by wage-slaves in Angola.
Woman: I don’t even know what I was mad at you about. Do you want a blow job?

هەناومی پڕ کرد لە نۆستالۆژیا

Meu GTA mais jogado na vida, gastava horas explorando o mapa, tentando zerar ou de fato zerando esse jogo, jgouei no PS2 e no PC, em casa e na lan house, o vice city já era um jogo espetacular e o san andreas conseguiu melhorar em muito com uma camera menos turva que o 3 e o vice e com uma seleção de automoveis incriveis e aviões.

A historia do CJ tambem é uma das mais legais da franquia com coadjuvantes e principalmente vilões muito carismaticos.

Gereksiz uzatma bir oyundu 54 saatim var toplasam sadece 20 saatinden zevk almışımdır tekrardan oynarsam fikrim değişebilir belki sırf hatırı var diye bu puanı veriyorum

adorava jogar o multiplayer com meu primo, nunca zerei mas sempre fui a puta de bota com o cano fino e matei mais policiais que consigo lembrar