Reviews from

in the past

Back in early 1990s Disney were still known, primarily, as a purveyor of animated movies but they also released a lot of surprisingly good videogames too. The Mega Drive was graced with solid games based on The Lion King and Aladdin but also had a line-up of games starring Disney's flagship characters: Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. This was great for childhood me because I've always had a soft spot for those classic Mickey and Donald shorts.

Castle of Illusion, Mickey's first Mega Drive adventure, is a quaint, innocuous little platformer. It controls well, has a comfy visual style and a lovely little soundtrack. It's a game that sees Mickey exploring a variety of imaginative realms and dispatching enemies with projectiles or a good ol' fashioned ground pound attack. It's basic but it's a lot of fun and certainly superior to many of early SEGA's own pre-Sonic the Hedgehog Mega Drive titles.

Castle of Illusion is a pleasant reminder of a time when Disney games weren't just good, they were actually among the best games available on a given system. This game is obviously designed for a younger audience because it's not particularly challenging but in Kirby-esque fashion it's such a well designed little game that it's easy to enjoy no matter your skill level because it's so darn charming.