Reviews from

in the past

it understands what you want from the game and offers it to you immediately.

Some of the most fun gameplay ever with some of the worst dialogue ever.

i love the gameplay but i hate the story !

Agh, conflicted.

I was super duper enjoying going for Ace rank in each level and then unlocking little bits of story with all the characters in between for a good two thirds of this thing.. but at a certain point it felt like it was just going on and on with no real change in gameplay aside from a couple new abilities. The levels also started getting super long (like, 2 minutes, which compared to most other levels being a tight 20-40 seconds is a lot to replay every time you fuck up) and it also didn't help that the story didn't really go anywhere interesting or even all that entertaining in the end. Gotta get the thing before world end! Oh no now other thing before world end! Saved world! Honk shoo snrrrrk mimimi.

But I think all the artwork is lovely, the voice acting is campy and great, Machine Girl's OST is so fucking good jesus CHRIST. And that first two thirds I was having an absolute blast ... so overall I think I enjoyed it? Just wish it was a few chapters shorter and that the later levels weren't so tedious to replay. I honestly stopped going for Ace medals at a certain point because the novelty of going for all of them wore off and then, well, there's basically no point?