Reviews from

in the past

Its only flaw is that its visual novel storytelling is ultra-cringe. Gameplay is absolutely perfect, though. God I loved this game

Time trials and other score-based systems aren't anything new in video games, though never have I ever played a game as enticing to perfect as Neon White. 15 hours in, and I'm barely halfway through. I'm too stubborn to finish a level until I've beaten all my friends.

Presentation-wise, there's nothing quite as appealing to me as this. Beautiful visuals, character design to die for, and a score done by my favorite band of all time. Couldn't ask for anything better or more fitting.

What keeps this game from being a full 5 stars is a lacking sense of scale. The game's pretty damn long, as mentioned, but it also feels a bit bare bones in other areas. A main cast of 5 characters is tiny, one or two more named Neons with their own designs would go a long way. Another symptom of (I'm assuming) a lack of resources, is that it does a lot of explaining locations in the world rather than showing them, making it feel smaller than heaven probably should.

Still, this game skyrocketed into becoming one of my all-time favorites as soon as I played it, and has left its mark on me in an interesting way by pushing me to change my IRL name. That's something no other game can take credit for, meaning this is the best game ever made by default. Go play it.

this is a perfect video game, been playing since launch and can't stop. also the game that started my speedrunning hobby

The gameplay is simple, the levels have a serious mid game slump, and if you really want to shit your pants I think the writing and story are both actually pretty funny.

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a FPS! I could not stop playing until I had aces in all levels. It scratches that competitive itch perfectly for me. The super fast restart makes it super easy to keep getting runs in.

Ignore the dialogue and you'll find likely the most mechanically satisfying game I've played in a long while.

Stylish and painfully addicting. A bit cringe sometimes in the story department but man the level design really makes you feel like you're cracked, even if you're just finishing levels as intended.

ben esposito knew he was cooking when he decided to insert tattletail in this

two Whole stars get deducted here purely for the dialogue making me want to melt my head in the Metal Gear Microwave

Really like the gameplay and love the machine girl soundtrack. Not so sure about the boring ass secrets or the gift giving system tho.

Incredibly fun game that encourages speedrunning, the level design for the most part is superb with a lot of options to finish the levels as fast as possible, the story is alright I wouldn't recommend play it for the story only but its there and it is pretty funny ocasionally

Absolutely amazing game. From the gameplay to the incredible soundtrack and the absolutely overhated story and dialogue, it is one of a kind and an absolute favorite of mine. Makes getting into speedrunning extremely easy and instantly rewards you for it. Easy mechanics and short levels that make it easy to pick up, yet hard to master.

This game is almost perfect in everything, this might be one of the best FPS that i´ve played, the story is good and funny, the soundrack made by fucking MACHINE GIRL (god i love machine girl) is amazing, all the mechanics and levels are really well done, but even so, i think there was something missing that i dont know what, but this game could have 5 stars easily.

The perfect videogame.

I can't think of a single flaw with this game, maybe just a nitpick regarding the lack of voice acting for optional dialogue, but I'm not illiterate and all of the main story is fully voice-acted. Also, before someone comes in here and says the dialogue is bad, pull your head out of your ass it's not that serious.

You're gonna tell me that a game with some of the hardest lines in fiction such as "You're the Sasuke to my Naruto" and take this seriously as straight dog-ass writing. You're really going to tell me straight to my face that this masterclass in (purposefully) cringe 2000's writing that makes Citizen Kane, the hack fraud, roll in his grave, BAD!? Listen up bucko, you clearly aren't as highbrow and intellectually adept as I am. I'm able to appreciate the subtlety and nuances of lines such as "'s like how you can never be a true gamer if you only ever play on easy mode". Sit back down, so called "gamers".

Neon White is a videogame-ass videogame. I feel nothing but raw joy playing this game. It is so fun to blast through these levels and further refine your times. You don't even have to be good at games to feel like a total badass. Your lifeless corpse could be having death spasms on the keyboard and still pop off. That's not to say that the game is braindead and lacking depth, quite the contrary. You just don't need to be some sort of Gamer God Supreme to get something out of the gameplay on display. The skill floor is low enough that almost anyone can have a good time, and the skill ceiling is so high that it's a blast to keep running levels over and over again.

Back to the lifeless corpse, Neon White can cure death. If adrenaline made sound, it would be the soundtrack to Neon White. This shit slaps, FULL STOP. Start blasting this in the cemetery and see the dead rise and bust it down to the bops gracing their rotten ear holes. Just straight up one of the best soundtracks in a game, *mwah chef's kiss. And the vibes are impeccable, this game oozes in the sixth gen charm. As I said, videogame-ass videogame.

Just play this masterpiece, it is just so damn fun