Reviews from

in the past

Might be the most fun i had while playing a game. This shit was addictive

story was alright, gameplay was alright, didnt think it was too special. Good game overall.

Neon White is a really fun game about speed running. When you complete maps in less than 10 seconds, yet your 3 seconds behind a gold medal, it makes me want to push for perfection and optimization. Sonic but good.

The gameplay is simple, the levels have a serious mid game slump, and if you really want to shit your pants I think the writing and story are both actually pretty funny.

I can't remember the last time I had so much fun playing a FPS! I could not stop playing until I had aces in all levels. It scratches that competitive itch perfectly for me. The super fast restart makes it super easy to keep getting runs in.

Ignore the dialogue and you'll find likely the most mechanically satisfying game I've played in a long while.

Time trials and other score-based systems aren't anything new in video games, though never have I ever played a game as enticing to perfect as Neon White. 15 hours in, and I'm barely halfway through. I'm too stubborn to finish a level until I've beaten all my friends.

Presentation-wise, there's nothing quite as appealing to me as this. Beautiful visuals, character design to die for, and a score done by my favorite band of all time. Couldn't ask for anything better or more fitting.

What keeps this game from being a full 5 stars is a lacking sense of scale. The game's pretty damn long, as mentioned, but it also feels a bit bare bones in other areas. A main cast of 5 characters is tiny, one or two more named Neons with their own designs would go a long way. Another symptom of (I'm assuming) a lack of resources, is that it does a lot of explaining locations in the world rather than showing them, making it feel smaller than heaven probably should.

Still, this game skyrocketed into becoming one of my all-time favorites as soon as I played it, and has left its mark on me in an interesting way by pushing me to change my IRL name. That's something no other game can take credit for, meaning this is the best game ever made by default. Go play it.

God I can only imagine what it was like trying to build this thing from the ground up. The story is only ok, only just, but at least it's ignorable. The gameplay fuckin' rocks though, I really like Neon White

Neon white is a game that is really damn good and fun through gameplay, with story being pretty good, I like how the game uses the guns, as cards that can be used for clearing enemies, bounce mechanic and the discard ability, this along with Hi-fi rush are the few games that made me more immersed into this world, with the jumping and the enemies shooting at you, it made me feel excited to try a new map.

The story is pretty solid, its nothing much than a light and dark story, though that is not a knock against the story as there are twist and surprises that kept me engaged throughout the story.

The characters were pretty good, I liked them, they were either funny, tragic or interesting with some making root for them whether what they wanted, I especially liked White as a protagonist(Thank you, Steve Blum.)

While I would call this game a masterpiece, there are a few issues I had this that slightly annoyed me, First I felt like some of the characters did not really have screen time, though it is minor it still rubbed me the wrong way. The second problem is that the last levels can feel cheap in terms of finding every and it was painful to do, at some points it felt like pulling teeth, though the last issue is that there are some bits that annoyed me a bit in the story like they do the Beach episode or the anti-climatic way the villain is handled, these bits kind of made me disappointed or just sad.

Overall, the game is really good, even if it has those issues, I can highly recommend it as an excellent game.

Se você gosta de desafio e competitividade, esse jogo é pra você. Neon White é único.

+Excellent music and presentation
+Excellent game design. Each level is like a puzzle to complete with little mechanical skills required.
+Very addicting. The levels are short with an emphasis on replayability to get the best scores possible. I never got bored once.

-Characters are unlikeable, story is fine. The only blemish on an otherwise perfect game.

Super jeu indé vraiment je suis choqué que y a pas plus de personnes connaissent

Not sure what activated my ADHD more, seeing my time go slowly up the leaderboard or trying to get frame perfect inputs between card uses

awesome machine girl album with a cool free game

Would I like this as much if Machine Girl didn’t score it? Probably not.

i love the gameplay but i hate the story !

Surprisingly addictive with a very well written plot.

One of humanity's greatest missed opportunities; if this game had a good story, it'd be one of the best games ever made. Or a decent story. Hell, any story that I could play around my family, without having my index finger hovering over the Escape key.

If we ignore that and the (to be fair, non-mandatory) heavenly delights, then the razor-tight, speed run friendly gameplay, the unambiguous, slick visuals, and the energetic soundtrack all coalesce to make this game one for the ages.

Really like the gameplay and love the machine girl soundtrack. Not so sure about the boring ass secrets or the gift giving system tho.

Incredibly fun game that encourages speedrunning, the level design for the most part is superb with a lot of options to finish the levels as fast as possible, the story is alright I wouldn't recommend play it for the story only but its there and it is pretty funny ocasionally

ben esposito knew he was cooking when he decided to insert tattletail in this

two Whole stars get deducted here purely for the dialogue making me want to melt my head in the Metal Gear Microwave

game so thoughtfully made even the dialogue is speed-runable!

despite the character writing being subpar, everything else about this game is superb. sublime soundtrack. fantastic game design.

also shoutout ben esposito for being the first person ever to put good representation of the jewish religion in a video game.

visual novel shit sucked hardcore everything else was sick

skip all the dialogue and its peak

it's crazy, they made one of the most fun games i've ever played and then slapped a horrifically cringeworthy visual novel onto it

I have so many hours in this and they all were enjoyable, the cheesy "how to draw anime" art and silly start to the story end up being endearing.

Sure the dialogue is a little cringey and cheesy at times, but idc. I laughed a few times and enjoyed the characters mostly. I was somewhat invested in the story. Plus I liked the voice cast. Steve Blum is great as always, plus ProZD being here is a plus as well. The game felt very anime. There was even a beach section so you know it's legit. Haha.

But the GAMEPLAY! This game is extremely fun. Speedrunning through levels is the most satisfying thing and the movement feels great. The card mechanic is so cool and the levels themselves are fun to traverse. I had a damn good time with this game and basically loved every second of it.

As much as I would like to platinum it on playstation, ain't no way in hell that's happening. Beat the ENTIRE GAME twice without dying? Yeah ain't no way. But I still loved playing the game and it was worth the $25.

it understands what you want from the game and offers it to you immediately.

Some of the most fun gameplay ever with some of the worst dialogue ever.