Reviews from

in the past

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The campaign for this game had it's ups and downs for me. I loved certain missions like the missions held in the heart of London, I liked the re-imagined characters from the old Call of Duty titles too, a lot more than I like their old versions. However some of the missions felt more entrapping than fun and playable which is both a good thing and a bad thing. In the mission(s) where you played as a young Farah, they invoked a lot of fear and worry which I never thought a game could even do and added to the experience but it also felt unpleasing to play as a video game.

In terms of multiplayer, I absolutely adored it. Maps like Cheshire Park, Piccadilly, Superstore and more were amazingly fun to play on and the guns and gunplay were super fluid and fun too. I loved the introduction of finishing moves/executions which i still love in later COD titles to this day. Overall a really good game, only place I'd say it falls is in some of the campaign missions and the extensive and unappealing camo grind in multiplayer

Поставил бы 7/10 сюжетной кампании.
Обновленный движок колды пошёл ей на пользу. Помимо графики некстгенного уровня, нам дали расчленёнку, новый вид перезарядки (во время прицела) и другие приятные вещи. Однако сюжетно перезапуск и рядом не стоял с оригинальной трилогией. Тут у нас вместо обещанной серости какая-то жалкая повестка и засахаренная клюква с максимально однобокими диалогами, лишенных хоть какой-то души. Сиквел 2022-го и Cold War, которые уже успел пройти, будут получше данной части, так что советую сюжетку Modern Warfare 2019-го только любителям

Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019), what a greeat way to reboot the franchise. I only got around to playing this now, after getting the game on sale. I've always been a fan of the cod campaigns more specifically the treyarch Black ops games. I'm sad that this campaign is so good because i've only heard about the downfall in later installments. This gameplay missions were varried with stealth, open, and high intense moments that led to me getting a little boner. I played on the hardened dificulty and damn I can not imagine playing higher than that, this felt like the perfect balance of challenge. I was able to immerse myself in the combat scenerios, checking my corners and taking combat slow. The characters were written well, leading me to care about the outcome of the story. The voice acting and direction of the cutscenes being a highlight in that area. With that being said I recommend a play of this campaign as I enjoyed my time. 6.4 hrs

This is the best COD ever. It may be controversial, but idc. The movement was great, the gunplay was amazing, the campaign wasn't the best but was still very good.