Reviews from

in the past

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The campaign for this game had it's ups and downs for me. I loved certain missions like the missions held in the heart of London, I liked the re-imagined characters from the old Call of Duty titles too, a lot more than I like their old versions. However some of the missions felt more entrapping than fun and playable which is both a good thing and a bad thing. In the mission(s) where you played as a young Farah, they invoked a lot of fear and worry which I never thought a game could even do and added to the experience but it also felt unpleasing to play as a video game.

In terms of multiplayer, I absolutely adored it. Maps like Cheshire Park, Piccadilly, Superstore and more were amazingly fun to play on and the guns and gunplay were super fluid and fun too. I loved the introduction of finishing moves/executions which i still love in later COD titles to this day. Overall a really good game, only place I'd say it falls is in some of the campaign missions and the extensive and unappealing camo grind in multiplayer

Поставил бы 7/10 сюжетной кампании.
Обновленный движок колды пошёл ей на пользу. Помимо графики некстгенного уровня, нам дали расчленёнку, новый вид перезарядки (во время прицела) и другие приятные вещи. Однако сюжетно перезапуск и рядом не стоял с оригинальной трилогией. Тут у нас вместо обещанной серости какая-то жалкая повестка и засахаренная клюква с максимально однобокими диалогами, лишенных хоть какой-то души. Сиквел 2022-го и Cold War, которые уже успел пройти, будут получше данной части, так что советую сюжетку Modern Warfare 2019-го только любителям

this was and will be the best cod

Top 5 cods, campanha fantástica e gameplay melhor ainda.

quisiera ser la mitad de hombre que el capitan price

Só boto essa nota pq eu amo a campanha desse jogo. Ela conseguiu me fazer repensar um pouco sobre guerra em geral e é um passo para falar sobre como nem sempre as escolhas de quem vive e morre estão em nossas mãos. Dito isso, campanha ótima, com um multiplayer controverso (e que não sou muito fã) e um Spec Ops triste. Poderia ter sido melhor no multiplayer se a IW ouvisse o público.

The beginning of the end, im glad we went out with a bang

This review contains spoilers

liked zombie mode spoiler text

Such a good reboot. What halo should've done.

God these maps were god awful. Could not stand them.

im biased im going through a call of duty hyperfixation

"This game is so well written, a true return to form!" a passerby says, as I watch cartoonishly evil Russian #376 kill another civilian.

"FPS games at their finest" says a lobotomy patient as I play through a scene where you go through with kidnapping a wife and child and threatening to shoot them, and shooting right next to them, which is okay because they're the wife and child of a SUPER-TERRORIST!

"A truly deep story" says an actor from the "Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2" commercial as I watch the game blame a real world incident where Americans were shooting civilians on the Russians.

"Makes you love the franchise all over again" says the voices in my head, as I play through the scene where you play as a little girl doing Dead By Daylight loops around a gigantic cartoonishly evil Russian man who just killed your father and is now coming to kill you.

"oh sick is this the one where it was like the old ones the multiplayer is awesome" says that one guy you played MW2 with back in 2009 who always camped in every room and spammed OMA Noob-tubes, as I finally beat the waterboarding mini-game and am given my reward.

This game is fucking soulless, the old Modern Warfare games had a bit of a unique charm that you'd only get out of old IW, and the newer CoD games at least tried to have something unique going on, but good job guys, you proved that you'll eat this grey awful mush as long as it reminds you of what you had like 15 years ago.

Also the multiplayer is doo-doo buttcheeks, even Vanguard is better because it had the decency to at least give you Ninja as a perk.

The most recent CoD entry I’ve touched since I ditched the series. The game is ok, but it’s really stale in the shooting department and the rewards for playing the game are pretty bad too. Playing on Shipment was also like D-Day with the amount of camping losers the lobby had. The game also set a precedent for yearly remakes of CoD games which absolutely tanked their reputation. Warzone and it’s creation as a whole is also dogshit

Seriously, when Kratos tells you that his 8 hour dlc has more story than a TRIPLE A COD GAME at the game awards and proves you right, you fucked up as a franchise

Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019), what a greeat way to reboot the franchise. I only got around to playing this now, after getting the game on sale. I've always been a fan of the cod campaigns more specifically the treyarch Black ops games. I'm sad that this campaign is so good because i've only heard about the downfall in later installments. This gameplay missions were varried with stealth, open, and high intense moments that led to me getting a little boner. I played on the hardened dificulty and damn I can not imagine playing higher than that, this felt like the perfect balance of challenge. I was able to immerse myself in the combat scenerios, checking my corners and taking combat slow. The characters were written well, leading me to care about the outcome of the story. The voice acting and direction of the cutscenes being a highlight in that area. With that being said I recommend a play of this campaign as I enjoyed my time. 6.4 hrs

This is the best COD ever. It may be controversial, but idc. The movement was great, the gunplay was amazing, the campaign wasn't the best but was still very good.

A really high quality return to form for Call of Duty.

"When you take the gloves off, you get blood on your hands..."
"You draw the line wherever you need it..."
"End of the day someone has to make the enemy scared of the dark..."
"We get dirty, and the world stays clean, that's the mission."

>The game not allowing me to shoot The Butcher's family.

Garbage, Cod permanently killed themself after this game.

Campaign was solid overall. While this is a new take in a pre-existing franchise, it still felt like a new story with characters like Alex, Farah, and Laswell while giving new coats of paint to Captain price, Nikolai, and Gaz. Missions also felt grounded and gritty but still engaging, aside from the embassy's escort section. Barkov and the butcher are villains. That's about all I have to say for them

Multiplayer has me conflicted. There are many things I like, such as the new gunsmith system along with the sound and feel of weapons. However, the game is clearly catered to a slower pace style, with the removal of dead silence as a perk along with the power of claymores and mines, its hard for me to love this game or want to spend any longer than an hour with it. What doesn't help it is the emphasis of skill in the matchmaking system, which has only gotten worse throughout the years
Spec Ops is a joke and just a way for Activision to say the game comes with three modes so players didn't feel cheated out of their money. I feel cheated out of my time for even trying to like this mode. I genuinely have next to nothing positive to say.

Many people seem to say this game saved CoD, but I'd say Warzone did that more than MW19

What moron thought that that a level where you control security cameras and tell civilians to sneak around would be fun? I just want to shoot terrorists!

what a reboot! The returning characters, the new characters, the story, the missions, the multiplayer just everything about this, this brought my love of call of duty back

campanha muito curta, mas extremamente gostosa de jogar

Campaign is pretty cool but I never got into the multiplayer in this one.

This is the kind of videogame that videogame NPCs play when you walk past them while you're playing an actual videogame.