Reviews from

in the past

Played about 20 hours. Incredibly engaging combat that does a lot with a little. The entire atmosphere of the game is also really effective. I just wish that the same amount of effort went into the moment-to-moment dungeon crawling. The encounter rate is just too much, and while the actual level design isn't too bad, the visual design and length of the dungeons make it feel both exausting and tedious to get through. Because of the need to smartly use SP, there's just too much fighting where I have to be alert at all times. While that sounds like a good thing, the stress of it can quickly get exausting, especially when there isn't much that much of an ongoing narrative from what I played. Got 20 hours in and I just couldn't keep going for now. Really want to come back to someday, but the thought of going through 50 hours of this right now is just too much.