Reviews from

in the past

Love a linear game with a mystery. Cool artstyle

This game definitely needs a VR Port. Everything is so detailed and so well done, would be crazy immersive in VR, would buy it again just for that.

I watched a playthrough of ‘What Remains of Edith Finch’ a couple of years ago.

It is very well crafted and the story is intriguing. I loved the amount of details in the house. I just wish it was a bit more interactive.

I find myself wishing it was longer, for my enjoyments sake, but I do think the narrative is close to perfect.

I played it in one sitting, in 3 hours approximately.

A well made experience with an interesting story and a great narrating voice actor! But I find it hard to describe this as a game. It's more like a "story walker" with a tight script, and the few interactive elements does not count as "gameplay" (to me atleast). But it's worth your time, hands down.