Reviews from

in the past

I played through this game twice simultaneously, once with my sister, once with my girlfriend, knowing it could leave Game Pass in the upcoming months.

When I started playing, I thought the paint-the-world-as-you-go gimmick would get old real quick, as it was kind of slow, though entertaining enough. I wasn't enamoured by the visuals and the adventure in front of me seemed trivial.

The game does an effective job in setting things up, then slowly but steadily flipping everything on its head. Rest assured, the painting mechanics get better as you go, the world around you is more and more welcoming the more you spend time with its inhabitants, and the adventure never stops escalating.

This is very much a Zelda-inspired title, so expect many equivalents, such as lite dungeons and collectibles. Overall, I may still prefer TLOZ's "latest" outings in the 2D genre, but the movement and traversing ended up being way more fluid here. And the characters have way more things to say in the world of Chicory.

This is a special title. I'll treasure my time spent with it. I had already purchased Wandersong, from the same developer, so I'm eager to try it out at some point.

I was player two for both of the girls, so I was limited to be an extra brush. I enjoyed it a lot anyway, I had all of the same tools as player one, and being together sped up every painting proccess dramatically in my opinion. I'd say playing the game in co-op stimulates being creative constantly, instead of leaving many areas in blank or having ideas stagnate on the paintings.

In the end, I played a whooping total of around 49 hours adding up both playthroughs. 30 hours and a half and 18 hours respectively. Played through Xbox Game Pass on Xbox Series S.