Reviews from

in the past

Played this game cause Lena Raine worked on it and it was very cute. My favorite character was Peppermint.

Time Taken: Forgot. Couldn't be much more than 15 though

Beat this game a few years ago, I remember loving it! The painting is super fun and calming, the story is well made and I love the message of the game. There's also lots of little things to discover around the map, which is fun! I remember spending lots of time on the game just drawing, or listening to the calming music, or looking around for stuff. Highly recommend, Wishes Unlimited makes good stuff.
(Reviewing games I've played in the past #1)

Chicory is another one of these cute, wholesome games that is secretly about depression. It has a lot going for it thanks to the high polish in general but particularly with the writing and characters. It's also unique in the format, it's sort of an open-world top-down puzzle-platformer but you can paint on the screen with your mouse at any time.

This gameplay is certainly unusual but it works well thanks to the great level design. The painting mechanic is not just for aesthetics, you can interact with stuff which is good because I didn't have much interest in the artistic aspect. While I think it was well implemented and worked for the game, ultimately it is gimmicky and never really felt as slick or comfortable as a more traditional control scheme. The limited movement, top-down view and lack of depth-perception also made it difficult to navigate at times. It's a cool idea but I don't think we'll see many games like it in the future without some significant changes.

While the traversal is a bit clunky, the main appeal of this game is the cute world and characters. The dialogue is very well done, both in terms of content and presentation. I'd say the game also does a great job in how it handles depression, I actually felt like I learnt something playing this. I'd say the story and world are a bit generic but the overall quality is good and there is plenty of content, I didn't really care for extra side-content or exploration here but it's there for people who like it. Overall it's a good choice for people into this kind of game.

funny dog paint the world. literally no misses, the story is perfect, the mechanics are fun, the bosses are challenging but fun with a lot of accessibility options for when they're just too challenging for you. soundtrack is great, visuals are really charming. this game makes me hungry

Chicory transborda criatividade e carisma na sua proposta de ser meio que um sandbox de colorir com gameplay dos zeldas clássicos. Eu me realmente fui comprado rapidamente logo no inicio do jogo, mas eu sinto que ele as vezes foi ficando meio monotono na sua jogabilidade mesmo com os diversos upgrades que ajudam na exploração, a história também, apesar de competente, eu sinto que ela não chega em um algum ponto mais profundo, é decente, mas nada de muito espetacular ou que me fez ficar impressionado. A trilha sonora eu gostei bastante, principalmente da parte meio jogo de ritmo na montanha, onde ela encontra o seu apice nesse quesito.
No fim das contas, é uma experiência bem diferente da maioria dos indies, pois ele realmente tenta trazer um elemento que eu acho que nunca tinha visto em um jogo, que é esse de colorir a vontade enquanto se joga.

Dk why but i also dropped it 😭

Took the art school really seriously and adored the one and only minigame where it’s suddenly OSU

has the compelling and emotional plot of Wandersong but with more interesting gameplay and fun sidequests. Emotional moments might not hit as hard if you don't at least dabble in visual arts yourself. Also has a Lena Rane OST so you know it's good

I'd had this on my list as it looked like a unique game similar to Hue or Wandersong, and I was not let down! At first I was worried that I'd have to color everything to be able to advance in the game, but once I'd gotten to the first encounter the game really hooked me. The writing was quite good, and the platforming was quite enjoyable, with a lot of collectibles to uncover. As someone who is but much of a visual artist, I still really enjoyed the game.

Had so much fun playing this with a friend. I like the story and love the art and overall adventure. The highlight is using the painting mechanic throughout, it's just so fun. I recommend this for sure.

For me this game was a beautiful experience, and I am so glad I was able to play it. The story is fantastic with how it deals with themes of burnout and depression among a bunch of other things which I would be here all day if I talked about. The story really hooked me. I loved the characters and did feel emotions over the hardships they faced. The art is also great. It has a color book charm to it which makes sense… with coloring and art being kinda the theme. If you want a game that has hard puzzles or challenging combat this game is not for you. The game's main focus is getting you to the end, which honestly I had no issue with. I found the paint mechanic to be fun and never really got stale.
The only actual complaint I would have is not even a real one. I was dumb and ended up not picking up the fast travel item making it slightly more annoying when I had to back track but again that is not the game that was just me being dumb. If you like games as experiences or for story I do recommend this game. I personally think this is the game I played this year I like the most and I played a surprising number of great games already this year.

i assume the check for my work as Lead Artist is in the mail

It's a good game but... I don't think I'm the right audience. It's cute and I think the story is pretty sweet but I found the main painting mechanic more trouble than it's worth at some point

Chicory a colorful tale is an extremely fun and charming indie game. It really is just a nice chill fun game. It isn't too complicated and it is just a relaxing game. The gameplay is fun, the visuals and art style are cute, the characters r fun and its just a very good game bordering 8/10. But the only reason I have it rated at a 7 instead of something higher is because it doesn't really have anything to push it above and beyond a lot of other games. With that being said the game is still great a very solid 7/10.

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #59

A feel-good comfy Zelda-like. I was waiting for something more but I did get every piece of gol-darn trash. There was a nice sense of exploration but not much else. Play this if you are struggling.

This game is just enough. It's not super wide, or too small, the characters are memorable and lovable, but never overshadow each other. The story is based in such a simple premise that hits so hard for any creative mind-which is every mind.
It was such a fun experience to run around this world, not taking it so seriously. It's easy to lose ourselves in comparing our own works and painting to others, but we have to remember that every person that picks up the brush, or the pen, or the keyboard creates in their own way.

The best way to experience this game is going as slow or as fast as YOU want, not what some guide tells you. Take thirty seconds painting a screen or two hours on a single canvas.

Paint to your hearts content, and do it no matter how 'bad' you think you are

I played through this game twice simultaneously, once with my sister, once with my girlfriend, knowing it could leave Game Pass in the upcoming months.

When I started playing, I thought the paint-the-world-as-you-go gimmick would get old real quick, as it was kind of slow, though entertaining enough. I wasn't enamoured by the visuals and the adventure in front of me seemed trivial.

The game does an effective job in setting things up, then slowly but steadily flipping everything on its head. Rest assured, the painting mechanics get better as you go, the world around you is more and more welcoming the more you spend time with its inhabitants, and the adventure never stops escalating.

This is very much a Zelda-inspired title, so expect many equivalents, such as lite dungeons and collectibles. Overall, I may still prefer TLOZ's "latest" outings in the 2D genre, but the movement and traversing ended up being way more fluid here. And the characters have way more things to say in the world of Chicory.

This is a special title. I'll treasure my time spent with it. I had already purchased Wandersong, from the same developer, so I'm eager to try it out at some point.

I was player two for both of the girls, so I was limited to be an extra brush. I enjoyed it a lot anyway, I had all of the same tools as player one, and being together sped up every painting proccess dramatically in my opinion. I'd say playing the game in co-op stimulates being creative constantly, instead of leaving many areas in blank or having ideas stagnate on the paintings.

In the end, I played a whooping total of around 49 hours adding up both playthroughs. 30 hours and a half and 18 hours respectively. Played through Xbox Game Pass on Xbox Series S.

I don't have a ton to say mostly because I think it's a very world-driven game with clever ideas best explored blind. I will say the art style is great, the characters are wonderful, the story is very heartwarming and special, and it's got an amazing OST. The gameplay is solid, moving the paintbrush around, especially with a mouse is fun but the hotkeys for certain commands are slightly awkward. The bosses and puzzles were clever and entertaining though, even if I do feel they peaked in the first half of the game.

I was very weary about this game, I liked the demo okay enough but figured it was kind of just a game for artists/people who liked drawing, and while obviously, you'll like it a lot if you're someone who likes drawing it does a great job at making someone like me who's not very good at art have a fun time and connect with the world. So if you're at all like me and are bad at art maybe still give this game a shot and it could very much surprise you!

Annoyed at myself for sitting on this one for so long. Played 45 mins on PlayStation a couple of years ago, and for whatever reason found it pretty frustrating. Returned to it on Xbox a week before it left Game Pass and what a fool I've been: this was a lovely, charming and (yep) colourful experience. I could have spent another 3 hours post-game mopping up, collecting and colouring in but ran out of time to do 100% completion. But, boy, am I glad I picked this back up.

Overall, a decent little indie title with cute characters and a nice story that deals with imposter syndrome. However, the black and white aesthetic is tough on the eyes and coloring everything doesn't help all that much. The zelda/over-top perspective of the game also becomes an issue when the game demands you start platforming and makes some of the traversing aggravating. The controls mixed with the boss battles, especially with a controller, were also a bit annoying. I wanted to like this more than I did, but here we are. Reading some of the other reviews, I wonder if I was playing the same game?

una grata sorpresa con un final increible, las peleas de jefe me encantaron, recomiendo jugar el juego en los tiempos libres o para desestresarse, me duro unas 8hs de juego

knew this was leaving game pass so i had intended to spread it out over the remaining days of the month with plenty of time to spare. ended up playing this over two days in bigger binge sessions instead. i really enjoyed myself.

didn't know a ton about this going in other than the charming artwork. i had assumed this was going to be an RPG (a turned based one at that) with more focus on combat and the other elements that come with it than the puzzle adventure game with light combat that this turned out to be. what i ended up with is more to my tastes most of the time so it worked out for the better.

cannot stress enough how taken i was with this for its duration. loved the universe with the characters within, visuals/colors, music, and even the combat was better than i had expected when it showed. i could see where this might be a bit repetitive but it also probably didn't help that i played through this the way i did.

i've been drifting away from going for 100% in most games but i'm really glad i did here. some of the stuff could be taken or left (the litter?) but pretty much everything else felt essential. the mystery side diversion with the cameo from Frog Detective and general Ace Attorney elements was so wonderful.

i would've gotten to this eventually but i want to give thanks to @Wollom for suggesting this in my you choose, i play list. the mixture of that and it leaving game pass brought me to it earlier than i would've otherwise.

looking forward to my eventual replay.

Pretty great indie game. Some things get a bit repetitive, but overall, it's a sweet game with good characters and an emotional story.

Chicory is a unique feel-good puzzle platformer about bringing color to a black-and-white world. Playing this game with a controller is a significant handicap, but the overall difficulty is so low it didn't matter. Coloring in the world is immensely satisfying, and almost all of the finicky drawing sections are optional. I do not have the gene for visual art, but the game makes coloring very accessible while still allowing for higher-order art if that's something you enjoy.

Unlocking new abilities and exploring the world was great fun, and most of the puzzles were engaging. Boss fights are really creative and visually stunning, although a couple of them are so gruesome and nightmarish that I can't imagine a child playing them. It's a real shame, because otherwise this is very much a sophisticated game for modern children, with a lot of room for player expression and optional secrets.

The game is well-written, but I would have liked a few more "quirky" characters (Pickle is the MVP). The message of the game is beautiful and heartwarming, but it misses the mark a bit by over-indulging in dialogue. For a game that is so diagetically unique and compelling, you really don't need to underline every theme over and over again. If a picture is worth a thousand words, you don't also need a thousand words to explain it.

This is truly a Legend of Zelda inspired game. Just like Zelda, the titular character Chicory is a female of high station, and is directly connected to the crisis of the world, and you play as a completely different character. The game starts rather slow, but as you pick up a few traversal skills, the fun of exploration reveals itself. Puzzles are on the easy side, and you can't die in the boss battles. A completely stress-free gameplay experience with a feel good story to go along with.

Okami for people with crippling anxiety...

I wasn’t initially sold on its cutesy vibes and clumsy controller painting, but then its insightful and heartwarming charm about the joy of creating started to shine through, while the controller painting “upgrades” let that part of gameplay start to shine as well. It’s still intentionally a bit clumsy after upgrades, but in a way that encourages as much player expression as desired and a consciously expressed absence of judgment or gatekeeping. If that sounds like a grab bag of needlessly clinical buzzwords, it doesn’t feel like that at all in action; it’s like a joyful magic trick that convinced me to color in my restaurant menu with the provided crayons.

The light platformer puzzling and innovative boss fights are great fun, too!

While not doing a whole lot for me emotionally, Chicory is a very endearing experience that reaches out to the people that needed to hear its message. Gameplay is fun using the brush to colour in things willy nilly or using it as intended to solve puzzles and discover new areas, and the game does a good job guiding you through those areas so you dont get super lost. Dialogue is a mixed bag for me, ranging from emotional lines or funny one liners to eye rolling conversations that dont feel needed. I really enjoyed my time with Chicory, im a Finji shill so anything they put out im vibing with, was hoping for something more deeper reaching but its overall message was good as is

Relaxamento e meditação via fomento da expressão artística encarnado na forma de um Zelda-like. A pintura é tudo: mecânicas de movimentação, escape criativo, paralelos e metáforas, e o que corre no sangue de todas as fofinhas criaturas com nome de comida que aqui habitam - todas suas aplicações são dadas seu devido valor, o tempo para cheirar as rosas e desenhar um pintinho aqui e lá tão importante para a aventura quanto as provações que nossa heroína enfrenta. O co-op apenas eleva a experiência: arte é melhor quando partilhada, afinal. E é através dos pastéis e das aquarelas, dos rabiscos ociosos e das obras de arte comedidas, que trilhamos uma jornada quase-épica contra a síndrome do impostor e danosas relações parasociais.
Lá para o final, vira basicamente isso aqui.

Version: Xbox Series X
System: Xbox Series X

Got all achievements

I've always liked art but have never been much of an artist, but that did not stop me from enjoying this game. Chicory has an overarching theme of dealing with depression and finding your place in the world, something I can heavily relate to right now. I think because of that a lot of the more important story moments struck a chord with me. The majority of the dialogue in the game is more funny or cute, which isn't bad, just not as memorable. The gameplay is decent too. As I mentioned I'm not an artist, which you don't have to be to enjoy this game at all, but it would probably make your experience even better. I really liked the use of coloring in the world to solve puzzles, that was a cool idea that they went pretty far with. My main problem was that getting all the collectibles and side content was pretty whatever for me, the rewards were nothing major, and looking back the only reason I really went for 100% was to get all of the Xbox achievements. Anyway, I still enjoyed this game quite a bit and I can see why so many other people loved it too. This is a game I think a lot of people who are struggling with their own issues should play, because even if they do not gain much from it they’ll still be having a good time.

8 / 10.