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Fallout 4 was a game i was very hyped about but ended up being a great disappointment.

I wasn't familliar with the series but i loved both Oblivion and Skyrim so i tought it would be like those games but with a post apocalyptic setting.

While that is somewhat true, the game doesn't really excels at anything. Writing is laughably bad and the main quest doesn't even make sense.

Gameplay is decent but nothing to praise and crafting/gathering was in my opinion boring af. Too many radiant quests while having few side content actually worth. It seems like every payoff to side quests was at the very least disappointing.

Still, the bethesda formula is there and anyone who enjoys it will probably get a decent time with the game.

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My guilty pleasure.
Gameplay-wise? Best FPS Fallout. The gunplay is amazing, the crafting system is engaging, the settlements are a good idea albeit a little undercooked and shallow at times (like everything Bethesda does nowadays).
As an RPG? Bad, VERY BAD. The story is bland and boring, the NPCs (other than the companions sans Preston) are annoying and feel awful to interact with (the voice acting is ok-good). And the factions oh my Inti the factions.
All of them feel mind-numbingly moronic.
You can also see a lot of recycled ideas from Fallout 3, ON THE MAIN PLOT, but REVERSED.
"You're a dweller abandoned to die in a Vault, you must leave to look for your son/father, but there's a plot twist! Your offspring is the leader of a faction, an old man and a scientist! you were frozen longer than expected/Your father is leading a project for a faction and a scientist! turns out he didn't abandon you for real. During the plot, with a lot of shenanigans involving the BoS, your son/father dies."
It's just uninspiring. There's also the fact that apparently the writers didn't had a design document, and this explains why there's contradictory stuff all over the place and the sheer amount of set-pieces that never go anywhere. The plot is also quite stream-lined for something that isn't a J-RPG, and lacks player agency. (eg: you can't go straight to the place you know the secondary bad guy is before passing through all the quests)
Thank Inti you can just ignore the main plot for a long time.
I really don't hate this game, but it is still such a disappointment and in my opinion it was the crescendo of bad writing and lack of consistency that eventually culminated in the climax of BAD that was Starfield.
The Sooner Bethesda recognises that Emil Pagliarulo shouldn't be Lead Writer and there should be a design document for the game, the better. Unfortunately I think it's already too late for The Elder Scrolls VI.
it seems that Bethesda's motto for now is "Vast as an Ocean, Deep as a Puddle"

A let down... Bethesda cannot figure out how to write a compelling story to save their life. The art design changed from gritty art deco with some fifties flare to a plasticky looking world with obnoxiously large firearms. Not a huge fan of the dialogue and the dumbing down of RPG elements either. The settlement building was fun and the gameplay was an improvement but that is not enough for me to call this a good game.