Reviews from

in the past

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Great game but whoever decided to make the open world surround the most whatever character in Remake and have it contribute to video games' current problem of Ubisoft homogeneity probably should rethink a few things about their life.
Disappointed to see that the game doesn't do enough to distance itself from the brilliance of Remake's ending. The Sephiroth fight is much easier this time around and consists of multiple annoying phases that seemingly serve to pad out an already excessive completion time. The Remake project's central motif of defying nostalgia and fate is already tiring at this point and introducing multiverse nonsense (sci-fi's worst trend) just proves how hard it is to innovate upon its thematic devices. The mobile game being a tool for iteration in its narrative also feels embarrassing.
Despite my disappointment I still loved seeing my pals from AVALANCHE again. The story and characters of Final Fantasy VII mean a lot to me, and Square's iterations on their characterization is always welcomed. They also iterated on the combat a bit, and I think it probably has the best ARPG combat system ever made mostly due to the brilliance of materia. While combat is fast, stylish, and flashy, the player must think about the most effective way to effectively link materia attacks mostly so enemy damage output and mp waste isn't a problem. I genuinely think this is the peak of Final Fantasy combat and I hope it continues to get iterated even outside of the Remake project (don't see this happening).
I think effectively lengthening what is essentially 10-20 hours of loose exposition into 90 hours is not achievable under most circumstances, but Square found a way anyways and so ultimately Rebirth is successful in its ambitions. It feels like a lot of its high praises are owed to its spectacle and achievement in ambition that a lot of its obvious fault seem ignored.

Play this game

game way too long, absolute yapfest

Quite possibly my favorite game of all time, and i knew it as i was playing it. This is the FF7 remake people were asking for decades. There is so much to do in this massive open-ish world, with surprisingly phenominal side content and mini games. The combat here is first in class, bar none. Every character is given their moment in the spotlight. IMO, this game solidifies FF7's cast as the greatest in all of video games. It's topped with an incredible, large scale showdown with Sephiroth. The wait for the finale of this unbelievable trilogy is gonna be brutal.


Bloated and meandering, a real step down from part 1. Still got fun gameplay and great character moments, but its suffocated under the weight of far too much to do with inconsistent quality.

Ce fut un véritable plaisir de me replonger dans l'univers de mon opus préféré de la licence Final Fantasy.

Des graphismes au top, un gameplay encore plus riche que celui de l'opus précédent, une bande-son d'une richesse et d'une qualité folle (175 OST), une exploration qui apporte sans cesse des petites nouveautés et qui donne une identité propre à chaque zone, malgré quelques objectifs secondaires répétitifs (notamment des tours à activer, à la manière d'une production Ubisoft, pour révéler la carte des zones semi-ouvertes), et un scénario qui mêle hommage et nouveauté!

On remarquera tout de même quelques lenteurs durant l'aventure et un petit soupçon de méfiance concernant le scénario qui semble prendre des allures de Kingdom Hearts bis. On espère que les réponses à nos questions seront à la hauteur pour le dernier opus.

Peut-être trop de question à la fin du jeu, mais le reste vaut vraiment le coup. Pour la suite, à dans 4 ans !

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