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Um sonho de infância realizado e uma demonstração impressionante do potencial que remakes tem, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ama o passado, mas não tem medo de sua própria voz, voz essa que canta uma melodia extremamente ambiciosa.

Um jogo que entende a alma de FF7 original como um jogo sobre personagens e eleva isso à milésima potência, trazendo momentos de tirar o fôlego junto de um combate primoroso, mapas variados e cheios de atividades, apresentação visual lindíssima e um carinho inigualável ao mundo de Final Fantasy VII.

Me faltam palavras para elogiar a obra-prima que esse jogo é.

VERY long review incoming after I platinum the game and finish my FF7 Remake review

I wasn't very hyped for this game I'll be honest, I expected part 2 of the "Final Fantasy VII Remake Project" to be linear and pedestrian like the first remake with no world map.
Thankfully my expectations were confidently exceeded, when I got about half way through the Junon region I genuinely wondered if this game would be a 10/10, the density and variety of content is rare to see in most other open world games and JRPGs for that matter.
The combat improves upon Remake with more party members and additions like the Synergy skills, it feels hectic and overwhelming at first but once you lock down 3 party members(Clouds, Tifa and Yuffie for me) you begin to feel like a god staggering enemies and exploiting their weaknesses, the Materia system offers a ton of customization much like the original.

I won't even get deep into the mini games, but Queen's Blood and Frog Fall Guys were the highlights.
In regards to the story, I'd say the side quests add more interactions and depth to the party members, Yuffie and Red XIII in particular feel more prominent here than in the 1997 game. Sephiroth doesn't appear much apart from the opening and ending which is nice because Square completely butchjered him and made him obsessed with Cloud to the point of creepiness.
And about the ending, I didn't really enjoy the final boss gauntlet, it got grating after a while and the game forcing me to use party members I mostly ignored vlike Barret/Cait Sith at certain points was infuriating.

But yeah, 9/10, well done Square for somehow still making great games despite your economic woes

There's an amazing 40-50 hour game in here somewhere! Had a blast until side quest and minigame fatigue caught up with me, despite all the story sections feeling great, and Queen's Blood being a nice Triple Triad follow up. A trim here or there would really elevate the whole thing.

Full review here (Dutch):

My expectations for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth were incredibly high, and they have all been surpassed. Purists will undoubtedly have various criticisms about the changes to the story, just as they did with Remake, but don't let that bother you and simply enjoy this legendary adventure full of memorable moments, now presented in a new light. Visually, the game has some minor issues in performance mode, but that shouldn't dampen your enjoyment. Rebirth is not only one of the best RPGs, but one of the best games you will play this year.

This game makes Remake look like a test demo. The gameplay, exploration, world; all of it was just miles better from remake. Some plot points and the ending was a little eh but overall, great game.

This is an amazing game.
For a single player game, having me complete a game and spend 120+ hours on it and still not burned out is fascinating to me.
This was just what I needed. Remake was great but this was perfect.
Sound design, visuals and story was fantastic and the combat was out of this world fun.
Why this is not being played by everyone boggles me.

I have one gripe, and it is only a slight gripe that does not take away from the amazing build up to that point. The ending is super confusing as they throw one million exhibition points in your face with no time to assimilate or reflect on it.

Can't wait for the final part...

The amount of content is insane. I’m genuinely surprised of how much they were able to cram into this installment.
Combat feels great and super fun.
The only things that I found kinda frustrating was certain parts being dragged out by climbing or walking for no reason. Just make it into a cutscene if you need to lore dump. Especially in the later half.
Certain puzzles, maps or fight mechanics that you would either need to look up or spend forever trying to figure out on your own.
And them putting in something that should’ve been in the 3rd game into this one for no reason. (If you know you know) don’t get me wrong it was insanely cool but come on.

There's an excellent game in here, and the combat is better than it's ever been, but it's inexcusably bloated and I'm starting to worry the newer story elements don't have any substance whatsoever. Characterisation is still excellent, though, and if you love FF7, it's worth your time for sure.

might be the best game i’ve ever touched

while marred by sheer excess of things to do, I really enjoyed my time with the game. the elaborations on the existing ff7 ploy are largely extremely sick as a fan of the original, and i honestly can't wait to see what they're going to do with the final entry...

FINALLY rolled credits. Cleared all regions of side content, but might go back for the global post-game content.

Bigger and better than remake in every single way, such an unforgettable game. More special than I can put in words

This game is TOO big. But the story is incredible and the combat is so engaging

you know it's kinda cool that they had a story and stuff added to the side of Queen's Blood in this game

GooeyScale: 85/100

Oh boy what a game this was, I can't comprehend just how much fun, excitement, emotion, hype, I've had with this wonderful game. From march to may finally ends my gameplay of ff7 rebirth but let's get into the meat on the bone. Final fantasy 7 is an amazing game one that teaches you about life and promises, those around you and those who you really deeply care for. In this game it contrast's it almost perfectly in every way. In a way that makes you feel so attached to its characters and it's emotional as well. The thing I love about this game in a whole, Is the different character arcs explained and dwelled into. The way ff7 rebirth makes you so invested on characters and their backstories in a simple way is what catches my eye, It is very unique and amazing how such game can do so, I just love everything about this game, the dynamics, character moments, world building, well written antagonist's.

And of course we can't forget the combat and gameplay. The way square enix introduced us players in remake of the wonderful smooth fast paced real time combat with amazing combat physique's and effect's Is in fact truly beyond great. Of course rebirth has the same combat as remake but with a bit of changes, but it dosen't really matter.

All though the story of rebirth may be a bit confusing to returning players because of the new timelines, characters who originally died in 97 but now they've returned might be weird to older fans. But when you fully understand it, It is no problem for you and it won't confuse you anymore! I can't go on depth about the lore now lol.

In conclusion: Final fantasy 7 rebirth is a 9,5/10 to me I loved this game but it could have been a tiny better if not the complicated intertwining whispers of fate had changed like, changing some key story elements and off topic adding a lot of filler instead going with the original story content from the 97 one. Still tho those minor things aren't a problem I still like em for being different.

This game will definitely be my game of the year!
Embrace your dreams
And whatever happens

Final Fantasy is back!
Playing this game made me feel how I felt when playing the old FInal Fantasy games as a teenager. The series took a massive dip is quality with XIII but Sqaure has finally create a game for how I envision modern Final Fantasy should be.

They unfor

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a masterful game, simply one of the best of 2024. Regardless of its reliance on collective nostalgia, Square Enix delivers a well-rounded product where its flaws become tiny compared to its successes.

Since it is an RPG, we know that the party is very important. Despite the characters being well-known in popular culture, the game itself shines due to its endearing characters, exquisite and highly complex combat, beautiful soundtrack, and enjoyable gameplay. It is a beautiful game that simply stays with you when you play it once, when you play it on hard mode, and when you achieve platinum.

There are very few games where a player enters "the zone," and I consider FF7 Rebirth to be one of them. When you want a challenge, you get a challenge. In-game post-game is ridiculous so good!

Yeah, It's true, no product is perfect, and Rebirth is no exception. Some aspects of Tetsuya Nomura's direction don't seem right to me, such as overly anime situations or scenes that might come across as silly.

Nonetheless, a game not being perfect doesn't mean it can't have 5 stars. I loved Final Fantasy VII Rebirth; it would be an example in my conversations with people about why I love video games and why they should be considered a medium for conveying a message, it became as one of my top 10 favorite videogames of all time.

This review contains spoilers

My personal gripes (hot takes?):
- too much of the game's length is padded out with the open world exploration feature; the way its activities are designed made me lose interest tbh as more and more areas were unlocked (e.g. Chad can gtfo). Like I get it, this is how this section from the original is, but personally I would enjoy a more linear chain of events to follow
- questions you have about everything are barely answered by the end in a satisfying manner; following similarly in style towards the ending of Remake, I wished the devs would give more clear explanations and answers to the questions and mere speculations players have about how the story ends up playing out IN THE GAME (rather than leaving them in an Ultimania companion book???). I ended this game still having more questions than answers. And the entire discussion revolving the plot since the game's release is based on speculation from countless different players and how they understood it from their own perspective. This is why I wish the game itself gave more of those objective answers
- Zack's story and gameplay is stretched out way too much and with too little substance to begin with. Like I would argue he doesn't even deserve to be part of the main poster art?? I love Zack as much as anyone else but gawd I honestly felt he was done a little dirty in this game. And I wasn't too satisfied with his conclusion in the game as well... just like, ah okay, cool

What I love:
- everything else, and it's all done so damn well (don't have much to explain on it as it'd probably be a regurgitation of countless other reviews at this point). Just WOW claps

Note: I do prefer Remake more

Get mad all you want, this game just straight up coped everything wrong with Ubisoft games and just straight up became. Mostly fluff and padding barely any fun.

One of the best rpg's of the decade, worth the wait

This game is like Remake with all the problems fixed. The music, graphics, character acting and combat are improved. The linear nature of Remake is changed for large open environments split into sections like Xenoblade. The music has great remixes and new tracks. The combat feels better with increased combo options, new Materia and the Synergy Attacks. The side content is kinda generic but it's there to provide a vehicle to expand upon the party member dynamics more, so I enjoyed it. The concept of the Whispers gets explained more but the ending is slightly confusing. This is the middle game of a trilogy so I don't expect every mystery to be answered. The game really feels like, what if Final Fantasy VII released in 2024 and I highly recommend it to anyone.

In an era of empty and uninspired open worlds, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth immediately shoots you into its enthralling universe from the moment you begin the game. Each open-world area, from the Grasslands to Nibelheim, constantly feels fresh and exciting to explore while also presenting you with a multitude of open-world activities, quest lines, and mini-games. The sprawling open world is just one of the three major components solidifying this game as one of the all-time greats. The combat system is a huge step above what it was in Remake (which was already fantastic), and it keeps refreshing itself the more you gain levels and begin learning the different mechanics. Finally, the cream of the crop in this game is the story because wow. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth reintroduces the original FF7 story with heightened character development and interactions that truly make you attached to the cast and the adventure that they have embarked upon. Progressing through this story showed me why so many people claim FF7 as not only one of the best stories in gaming but one of the best stories ever told. The only legitimate complaints I can have about this game are little nitpicks that I began to notice throughout my 130 hours of gameplay, that being Lighting issues in the open world and textures either not loading at times or just straight up being low quality. However, these problems did not affect my journey throughout the game, yet it wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t mention them regardless. My final verdict on this game is that it is not only the clear front-runner for the 2024 GOTY but that it is nothing short of a masterpiece and is most definitely one of the greatest games ever made. My excitement for Part 3 is to the moon and back as I await the conclusion to this beauty of a trilogy.


There's just way too much stuff to do.

10/10 went platinum in my room I LOVE AND MISS MY BFFS ALREADY:(

Yet again wack story changes (grrr Nomura) and AAA grindy filler content but this is one open world game that captures the splendor and wonder of the original.

The combat, minigames and soundtrack somehow got even better.

This review contains spoilers

I have very mixed feelings on this one. I loved how Remake was ready to oppose what a remake is meant to be to be something different, yet where Rebirth takes this is... confusing. Most of the game is good, great even. Sure it's a bit long, but the storytelling on display is fantastic. This cast is one of the greatest casts in the franchise. Barret really shines here, having more vulnerable moments that show off his "dad" side more. The gameplay is superb, expanded greatly from Remake. The open world is great, possibly the best part of the game. In some respects, this is the best Final Fantasy since IX. But the ending, Christ the ending. I don't understand what the point of making changes to the original story if it is just going to end the same way as VII! I'm not necessarily disappointed the Aerith dies, just that what it took to get there was not as good as the original. Why do we need a multiverse to get Holy to Aerith? Why is Zach alive only to do nothing for most of the game (despite having some of the best scenes in the game)? Why is Biggs alive? The new FFVII multiverse is a fine concept I guess, but what does this add to the story of VII? I could go on, maybe this will grow on me with time. Maybe FFVIIR-3 will come out and prove this was the greatest piece of gaming storytelling since Nier, who knows. For now, I going to go back into the excellently crafted open world and play some Queens Blood.

(I promise I had more fun with this game than didn't, it's just my hype for this game was how it would change and expand on VII. How it did so didn't really sit well with me, at least as of now. Still, the game is good, great even. An improvement in some parts from Remake, I just wish the story held up to my expectations)

im not going to spoil this game. much as i want to discuss it, i will hold off. i know it's been a few months since the game released but my god. never have i had such fun in the ff7 universe. many were worried about "nomuraisms" leaking into the remake of this classic, but I think he's been held back by a team that truly loves this game and its characters to pieces. one can really see this by how the women are actually well-written.

there is a bit of meta silliness at play, especially towards the end, but i think the overall journey makes it totally worth playing. the nonstop references, the transition from blocky ps1 2d to gorgeous setpieces that brought tears to my eyes. this is my game of the year, and i'd be surprised if anything tops it.

that being said, my one small critique is that because the game took so long to develop, it feels like a lot of the minigames are super refined by people who playtested them far too much. the piano minigame especially. regardless, this is the best game of 2024 no shot.

While most of the key moments were nailed or even improved from the original, I have some gripes with the way certain moments were handled. Many of the changes are leaning a bit too much toward the metanarrative which I'm not as fond of, but I'll have to wait and see how it plays out. Most of the key moments were nailed or even improved from the original, and the way they restructured the story helps the flow in a lot of ways. I have very mixed thoughts on the ending and the changes they made but I'm going to have to see what they do with it before I can properly judge. Overall I enjoyed the story and it was great seeing moments from the original come to life. The characterization of all of the characters was spot on, the biggest thing I wanted to see from this game is to flesh out all of the characters and have them feel like a real party that interacts and that out of anything is the thing they nailed the most. I loved getting to see the party interact and grow together, and I can't wait to see what else is in store. The side quests are a huge step up from Remake, having a companion accompany you on each one helped with keeping you engaged, from just having funny moments with them or tying it into part of their character. One problem I had with this was it felt like certain characters were overutilized and some were underutilized, I would have liked to see a more even spread of screentime.

The combat system is just as satisfying as Remake, all of the new features and characters they added are super fun. One problem is I feel all of the new mechanics almost trivialize the combat to a degree, you have so many tools you have access to that fighting enemies feels less like trying to solve a puzzle and more just throwing everything you can at them, but there were still a good amount of challenges. The exploration and world map here leave a lot to be desired, I always felt like open world was the way to go for this section of the game, and I still do, but the way it was executed felt very sloppy. Visually the areas are great, however the big world is filled with generic repetitive open world objectives that start to make the areas feel like a chore to go through rather than a treat to explore. Pulling off an engaging open world can be difficult but I feel they got too caught up in the idea of creating a "huge" RPG and the experience feels very unfocused and greatly effects the pacing. Another huge problem tying into this is the minigames, I know many loved the minigames in the original, myself included, but they absolutely went overboard with the inclusion of too many. The minigames themselves are fine, but the sheer amount of them, let alone the fact you have to replay most of them several times, is just too much.

Visually the game is a treat to look at, the characters, animations, and world all look fantastic. The nailed the aesthetic of most of the areas and did a great job bringing them from 2D maps to feeling like a real place. I do miss the grungy brooding aesthetic the original game had though, most of the areas in this game feel very sanitized.

Once again the music is fantastic, I think I still prefer the original soundtrack but it has a different vibe to match the Remake series different aesthetic. The different areas around the world all use the same motif but have their own genres that somehow avoids feeling repetitive or stale at all.

Overall I enjoyed the experience, it wasn't everything I was hoping for but I still look forward to the next installment to see how they handle some of the new story beats.