Reviews from

in the past

Cats would never be capitalists.

Just as Cats Hidden in Paris was, 100 Capitalist Cats is exactly what you'd expect, except I think the formula has been somewhat improved. I didn't give it 4.5 stars because it's some masterpiece everyone needs to play, but simply because it improves on what the series was going for.

For one, there's a hint button, now. Don't want to use it? Then don't, but having the option is nice for those few, final cats. I also think highlighting the found cats with a light yellow instead of the harsher blue of the Paris game was easier on the eyes!
The light jazz is nice in a lulling kind of way. This game's premise combined with the music seems like a great way to pass out in bed if you were able to play it on your phone.

You can play the whole, brief game for free, despite the titular capitalism. It was a nice palate cleanser.

A quick fun hidden item game with easy achievements and IT IS FREE.

Hráli jste jedny "stokočky", hráli jste je všechny. Jediný přínos je, že pokud potřebujete zcela (ale jakože ZCELA) bezmyšlenkovitou činnost, tak zde je kondenzovaná do pětiminutové hratelnosti (abychom se pochopili, celé je to na jedno zahrání a to zahrání je pětiminutové). Doporučit se to nedá, autoři do toho nedali žádnou snahu, ale svůj účel to plní. Rutině, nudně, bez ambicí.

Joguinho extremamente simples, mas muito legal, ainda mais se você gosta de gatos.
Além de ser free, só vantagens

This was cute, and didn't cost me any money. That said, I beat it in under 10 minutes, so don't expect a lot of content here.

el que menos tiempo me ha tomado por ahora, 9 minutillos

- Cats
- You don't need the DLC to 100% the game
- It's free

Cortos, bonitos, fáciles y entretenidos. Pero lo mejor, GATOS. Aunque estos votan a Ayuso fijo

Like the other, not worth it especially the paid DLC

my two favorite things, kitty cats and capitalism.
good entry in the series, pretty easy though
took me about 9 minutes to 100%

I was looking for a suitable game to play while my fish sticks were being fried... and oh boi did they come out overcooked DO NOT BUY THIS GAME!!! It's free though so... play it for free instead. No microtransactions, which kind of renders the whole concept moot sigh they did not even try!! It's disgusting if you wanna farm achievements because there are as many achievements as there are cats... you can get them in 10 minutes... Land of the Rich. Game is what it is so it'd feel unfair rating it higher than average, but it is fun! I also see they're trying to have like 100 sequels...o boi.

Found 99 cats and had to use hint for the last one. Crucify me if you must. Get this man a Ohio cabin in the woods with those 100 cats and the Rizzler in the mix!

Top 3 cats:
1. Asset
2. Dividend
3. Loonie

These capitalist cats can't hide from me

Capitalist Cats. (it's basically a silly game more about getting achievements)

Cute little hidden object game. I respect the commitment to giving every single cat a money-themed name.

I always like that each time you find a cat, the achievement shows you its name. Portfolio! Dividend! Lotto! Porche!

If you used hints you're a loser

a mesma coisa dos outros mas não deixa de ser bom