Reviews from

in the past

sometimes i scratch my head when my mates play aim labs so they can improve their aim in valorant

just play the fucking shitty ass game?

literally shit like this would barely help your ass if you're fucking bad at the game. but at least this one isn't valorant so it's automatically better.

gridshot will not turn you into tenz

> spends hours training aim
> opens VALORANT
> goes to range
> aim.jpg

seems good, not sweaty enough to use it

Pretty good game to have muted while you listen to music

tenho 80 horas mas minha mira eh horrivel, talvez seja pq eu sou ruim e nao por culpa do aplicativo. mas enfim, otimo app para clicar em bolas e fazer speedrun! degusto!

train, train, train, train... AND KEEP TRAINING

If you are playing this instead of an actual game, please just know it’s not worth it.

A must have for training that fps rection speed

Good, Don't play enough fps games for it to be useful

why is this even on here (also how hard is it to make a simple ass aim trainer without any dogshit popups and micro transactions)

actually really helped me get used to the mousee and keyboard coming from console but at a certain point u just need to play the actual game

my aim got better by playing actual games

I noticed no real improvement, at least for the 5 or so total hours I played, and I found the game felt kinda uninspired in most aspects.

I'll just play the actual games if I want my aim to improve.

just play shooters over and over again 4head

I always thought applications like this are completely useless since there's no way to get the sensitivity / aiming engine to be the exact same as the game of your choice.
You are building all this muscle memory in this program just to throw it out the door when you change games. Half star only because the program itself is so simple yet has 400 paywall options

works for improvement, i prefer it over kovaaks

I tried it for a bit to see how good my aim is. My aim is not good.

I'd rather play kovaaks but this is a good free alternative