Reviews from

in the past

the ps3/360 gen was such a rough time to be a fan of horror games that i remember actually being excited for this to launch. for what it's worth, the trailers and pre-release materials didn't look anywhere near as bad as this turned out but fucking god.

this could've been a more middling kind of bad if it wasn't for the misguided stealth section/chapter to end all misguided stealth bits. it was unfathomably bad and i'm glad it's over.

legiterally one of, if not The worst game i have ever finished. should've used something else to test out RPCS3 but i was feeling nostalgic.

Awful, awful, awful. I expected to find some underappreciated, perhaps ahead-of-its-time value here but this is a rare case where everybody was right, it sucks. It's easy to forget with how spoiled we are now on the genre, but horror games after the Left 4 Deads and before Outlast were (mostly) in dire fucking straits. It's a shame that so many spectacular ideas on display here (the overall A.I. protector system, contamination disguises, the puzzles ain't bad either) are snuffed out by a viciously atrocious execution. Even with a brand spankin' new 1 TB SSD this thing still runs like super glue and takes forever to load, and even if it did perform well - which, I cannot stress this enough, it doesn't - its systems are still finnicky and reliably unreliable. The of-the-era bullshit sci-fi aesthetic stuff is totally unnecessary, controls are hot garbage, and if The Order: 1886 was only half a game then this is like 1/4th of a game. Just makes me feel bad how shitty this is

Probabilmente il secondo peggior gioco che io abbia mai provato

Lackluster story, terrible story writing, terrible RNG for some of the missions, completely inconsistent hitboxes and clunky combat, passable music, Amy herself is an inconvenience and it's better to just leave her behind for some parts, especially on the final mission with the cheese spot for beating the boss. Play at your own discretion

The worst concept...that somehow made it to shelves...