Reviews from

in the past

unironically better than wii sports


Schindler’s List, E.T., Jurassic Park, Boom Blox. These names will go down as the best of Steven Spielbergs works.

Real ones know the challenge behind the shooting levels in this game, good lord.

this game is alright, but i forgot most of what happened in this game cause it was so boring.

steven spielberg made this

REAL VIDEO GAMIN BITCH!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!!

Produit par Spielberg, un jeu de puzzle inspiré du Jenga et complètement tordu dans tous les sens, avec son lot de motion gaming, d'explosions, etc.
Une des petites pépites oubliées de la Wii.

I like knocking things over and this satisfied that urge decently well. Being able to throw stuff at the blocky animal things to knock them over is a plus.

entertained me for like 30 mins haha

GooeyScale: 50/100

This shit is what a real video game is supposed to be!!!

Pretty sure I threw out my shoulder playing this

i was convinced this game was not real and my mind just made those memories up

Steven Spielberg brings his genius to multiplayer party games and everyone just slept on it. It's a war crime that this franchise didn't take off.

I like that Steven Spielberg's idea of what video games are is some sort of virtual Jenga. That being said it's pretty fun.

Criminally overlooked wii classic. This game satisfied my 12 year old self's need for carnage and destruction quite well. It even holds up today honestly. Give it a go with some friends.

I used to set jenga blocks up into little forts and shoot them down with a little star wars toy I had. This game is basically same thing.

A super fun puzzle game that I remember having such a blast with back in the day especially with it's level creator and the levels you could download (which is sadly not possible anymore). Having gone back to it a while back, I got stuck on a level and still am to this day but I am more than happy to have this title in my collection once again.

my friend told me to play this and i said okay

Jenga has never been harder

whatchall know bout ts 🔥🔥

I tried this game first at my uncle's house and had an absolute blast, bought it the very second I saw it on stores.
Looks kinda simple, and it is, but it's a really good party game that even your grandpa can get into.

Wii shovelware at its finest, but unlike Ninjabread Man, this game was kind of alright. It's about what I expected. The animals blocky designs are hilarious, and their little dances they do are funny. The motion controls are...fine for a Wii game. Nothing great, nothing abysmal. I got about what I expected with this one.

I give Boom Blox a 5!