Reviews from

in the past

Seguro que muchos pensaréis ¿Como alguien le puede poner cinco estrellas a este juego? Pues es una pregunta muy fácil de responder, me pilló en un momento en el que a los juegos solamente les pedía que fueran divertidos, porque al fin y al cabo todo trata de esto, que te lo pases bien jugando, y os puedo asegurar que pocas veces me he divertido más que jugando a este juego.

Had my fill after a couple hours.

An ABSOLUTE blast to play for every minute. One of the craziest and most creative FPS games I've ever played. What little of the online I got to experience back in the day was also pretty damn cool. Honestly the only thing holding this game back is it's somewhat lack-luster writing and the cliffhanger ending.

This game needs a sequel, but I don't trust Gearbox or Randy.

Um dos jogos mais underrated que eu conheço.

"Sweeter than teenage poontang."

Jogo é um shooter diferente deixando a mecanica dele bem divertida com design de armas muito legais sinto que faltou um pouco de capricho no enredo e no carisma dos personagens mas é um bom jogo de qualquer forma

Такие игры в целом не мой профиль, но я прошла ещё в детстве. Все что я запомнила в итоге, это классная механика убийств. Ну и пару реально смешных фраз которые выдавал главный герой

La historia no podría importarme menos, yo vine por los balazos y eso obtuve. Aún así, jugarlo una vez me parece suficiente.

Сколько яиц было отстрелено, сколько жоп было отбито...

my only regret about this game was not playing the shit out of it. i beat it once cuz i borrowed it from a friend and enjoyed immensely, but didn't have it for a long time.

esta bueno pero si en vez de perder tiempo en todas las escenas scripteadas de mierda que tiene y los gimmicks poronga se dedicaban a mejorar el combate y ponerle mas cosas era alto juego

This is a very hard game to rate. Very very fun very often but absurdly shallow. Sorta funny story that overstays it's welcome, stupid one dimensional characters, great combat system that gets old very much by the end. Fun for what it is

Really fun shooter that is a little too long in the tooth and has some rough writing.


Its mechanics are pretty unique and it's pure comedy gold. Creative, engaging and overall a very fun experience. Where's the sequel?!

Combines the two objective worst types of humor (the swear portmanteau and self-announcing hyper-awareness) into something that's fun for two levels.


Hab ich mir Ende Juli '14 geholt. Wusste gar nicht, dass das von den originalen PAINKILLER-Machern ist. Als ich das erfahren habe, wurd's eingesackt. Nach genau anderthalb Monaten bin ich auch endlich mal durch. Konnte das nicht am Stück spielen. Zwar gibt's Licht (einfallsreiche Waffen, die "Kill with Skill"-Geschichte und das damit verbundene Gunplay, welches nicht langweilig wird und eine grafisch nach wie vor ansprechende Präsentation -- nach drei Jahren muss da noch ein Kompliment drin sein), aber mindestens genauso viel Schatten (Missionen bla, Story blabla, Charaktere blablabla). Und ganz schlimm: Dieses Spiel ist laut, gottverdammt LAUT. Überall knallt, brummt oder zischt es, während sich Töne doppeln oder böse übersteuern. Jedes CALL OF DUTY ist ein Scheißdreck dagegen! Fies ist auch, dass BULLETSTORM so viel anders sein wollte als die Konkurrenz, aber letztendlich doch einiges abguckt wie z.B. superschmale Levelschläuche oder superödes Quick-Time-Event-Gedrücke, was man sich gerade im Finale hätte verkneifen können. Ein bisschen an der Grundmechanik zu fummeln reicht nicht aus...

Daumen so mittel. Für meine gelatzten €6,99 geht's klar, viel mehr darf's aber nicht kosten!

Not the game which you will count ever as your favotite, but memorable enough modern consol-ish FPS title. While being not a "classic" shooter, or, for example, Serious Sam clone, like Painkiller, it still speedy and action driven.
The game also have pretty visuals for UE3 engine. If you love visual style and apperance of Starcraft 2, this game is right in the same valley.
Narrative is not deep or too serious, characters are comical, but I would've not described it as "random". It just don't go deep into universe, giving lots of stuff to your imagination. But what there is there. While being full of dity jokes, I not find it cringe or offensive, unlike some other titles.
My only complains would be about only 3 weapon slots (4th one for heavier stuff would've been a nice addition), sometimes repeative enemies, maybe too much limits on character movement. However, game defenetly has its moments. In general, I had fun and maybe will replay one day edition ported to UE4. Or sequel, if it will be made in future.

I still remember getting this and staying up late into the night to beat it. A very fond gaming memory. They get rarer and rarer as the years go by

A este juego le han dado mucha caña, pero yo me lo pasé muy bien con él

Pretty fun systems on a generic shooter.

so much fun... deserves more recognition

Tylko Polacy mogli wykombinować zdalnie sterowanego Tyranozaura i czterorurkę. Chyba najlepszy pastisz tacticool shooterów, a do tego najładniej wyglądająca gra na Unrealu 3.