Reviews from

in the past

this is what you play when your cpu isn't strong enough to emulate the ps2 ones

burnout takedown/revenge/whatever but portable. nothing to complain about here

I take it back, the game is not THAT good. I mean, the crash campaign sucks no matter what and has too much copypasta, but aside from that this is one of PSP's greats, or at least that's what I thought. But after revisiting and playing through the game, I've come to realize that the physics are hideous (almost as bad as the graphics), and the races are dull and don't pose any challenge whatsoever. There's rubber banding but toward the end of a race the AI tends to mostly just trail you from behind and let you win. Everything in this game is either easy or annoying. Pretty much all the difficulty comes as the result of overly oppressive gold medal requirements in all of the Pursuit events and some of the Road Rage events. The Road Rage events are the funnest and the most addicting part of the entire game, ironically enough. The game would be nothing without them.

The game is not terrible, per se. It's enough to keep you busy. But there are better racers on the system.

this game at an impressionable age gave me my bloodthirst for manslaughter

Até que é divertido, mas não instiga a continuar.

Haritalar güzel dizayn edilmiş . Virajların çok olduğu , az olduğu haritalar var . Görevlerde anlık olarak gayet yeterli ve farklı çeşitte . Ben polis olarak araba kovalayıp , hedef arabaya hasar verme olayını çok beğendim . Oyun eski olduğundan ötürü nostaljik arabalarla karşılaşabiliyoruz . Bence PSP de oynanabilecek en iyi araba yarış oyunlarından biri , tavsiye ederim

Everything about this game is perfect, the soundtrack, the roadkill, the car selection, the immersive gameplay, its all perfect


Leuke additie van de franchise met oude wagens en tracks van Burnout 1, 2 en 3. Heeft de gameplay van Burnout 3 (GREAT). Simpel en fun

a best of burnout in portable form. very good

Bom port, ainda é inferior por ter colocado polícia, que é o pior modo de jogo

конечно для тех лет это поразительная возможность поиграть в такую технологичную игру как тейкдаун в портативе, но сейчас бросаются в глаза множество проблем.
игра совершенно не адаптирована под портатив, т.е. все маленькие детали вдалеке вроде встречных машин или препятствий превращаются в пиксельную кашу на маленьком экране псп, а порой некоторые объекты вообще появляются у тебя перед носом.
и еще россыпь проблем вроде проседающего фреймрейта, не самого удобного управления, часто багующей физики изрядно портят впечатления от порта такой замечательной игры.
сначала хотел закрыть все ивенты на голду (не трогая краш режим), но под конец уж очень сильно заебался от того как игра тебе подсирает всеми этими проблемами в роад рейдж и пурсьют ивентах

É com certeza um dos jogos de corrida já criados, facts. O melhor também, by far.

Really solid demake. Plays pretty much exactly like Takedown does, plus some new cars and levels, minus some weird rubberbanding.

Actually kinda refreshing to say it but you simply get what you pay for here. It's a portable Burnout that matches any reasonable expectation except maybe the visual damage to vehicles which the quality of is definitely a pleasant surprise.

I'm too young to know for sure but I figure having this on the go in 2005 must have felt better than sex

The crash mode courses really are just about the most portable game-y thing ever designed and are undoubtebly what I enjoyed most. So much so, that after a couple of train rides I uh.. beat all of them! There's not that much variety between stages but they're so short and sweet that it doesn't even matter.

Unfortunately the rest of the game is just about as repetitive but the actual racing missions run much longer. Yes, there's a bit of variety in objectives (in some of them you need to make other racer crash X number of times,others are 1-on-1 races, others you have to deplete a life bar etc) but.. don't lie, it's all the same. All this to unlock new cars which I guess is to be expected but in a majority of missions you're not even given the chance to pick your own. They also don't have visible stats so they might all play the same??? The actual racing plays well,mind you. It's just a "what are we doing here" type beat.

Все проблемы этой игры проистекают из графики. Из-за маленького разрешения, вы с большой долей вероятности будете вписываться в машины, которые не участвует в гонке из-за того, что их трудно заметить вдалеке. И чем больше скорость вашей машины - тем заметнее эта проблема. Извините за каламбур.
Противники беспредельно тупые и не представляют никакой угрозы. Ваш основной враг - это низкое разрешение.

Во всем остальном игра порадовала. Геймплей уроганный ровно как и музыка из пре-десятых годов. Для своей платформы это более чем сносный проект.

I'm currently replaying this game 18 years later, oh the memories, the edgy early 2000s soundtrack, the takedowns, everything is just perfect, one of my favorite racing games of all time, I wish I could go back to the pre-2010 days, it brings a tear to my eye...

Some time ago, when PSP was a fresh new thing, my cousin whom I have not seen in years came to visit, and brought his PSP with Burnout Legends with him. My memories of what happened after are kind of foggy, but I can safely say I spent more time with Legends than I did with my cousin.
Me being a shitty person aside, this was, and still is the absolute peak of arcade racing for me. You can drive and crash a wide array of cars in even wider array of events, while listening to soundtrack made from nothing but bangers, and you can do that anywhere you want. What else would anyone want from a game?
Only years later I learned that Legends is more like of a compilation of cars/tracks/music from Burnout games previously released on home consoles. Part of me wonders whether I would have enjoyed Legends even more if I was a fan of the series before that, but...that's probably impossible.

Probably the best racing game on PSP. The game is a mix of the first three titles in the Burnout series seen on home consoles. What is impressive, positively, is that the game is equivalent to home consoles, both in terms of graphics and gameplay. Compared to all the games released during that period, this one not only shares the same title as those on PS2 and Xbox, but also reproduces the same gameplay and features, even going so far as to have graphics absurdly similar to those of the PlayStation 2. Going into detail, the game is super fun; accidents are not a disadvantage but also a bonus that can be used to hit other participants’ cars through a clear mode that allows us to decide where to send the car during the accident phase. The sense of speed is portrayed very well, and when using the fastest cars, like those of Formula 1, it really feels like zooming through a highway with that beast. The accident mode is super fun, allowing us to cause accidents by deciding where to hit and giving us the goal of destroying more vehicles in order to earn more points. I can’t comment on the multiplayer mode because, not having other friends with the same console, I’ve never been able to use it.

Divertido, desenfrenado y caótico. Todos los elementos existentes en esta entrega de burnout empujan estos conceptos. Su música, la paleta de colores, y por sobre todo, su jugabilidad.
La conducción se basa en el reflejo, aunque el juego nos invita a tomar velocidad. Un leve choque nunca nos impedirá seguir, pero en el momento que nos estrellamos, podemos llegar a perder terreno valioso. La disposición de los elementos ayuda a la visualización del escenario, con el fin de no chocar en el intento de adquirir mayor velocidad. A todo esto, le sumamos el nitro, el cual es altamente útil, la manera más eficiente de conseguirlo es chocando a nuestros rivales con el fin de que se estrolen contra alguna estructura o vehículo, esto le agrega un apartado de combate el cual encaja de manera perfecta y potencia la meta de diseño que entreve esta entrega de Burnout.
Mi único problema (el cual impide que este juego sea sobresaliente) es una cuestión relacionada con la forma del combate en las carreras.
En todas las carreras del juego, seremos nosotros contra tres autos más, cuatro en total.
Hasta acá todo bien, el problema reside en cuanto arrancamos la carrera, logramos derribar a un rival y automáticamente activamos el nitro con el fin de sacar ventaja. La ventaja que sacaremos va a ser abismal, y como solo somos cuatro corredores, fácilmente nos pondremos en primer puesto al inicio de la competencia.
Los desarrolladores probablemente vieron este problema, ¿Su solución? Rivales (bots manejados por la IA del juego) que adquieren una velocidad sobrenatural una vez estan lejos de nosotros, sacar una distancia considerable sobre nuestros oponentes es casi imposible, haciendo que ponerse primero en la carrera sea casi perjudicial. Esto funciona así con el fin de que el jugador este constantemente al choque con otros autos. Buena intención, pero pésima solución, agregar más corredores y hacer largar ultimo al jugador hubiese sido más acertado. No digo que no debe haber un leve hándicap para los corredores que se encuentran detrás nuestros, pero en este caso me parece hasta anticlimático.

Once again, it was pretty cool that they were able to get a console-quality Burnout game onto the PSP at the time. The game itself was also pretty fun.

way more lame version of 3

really enjoyed crashing things as a kid, i mean i spent most of my time watching crash compilations on youtube so the burnout series was probably my favorite growing up. i still have some songs from the soundtrack in my playlist to this day.

I have so many good memories with this one back when I had my psp, I was so addicted to it, I played all day, an got first place in every race, I basically mastered this game, and it was with it, that I met the Burnout series, solid title, great fun

Esse jogo é o melhor jogo de carro que já joguei, cada batida me fazia me sentir o Velozes e Fuirosos, infelizmente não terminei os circuitos tudo, mas me alegra muito, acho que não teria interesse em zerar