Reviews from

in the past

This is a fourteen-year-old’s fever dream after glimpsing a poster for fast & furious: no characters, real cars, stakes, narrative, just a visceral piss-colour-graded world tour that could only have emerged from a series building upon itself in isolation without any real-world reference: an automotive dream-world, an underworld to Forza’s sunny utopia.

I yearn for a timeline where Burnout wasn’t abandoned, and for tracks full of character to remain at the core of the arcade racer experience. Despite tech advancements, even Paradise didn’t quite capture the off-kilter energy of Criterion’s peak of Takedown and Revenge.

insert Smiling Friends reference here

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

High octane racing action that has aged very well.

Cars explode and burn and that's what I live for honestly

Possibly one of the best from the franchise (Sorry Burnout 3 fans). Especially the 360 version that gives me this huge sense of speed. There are races, roadrage, crashbreaker, crash missions, it's just so much fun... even someone that doesn't play racing games will love it!

Live footage of people from Washington D.C driving to work

If you put microtransactions in this you’d make a trillion dollars. Digital candy for evil kids.

Shotgun, Bundy, Dance Dance, Red Flag

I had concerns about a possible Burnout fatigue when I picked up this game, but it still worked wonderfully. Probably the best episode of the series on this generation, it is the core concept refined to the extreme. The racing? Does not matter so much compared to the domination inflicted on the opponents by just wrecking them in the most spectacular crashes.

as a person who is extremely bad at racing games as i lack the precision required, discovering a game where you are rewarded for crashing was life-changing

sadly i lost my original copy and every physical copy i've managed to get my hands on since has been corrupted somehow

My favorite racer on any system from any series. An insanely focused title that knows what it wants and achieves it effortlessly. Mechanics such as traffic checking punt this game over the finish line and creates a totally unique experience in a genre that often struggles to create standout titles.

Edit: Me and that landlord have a pretty similar method of getting people to play this game with us

Bought this hoping to relieve the magic of 3: Takedown. It didnt. Still good though

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET SODA and play this

the only racing game where you actually feel like you're driving at 150 MPH

The concept of paradise has never convinced me, it is supposed to be THE perfect place but from what i want in life, that "paradise" should be a constant change of experiences, ideal places for ideal situations, but im sure i can pick flaws and never enjoy them to the fullest if i expect perfection.

Or maybe, paradise is a place that works exactly like you imagine, but that place cannot be real since there are always variables that you didnt account for, maybe paradise is a state, a sensation that you want to live, a perfect glorification of whatever with no damaging consequences.

Peak arcade racing if you wanna go fast and make cars go boom

If you've ever desperately wanted to detonate an ice cream truck, this game will let you live out that weird fantasy

The GOAT of racing games, few are as exhilarating as this beast right here

this is the goat of burnout games bar none, the effects they used while ps2 was basically in its death bed was fucking insane for its time (one of the rare titles that destroys the 360 version of the game in terms of graphics) and the revenge mechanic is hella fun, add in the 2007 era of nu-metal edginess sovl (STORIES WITH UNHAPPY ENDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and you got yourself a peak that will only get beaten by need for speed hot pursuit reboot that will release in 2010 (looking forward to it!!!)

It's been compared to Burnout 3: Takedown, but I think Revenge has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor


from my ps2 days. i love this one from the bottom of my heart. gameplay and ESPECIALLY ost will be forever stuck with me.

played till my hands hurt.

burnout revenge on the ps2 for no particular reason

You know what makes these games good? the ability to blow through every single fucking car in your line of sight without a second thought.

car crash compilation on youtube but on my ps2. reminds me of when someone totaled my car in a 9 car pile up and drove off on December 12th, 2018

ignoring all the racing shit and just watching the wrecks and the crashes

while it may not have quite the same feel as burnout 3 (although few games do tbf) revenge is still a brilliantly fun racer. everything just feels a little less satisfying, though. i dont know how you make takedowns, one of the funnest mechanics in videogame history, so unsatisfying to get but this game finds a way. i think it might have the best crash mode of the bunch. adds some bells and whistles to progression such as ratings that are just not very fun to deal with. the sense of speed is still fantastic, though. also i clipped through the floor a few times which was very frustrating.