Reviews from

in the past

Fuckin amazing single that comes with a pretty fun endless runner.

better use of the concept of speed than most Sonic games.

The father of modern endless runners. The gameplay is extremely simple but very engaging.

Maybe it hurt the industry in unpredictable ways, but it's fun, nothing crazy and it definitely feels old, but still fun (Specially the feel of speed)

Fun timewaster, play it on mobile

Canabalt... es un runner

entiendo que este ha sido un juego que inspiro a Mario Run... pero aun asi me sigue pareciendo un poco injusto en partes... algunas veces las cajas me han aparecido al final de un precipicio haciendo que no pueda ni saltar porque obviamente no llegaria... ni evitar comermelas haciendo que tampoco llegue

un poco injusto pero es lo que tiene un juego asi supongo

Andou para que Vector pudesse correr! (se bem que ele é mais veloz que o próprio Vector, rs)

If you told Adam Saltsman during the 5 hour game jam he created Canabalt in that within less than a decade, his work would inspire Nintendo to release a Mario game with the same central premise, do you think he would've believed you?

Canabalt, though not the original creator of the mechanic, is the modern fountainhead of the endless runner. It's no exaggeration to say that this concept has made copycats tens of millions of dollars in the years since its release. Far more importantly, it has come to define what it means to play games on a mobile device - both introducing interactive media to millions, but also bestowing the gift of play to the disabled.

As a game, Canabalt is good at what it does, though it doesn't do a lot. It's intuitive and simple as games can be, though it does carry with it some thematic heft and intrigue, picking an interesting "War of the Worlds"-like setting and building its mechanics around it. You dive in and out of windows, buildings crumble under your feet, bombs fall from the sky, the limbs of giant walkers appear suddenly in lieu of any permanent structure. It's fairly cinematic, all in all.

As a full-bodied game on PC, it is difficult for Canabalt to hold much attention, though its smattering of challenge modes and co-op play do make a solid attempt. It's worth a play for its legacy but also because it is genuinely fun for the time you'll spend with it.

Simple endless runner that kicked off the modern renaissance of the genre (at least on mobile). Pleasantly demure, almost Constructionist environment and art. Surprisingly influential on 2010s indie game development.

buying my old iphone 7 only to play Vector again

Es un runner bastante sencillo, no hay power ups ni niveles, es solo un pique amistoso por ver quien llega mas lejos
El juego consiste en saltar por edificios mientras esquivas obstáculos, a medida que avanzas tu personaje se va moviendo cada vez mas y mas rápido hasta que vuelve prácticamente incontrolable, entonces ¿Cómo controlas la velocidad?, simple mientras avanzas veras unas especie contra las que te puedes chocar para disminuir tu velocidad, pero tienes que tener cuidado o si no tu velocidad se reducirá tanto que no podrás saltar los edificios, en un constante tira y afloja
También puedes controlar la altura del salto en función de que tanto tiempo mantengas pulsado el botón, cuando vas lento tienes mas control y si vas rápido te irás disparado sin control hacia delante

"Vector'den önce çıkmış, Vector'un babası olduğu aşırı belli olan bir oyun!"

Yıkılan binalar, daha da hızlanma ve yukarıdan bir şeylerin yağması gibi olayları da eğer "Vector" oyununa ekleselerdi o oyun daha da şahane olurmuş, ancak zaten olduğu halini çokça seviyoruz...

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