Reviews from

in the past

Never finished this, but I love the spectacle of this game. The big mech made out of individual sprites that chases after you on the highway owns.

cool chilhood game, branching story as retro game, still one of my fav until now

The best game on the series was somehow on the Mega Drive all this time. I legit wasn't expecting to like Hard Corps this much.

For starters, four different characters, each with their own weapon loadout - that's sixteen mostly distinct guns. My favorite ended up being FANG, a humanoid wolf with a gun for an arm, that also wears sunglasses. Video games, man.

Half of his guns don't shoot in multiple directions, but they are all absurdly powerful, making for an incredibly satisfying character.

The game also features some branching paths, with a few unique levels between those paths.

There is also a slide with some very generous i-frames, and it's immensely satisfying to use that.

But really, maybe what puts this above other games in the series is that this is a healthy challenge. Something like Contra 4, for example, is absolutely brutal, and the NES games are stuck in that memorization arcade mentality.

The auto-scroller boss is a bit of a pacing killer though, and fairly brainless. So brainless that you can actually fast-forward through a good chunk of the fight on an emulator, since the screen just auto-scrolls and you can't damage him at all in these sections. Lame.

Play the Japanese version though, or the American version with the proper romhack. It features a 3-hit life bar and infinite continues, while the western release has you die in one-hit and features limited continues, get out of here.

Contra 1 but better, this game fucks so hard..

Contra: Hard Corps was my first ever Contra and quite possibly my last Contra game. It wasn't really up my alley as it was a very hard game. I am aware that the franchise is meant to be difficult, but for a shoot 'em up side-scroller, it was a little challenging.

The pinnacle of Contra and Run 'n' Gun.

Stonking run and gun, a worthy addition to the Contra canon. Some stunning visual effects, and wild level design. Perhaps a trifle easy. The European release as usual changes the protagonists to robots to make it less violent, but also rather criminally removes a key dialogue choice, which means you don't get the darkest ending. Can't have our plucky mechanical heroes turn evil now can we?

Another badass Contra this time blessing the 16-bit SEGA era. It's avaiable on NSO and the Contra collection, give it a try everyone.
The wolf was fun af to play btw.

Played on the Switch version of Contra Anniversary Collection. I deleted the collection from my library, so I will not be continuing this game.

takedda robot is like the coolest shit ever

For me, this felt like a big step down from Contra III…

The bosses were the highlight. Original, weird and wonderful in their design.

The levels lacked depth. Very simple and uninspiring.

The difficulty really annoyed me. I don’t mind learning enemy move-sets, but you have to be PERFECT in your player placement and movement. I know this is a feature of these Contra games but this was the worst game yet for unfairness.

I enjoyed my time with Hard Corps but it won’t be something I will run back to.

The only way it's reasonably playable is with save states, but it kinda rocks. Among the best run'n'guns on the Genesis. Absurd visuals and enemy design

For whatever reason this is secretly the best Contra game. I've never heard much about it before playing but it was so damn fun and funny. Over-the-top 100% of the time and just so imaginative. Multiple characters and pathways make for great replayability and I believe this is the first game that lacks less-fun gimmick stages that other Contras had.

Before I write my junk, I do have to mirror reviews and suggest that if you were to play this that it would be better off playing the Japanese version (or a patched U/E ROM file). Purists may say it's the intended experience to be playing with one-hit-deaths but that puritanism is an effect of elitism that often permeates around older titles on legacy consoles. Completing the game using an English release IS an achievement... but one that requires a lot of investment and practice that many of us simply don't have.

Hard Corps isn't existentially brutal when you can survive a single hit from any of the grunts, creatures or robots. Most of your challenge is in learning boss patterns on your 2nd or 3rd go around. Most of them are straightforward enough, move to a different side of the screen or jump at a certain time. A few last a little longer than expected and the words "how much health does this guy have?" left our mouths more than once.

The branching paths is a fun idea, another mechanic that is a little more forgiving if death isn't a 16x16 tile away. There are about 4 choices available and all of them seemingly have some form of consequence in stage selection and bosses fought. Regardless of that, most runs will only have 6 stages. It was a shock to us that we beat the game. That's it? We need to play again then!

If there were any major criticisms to be had on a personal level, the game is perhaps too visually cluttered. It looks wonderful when you watch someone else play it or when you get a chance to appreciate the environmental art and enemy design. More often than not, you are locking your focus on projectiles wandering across screen praying that you don't get hit by some random object you seemed to miss. Exaggerate that issue of focus when you're playing co-op, both of you spraying bullets everywhere.

I am looking forward to play this again, clear another path and hopefully convince some people on retroachievements to add support for the Japanese release.

One of the most difficult games I’ve ever played

Tiene todos los elementos potenciales para ser un clásico y una obra maestra de su género: Variedad jugable, buenos controles, varios personajes con distintas habilidades, una historia con varios caminos y varios personajes...

Pero es estúpidamente difícil. Solo he podido pasármelo gracias a la opción de rebobinar. Su diseño es frustrante y parece hecho con la idea de que el juego te dure una exageración a base de repetir repetir y repetir. En fin, qué se le va a hacer, así eran los arcades.

Saved scummed my way through the US version (I'm bad at video games, okay?) and had a blast. Really satisfying run 'n gun stuff here, branching paths were cool and the auto-scroller section was really visually impressive. Probably won't revisit any time soon because of the difficulty but I'm glad I played it

This and Castlevania: Bloodlines brought the best out of the Genesis. While I prefer the Japanese version of this game I do like the blistering difficulty of the North American release as well.

Cool, but textbook cheap difficulty. The weapons aren’t nearly as fun as, let’s say, Metal Slug.

Contra: Hard Corps (1994): Una fórmula con claros síntomas de fatiga. Los personajes son más variados e intentan contarte algo (poco, tampoco nos flipemos) pero el diseño de niveles flojea y en general siento que con estos mimbres ya no se pueden hacer muchos cestos nuevos (5,70)

Ok I get it. I'm sure they are awesome if you're good at them... but I'm never playing a Contra game again.

This game is infinitely more playable if you stick with the Japanese version and the girl character since her slide is the longest and grants you more i-frames. I still prefer the nes outings though. This feels more like style over substance like a good number of later Konami games and, honestly, most of Treasure's output but worth a once over at the least.

This is the only Contra game I’ve finished so I’m not the best authority here, but this game fucking rocks. Aside from the boring auto scroller fight, it’s so well paced and has a few points where you can select between branching paths that make every playthrough feel unique. It’s not absurdly difficult; there’s never too much to manage at once. It’s got a fantastic soundtrack. It looks very pretty. It just rocks, man. That auto scroller fight IS quite boring tho. Probably the only blemish here.

The only Contra game I actually like, but I really like it a lot. Top tier Mega Drive action game.

Had to abuse save states like a baby but damn this game actually kinda rules. Still absolute BS in terms of difficulty though

Played the JP version
It was my first Contra game despite being a big Konami fan and I really liked it but it was still hard