Reviews from

in the past

Literally terrible anthology of lame shorts in the Corpse Party universe.

Still just as scary as its predecessor, but also retreads a lot of the same ground narratively. Worth playing if you like Corpse Party though.

i didnt need a second morishige heavy breathing cg

this had a good concept, its just a shame the author focused more on torturing high school girls because he enjoys it than the execution

Not as good as the first game but I liked most of the what if stories as well as expanding to characters I wanted to know more of like Yui, Morshige, Yuuya, & Naho. The actual sequel part Book of Shadows I didn't care for and how it continues in Blood Drive makes it even more pointless. Bottom line I think it should've been an anthology game.

Ele é tipo 20% bom e 80% delírio coletivo.

I love this series, but why did it suddenly become a vn? Honestly I can't hate it. I had a vn phase. I like it :).

If your main complaint with the reboot Corpse Party was that it didn't flesh out the side (kill fodder) characters, than you're in luck, because that's basically what this is. It's a good time if you're a fan, though, if a little clunky by visual novel standards.

Anthology that gives you a premise that is discarded after two chapters. Mostly p weak expanding on some characters but it's not much deeper than the exchaps. (A few of them was literally just previous exchaps) The writing is a bit clunky but overall p fun and I think in general the writing style was a bit better than blood covered. Still I think that it's nigh unacceptable to name your game after an item that only is mentioned in the secret unlockable teaser to the next game.

Also while I'm not bothered by it, be aware that the game can be a bit "problematic" (on the same level as blood covered just about) with it showing off girls' underwear a lot and being a bit obsessed with girls pissing themselves. I don't think it's a big problem but is it there. Also it has the bury the gay trope again which... it's cool ig that they outright say it this time but still it plays into that trope.

All in all, I'm afraid this one fails to live up to the first game. I was expecting something similar to and more in style of 'Corpse Party' but instead I got a visual novel with less interactivity than a Telltale game.

Also, this is not even a sequel but a collection of incoherent, individual chapters all taking place either in the past, or in an alternate universe, and there's absolutely no way to get a good ending in any of them, so I just stopped caring about the characters after a while knowing that no matter what I do, they'll die anyway.

Only the very last chapter can be considered an actual sequel, where we can finally see the Book of Shadows mentioned in the title, and unfortunately this one is one of the less interactive ones. And why couldn't I play as my favourite character, one of the main protagonists of the first game, Satoshi?

I guess I'll play the next game for the story but right now I feel quite disappointed.

my favorite corpse party game, even if it's not good objectively speaking

Some parts felt weirdly... pornographic? The fact that the characters are all in high school makes this even creepier.

Books of Shadows isn't necessarily bad. When it sheds light on extra portions of the story or dives further into some alternative scenarios, it's actually a very good visual novel. In fact, if they removes the weird gameplay element where you have to actually move around the school and avoid being "darkened", it would be an even better visual novel.

I think the part that hurts Book of Shadows the most is the abnormal attempt at fanservice (?) via the slice of life-esque scenes, like the semi-romantic relationships between Naho and the new character Sayaka in chapter 4. There are a few other segments like these, but they go on for a bit too long and sometimes overstay their welcome.

This game really does play out more like a dark visual novel than a horror game...and that's all it really is. This is likely made for the more hardcore audience, making it a bit too difficult for anyone else to enjoy.

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It is still scary at times and very spooky with the binaural audio when wearing headphones, however it drags itself by branching off into other short stories and isn't much of a sequel the most important scenes that actually continue the story are literally at the end of the game. Not a great sequel, unless you are a die-hard fan itching for more lore and whatnot.

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Book of Shadows is a really different sort of follow up. It's a sequel, prequel, takes place during the first game, remake and reboot all the same. I know that sounds weird but it really is all true. Book of Shadows is a collection of stories that take place in the Corpse Party world. The game drops the adventure element and is a straight visual novel with minor movement sections. Each story is one of those things that I said at the start. A lot of it its expansions to what was said or alluded to in CP1. Some back stories more fleshed out. Some stories of what happened to previous characters. Some stories give some characters and alternate end or explanation to what happened. As a single experience there is a lot of jumping around and if you are not familiar with CP1 then your experience certainly will not be great. What we get here though is some fun what ifs and explanations we didn't need but are welcome in expanding the history and world of the last horror title.
Some stories are better than others. Some of the past school kids have exceedingly long back stories for what we know as the players aren't going to make it and overstay their welcome. While some stories really expanded a characters dimension and give more to them and their motives.
The horror and creep factor is just as prevalent. The same cast returns and the game has all the excellent sound design from the last entry. After completing every scenario you unlock one additional scenario which is the sequel chapter that leads into the final game. This chapter is really well done and might be my favorite part of the series. Seeing how our survivors deal with such a traumatizing ordeal and how it has ruined some of their lives is great and not something we see too much in horror game sequels as the next part is them all wrapped into another horror right away. In book of shadows they let that sit awhile and then finally lead into the events of the final game.
Mileage may vary one this one. If you like the overly long backstories and lore building then your in for a treat but if you simply want the bridge from 1 to 3 then I suggest just watching the last scenario on youtube or have a download save.

- Do you like Corpse Party?
- Do you like Visual Novels?
- Are you up for a collection of prequel, sequel, and what-if chapters that don't necessarily push the plot forward?
If the answer to all those questions is "yes", then sure, give Book of Shadows a try.

It's better written that Blood Covered, it has better scares (IMO), both main and secondary characters get more fleshed out, better CGs, better voice acting... It's a good package, but to get into it you must be aware that only the last chapter matters when it comes to the series' development, and the rest is complementary material that could've easily been extra chapters in Blood Covered... but with much better quality.

I actually liked it more than Blood Covered, it's just a shame that it doesn't stand as its own individual installment and instead is kinda like the Corpse Party version of the Animatrix. You can't recommend it on its own, and the genre change along with the chapters-as-short-stories formula might put off a significant portion of the core fanbase, but if you're into what's being offered, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Un bon ajout au premier épisode au niveau de l'histoire qui développe le lore mais comme c'est devenu un Visual Novel bête et méchant avec quasiment zéro choix à faire, bah on se fait un peu chier.

Genuinely only liked the VN aspects (and my favorite lesbian Seiko) but what the f was this mechanic... had to quit because rooms simulator was pissing me off

Shelving this for now.

Not because it's bad but because I'm not in the vibe to play it rn so I'll come back to it at some point when I wanna get back into the series!

Would have liked it alot less if I didn't follow a guide but the 360 degree audio really enhanced the experience. Wear headphones while playing

My god it got worse. Props to them for an interesting idea where they use a bad ending from the first game as the premise for the story here but that can’t save it from awful writing and horrible puzzles. If I ever finish this it’s because I was forced to

yeah ok might as well get a huge black screen with the words "fuck you" blinking at the center of the screen and in red arial font

Premissa confusa, execução péssima. Honestamente, não consigo expressar direito o que eu senti enquanto jogava isso. A Gameplay é horrível, monótona, enjoativa. Não te estimula a continuar a jogar. Uma surpresa a todos que vieram direto do primeiro título. Os capítulos são fracos, e em sua maioria são de longa duração, com um cenário bastante extenso, e costumam ser sempre a mesma coisa, o que te faz cansar rápido desse jogo. Os personagens continuam um tanto quanto rasos, sem aprofundamento na história. Entretanto, tenho que fazer uma ressalva ao prólogo de Blood Drive que eles fizeram, aquilo sim foi bom. A mecânica point-and-click encaixou perfeitamente ao contrate do cenário presente, e a atmosfera do lugar melhorou muito experiência. O jogo ficaria muito melhor se tivesse sido feito dessa maneira.

actually really good in terms of adding onto the stories of some characters