Reviews from

in the past

pretty good considering mecha games just don't exist anymore

Audiovisuell macht es ganz schön was her, aber leider nicht meine Art von Spiel.
Nach etwa 3 Stunden abgebrochen, weil ich beim Boss absolut keine Ahnung hatte, was ich zu tun habe und mir alles zu wirr war.

Mind-numbing in multiple ways---easy, simplistic gameplay, convoluted anime plot, way too much time spent on dialogue and cutscenes, sleazy mobile game feel. Felt like a Playstation 2 game with better graphics. Not recommended.

This one has one of the worst, cringiest, most cliché dialogues and nonsensical story in the history of anime plots. And I'm not even exaggerating.
It's a pretty fun brain-dead shooter though.
Just don't expect it to be a complex mecha builder, since most stats are not properly explained and do absolutely nothing.
And certainly don't expect any good story here - the MC is a mute piece of cardboard, 95% of the game has no story at all and the rest 5% is a hilarious exposition ultra-dump so concentrated it melts your brain.

Now I understand why shinji won’t get in the robot.

Absolutely nonsensical story in the most anime way possible but the mecha combat and customization was so fun that it saw me through the jump rope of a plot. Fun game to get on sale while you wait for armored core 6.

I had a fun time with this game. I like the idea of customizing mechs. Love how smoothly the game runs on PC, I didn't run into any technical issues. The main story and the character backstories are a bit of a mess. There also aren't very many missions. It seems like it has the potential to be grindy if you are trying to go for certain equipment, but that isn't required to beat the main story, so I don't think it's too bad.

I love too much mecha genre, buy this game and played 1 hour, game is good but there is a no hit feeling, mecha game and no hit feeling ?????????

this box cover looks like it would cut you with the edginess it emanates

It starts out quite interesting and fun but quickly devolves into tedium when every mission becomes essentially the same thing.

The robot customizing looks like it has some depth but really just equip the things that make number go up and you'll beat every mission no problem. The game presents various options for combat but lacks any real depth as even the games toughest enemies that come at you in their own mechs can be beaten by just shooting them with rifles and spamming homing rockets. In some cases I didn't even have to move to kill the boss enemies even in the games final few missions. Speaking of the final few missions, without spoiling anything, are copy pasted FOUR times and result in a feeling of tedium rather than an exciting climax

The cast of characters is also far too big and none of them are fleshed out particularly well so the game will try to do big emotional moments with certain people but you'll be sat there going "who was that?" rather than engaging with the events on screen.

Unless you got it for free from Epic Game Store when it was available I suggest looking elsewhere for your mecha fix

i dropped this because the story is piss poor and the mission variety was a slog to go through

there's no reason to play this now that armored core 6 has released and is getting updated.

I shouldn't have to play something for 50 hours in order for it to get slightly better. The gameplay is extremely shallow and it has no reason to be on pc since there's no added mechanics to benefit the 200 fps cap.

The gameplay looks nothing like the trailers, navigating the mech feels awful, Boring map design, and the story and dialogue is cringeworthy.

Not sure why this got so many good reviews when it came out it doesn't scratch the armored core itch. Max I could give this is 2 stars, it isn't fun at all.

The gameplay can be fun but the game is way too long and repetitive for that to last. The story's completely incomprehensible and not in a fun way either. Hopefully the sequel makes things work better, the lore is actually kinda interesting, you just wouldn't know it without looking at side material.

I should clarify, I'm not a big mech game aficionado, so maybe someone who's really into the genre might get something more out of it.

Average truly is the word. If you're a fan of Earth Defense Force, you'll find the same kind of fun here. It can be a good time if you just want to play a mech game, especially if you do so with friends. Inoffensive, but not something that anyone really needs to play.

after 2 minutes of cutscenes i decided to skip all of them. no story, just mecha.
and then the game became so much better

Bought this like 2 years ago and only really started it a year ago. Was not expecting it to be as long as it was and kept getting sidetracked by other games.

Do not go into this expecting Zone of the Enders (I did cause I'm fucking stupid), this is basically Armored Core meets Monster Hunter story/mission/grind structure for better or worse. The most "feels good as fuck to play, but with dogshit story" game I've played in a hot minute, but that's okay what really matters with video games is that it's fun foremost and a good story can come after. Will probably still be playing this for a few more weeks or even months after learning of all the post campaign/co-op mission content available.

Anyways, banger OST and mark me down as excited for a sequel that further improves on the already stellar combat and perhaps delivers on a better told story.

Good armored core inspired game that feels more accessible for modern audiences held back by annoying grinding.

No me he enterao de nada y no es joda XD

El Armored Core de Hacendado, pero te lo fumas.

I went in expecting Armored Core but got a game where the movement feels like dragging a mouse cursor around and where the very first boss is incredibly easy but before you can kill it you're forced to see a cutscenes of some random guys killing it for you. Cool.

I like cool robots. gameplay is meh

I hate almost every character but the Big Robots make up for it.

Colocado na geladeira tambem, pelos mesmos motivos que The Ascent, pretendo pegar e voltar a jogar nas férias provavelmente. O jogo não é nem de longe ruim, só achei muito repetitivo e me cansei.

Unfortunate that it's obviously been screwed over, but it was still a very enjoyable game.