Reviews from

in the past

This game goes so hard, I’ve never played D2, but this was a treat I will continue to play this for days to come. You all know the formula I don’t have to go over the gameplay loop.

irrelevant in a post path of exile world

You can't ever "finish" Diablo, can you? Same old grindy addictive pseudo RPG as before, but with nicer graphics and bad usage of the controller (MK doesn'T really translate in this game, it was better implemented in D3).

While I agree with the sentiment that this isn't an optimal remaster, I think it still needs to be stated that this is pretty objectively the best way to play Diablo II. If you prefer the old graphics (and can stand the 25fps), you can just press G. Apart from that, Diablo II is a marvelous game that makes me nostalgic for a simpler time in my life. Play it with friends if you can. Makes it much more fun.

Harika bir remastered olmuş. 2000 yapımı Diablo II'yi arada indirip oynardım. Yıllar sonra ilaç gibi geldi.

pretty good remaster for what it is, if blizzard tried to remake d2 today it would prob play like d3 or d4

Bien bien naze comme jeu, je ne comprends pas l'aura qui l'entoure.

The original Diablo was a formative experience for me and a game I admire tremendously from a design perspective. I remember getting very excited when the sequel came out, but got stuck with a bad character build in Act II and subsequently gave it up. Seeing as it remains very popular I wanted to check it off on my bucket list of classic games, but unfortunately I was really disillusioned by the experience and kind of wish I hadn't gone to the trouble to revisit it.

Maybe it's sacrilege to say this, but I think this is a terrible sequel and almost like a Eurojank knock-off of Diablo. Like in the first game, you zip through procedural levels going through a mindnumbing repetitive loop of killing/looting a series of monsters and then town portaling back to the base. Sell, restock, repeat. But things get cranked up several notches too many. Everything is super smooth and zoned in on this core loop to the exclusion of anything else. Nothing leads to discomfort for the player. Vendors are strategically placed for minimum travel distance after the town portal. Hirelings smash enemies without you needing to lift a finger. If they die they can be resurrected within seconds at a negligible gold cost.

The game is dark and bloody, but the ambience of the first Diablo seems almost completely gone. NPCs are not fleshed out or humanized in any meaningful way. Quests are threadbare and often nonsensical, somehow becoming worse the more you progress in the game. The dialogue is basic madlib with the various triggers and game objects the player must interact with to progress ("This {Darkness} must be the work of {Claw Vipers}! Go to their {Nest} and kill them").

What seems to have preoccupied the designers are two equally odious pillars constituting the core gameplay loop: 1) a nested system of slot machines for random gear and upgrades that the player can collect, 2) a ridiculously over-engineered skill tree promising gameplay variety, but in reality offering only a few combinations that give the player a viable chance of completing the game.

The success of your character is defined almost exclusively by your build and your gear. As the gear is randomly generated through the aforementioned slot machines, the only skill involved lies in properly setting up your character. This is where the design runs into trouble. As I discovered in my first outing with the game, there is no real way for the player to predict what kind of abilities they will need later on. What works very well in one part of the game can suddenly drop off in usefulness without warning. Respeccing opportunities are exceedingly rare - only once per twenty-hour plus run - but the game does not inform you of this beforehand. Worse still, this chance is provided at the very start of the run, when you are the least likely to make good use of it. Spreading your skill points out to experiment with the various abilities does nothing but hurt you, the path to success is instead to cram almost all points into one thing.

This time I decided I didn't have time to screw around with a bad build and followed an online guide instead. As I followed the guide, I was disappointed by the sheer number of immersion-breaking things I had to do, things that would have been close to impossible for me to discover organically as a player taking the game's fiction and premise in good faith. The distribution of points was exceedingly lopsided and non-intuitive. I had to reload constantly to reset vendor stocks, farmed an early game boss for runes, had to make extensive use of the Horadric Cube (another slot machine) for item transmutations, the list goes on and on. Almost all skill points were fed into a single aura that was almost game-breakingly powerful - that is, until the final act, where it became almost useless.

The more I played, the more I came to hate the core systems of this game. Players are severely punished for experimentation and more or less forced to min-max with the aid of guides. Following the intuition you build up through normal gameplay never seems to lead you organically to good choices.

As I played through the game, the slot machine analogy stuck with me more and more. The soundscape is dominated by mid-range boosted sounds of rushing coins and gemstones. Minor dungeons end in seas of gold and purple sparkling chests. Bosses explode into fireworks of gold-colored loot. What I'm trying to say is that this game just feels like an online gambling app with a grimdark fantasy skin. As players mindlessly click-click-click their way through this procedural slop, are they really appreciably different from the rows of decrepit boomers in Vegas awaiting their final descent into oblivion?

In a world with the Soulsborne games and modern action rogue-likes, there is absolutely no need to play this. It's a bad sequel with nothing of what made the original Diablo good. It's more like the spiritual precursor to something like Raid: Shadow Legends - a hollow, insincere Skinner box that's just there to soak up your time without investing your actions with meaning or a vector for mental growth. Absolute detestable dreck. A cancer and a blight upon the history of games development. One star.

O melhor Diablo. Plot, personagens, Design, armas e segredos muito bem feitos e muito criativos.

“Diablo 2” holds up very well! I almost rage quite it in the beginning, but I learned the ropes again from playing this a ton as a kid and once it all clicked I was off to the races. The game itself does feel old and somewhat archaic, but in a good way. It reminds me of how games used to be way harder than they are these days and they also used to have unlimited replay-ability. There’s a reason people are still playing Diablo 2 today, the systems in place are even deeper than most games of its genre. This remake also looks gorgeous top to bottom. Easy recommend.


I picked it up because of my interest in trying a diablo game, 2 was the most recommended and resurrected is almost unanimously agreed on as the definitive way to play 2.

Yeah they remade the graphics to 3D models, but it feels uncanny due to multiple reasons.
One of them is that the new textures combined with 3D lighting decreases readability, not by much but dropped loot is the most affected by this. There's also performance hiccups that seem unjustified tbh, my rig is a bit dated but not enough to stutter in this game, but honestly this issue with other clues like the bloated game size gives off the impression that D2R isn't optimized or compressed well enough to justify this performance.

I recapped 1's plot to try and get invested in 2, but 2's plot seems more inconsequential, meaning no narrative incentive to keep going.

The game's loop was entertaining for the first few hours but exceeding double-digit hours it starts to strain, there's odd difficulty spikes, and some classes are affected way more by it. Side note: Blizzard killed off the capability to set up private servers because of a shitty excuse, so screw them.

It might be ok if you're playing on the switch, but dedicating free time to burn through it is not an attractive idea at all unless you already know what awaits you.

pretty much the og game but with few quality of life changes and graphics update.
online only drm which knocks it down a notch in my eyes.

I played the original back.... when was it... 2000.
I have also played the first quite a bit. Diablo 2 was really good I recall, but when this remake came out I had no doubt that this was something I would like to play again even though I did not play the original more than maybe 3 characters and completed the story.

I knew by now that the game is meant to be played in a loop, to unlock better gear, use runes to create better gear etc.
When I was young I hated any type of grind, so the story was enough for me.
This time around, grinding is still not the best for me, but I have more patience for it.

I set myself up with YT and forums, to make sure that I had access to every knowledge needed to get the best gear, and painted the roadmap for my char. Also had a mate that wanted in and we started up and went mad ape on the game to grind for runes and slotted drops so that we could make the stuff needed to do hard runs.

First time doing cow runs and everything. Oh I had a blast. I really like the game loop that this offers. So much fun. Also running Hardcore only as that just adds t othe tension while playing.

It is retired for now but I could easily pick it up again.

I am impressed that this old a game still can give me loads of fun. And is more fun than most modern games, sadly.

Probably the grindiest game I've ever played. Very frustrating with it's outdated mechanics but I really love the atmosphere and the gameplay loop is genuinely addictive. The class and gear variety and complexity is dizzying and downright confusing at times. This game definitely doesnt hold your hand or give you a lot of information. I cant believe people used to master these kinds of games without guides. I am constantly looking up guides on my phone and getting lost because the map design is so confusing. Anyways, shout out blizzard for always making extremely good cinematics and cutscenes. Liked this more than diablo 3, excited for diablo 4

I loved Diablo 3 and I’m so hyped for Diablo 4, so I decided to grab this to get myself ready before I replay 3.

Man I really wanted to like it but there were just so many issues that riddled my play-through. First off, the game plays relatively well, I had lots of frame rate drops even in performance mode. I also got booted from the game quite frequently, yes this could be related to my internet but I DON’T like the fact that you have to make a SEPARATE character for offline instead of using your current player.

Gameplay wise it’s fine although I found Diablo 3’s combat to be much smoother and satisfying but that could be personal preference. Prob a 2.5/5 for me

Originalmente tinha começado com Amazon, acabei recomeçando com Assassin e foi mais divertido.

O jogo é bem divertido, da pra ver bem de onde veio as bases do Diablo 3. Ele é certamente mais lento, mas isso não o torna ruim. Eu até prefiro o ritmo dele.

O maior defeito pra mim, que é compartilhado por todos os jogos similares (Diablo, PoE e outros que copiaram essa fórmula) são os mapas. Entendo que para muita gente o apelo de explorar novas áreas toda vez seja interessante mas eu simplesmente detesto esses mapas genéricos procedurais que você fica meia hora pra encontrar qualquer coisa. Acho realmente ruim.

No mais, esse remaster funciona bem e entrega o prometido, apesar de decisões escrotas da Activision Blizzard, como forçar online mesmo no modo offline, eu literalmente deixei de comprar a versão de Switch porque mesmo jogando offline você precisa se conectar na internet a cada 30 dias se não você perde acesso ao jogo. De longe a coisa mais nojenta que eu já vi qualquer empresa de videogame fazer.

Eu não sei a terminologia correta para definir esse relançamento de Diablo II, se podemos chamar de uma remasterização bem feita ou de um remake preguiçoso. Confesso que tive sentimentos conflitantes ao revisitar esse clássico dos jogos de computador, parte de mim estava profundamente admirado com a construção de mundo e a outra parte extremamente frustrada com a quantidade de mecânicas rudimentares transportadas diretamente dos anos 2000. Sinto esse jogo como uma oportunidade perdida em se atualizar um clássico, adicionar mecânicas apresentadas na sua sequência e melhorar a qualidade de vida do jogo, especialmente no tocante ao grinding, que é a pior parte do jogo para mim.

Foi uma experiência muito legal passar 30h nesse mundo novamente, só esperava que o jogo tivesse algo além de uma atualização gráfica, faltou razão de ser ao meu ver.

O fato do último chefe SEQUER lhe dar experiência ou um item que preste é uma das maiores frustrações que já tive com jogos, é um game extremamente desbalanceado que não recompensa o jogador em batalhas difíceis.

Diablo II Resurrected vale a pena numa promoção, mas não sei se é a melhor porta de entrada pra essa franquia. É um jogo cheio de mecânicas datadas e que exige um grinding inimaginável.

Having played many, many hours of the original Diablo 2, I thought this would be a great bite of nostalgia to sink my teeth into for some hours. Maybe complete the campaign, do a little bit of farming, why not? Having just done my first league of PoE and having tried Last Epoch recently, I was in the mood to play some more ARPG. So I gave it a shot.

I should not have given it a shot.

Diablo 2's atmosphere is still wonderfully grimdark and broody, with color in all the right places to make things pop, but the actual act of playing the game is a torture of the senses. Slow, plodding, unsatisfying to press buttons in, incredibly boring bosses even relative to the rest of the genre, the most flaccid endgame experience of all time... it goes on. Besides the graphics and its own namesake, I don't know how this game competes with its contemporaries in today's age.

Hell, I guess those things are what got ME to buy the remake, so egg on my face.

One day I will stop trying to revisit my old nostalgia games only to be disappointed. Maybe.

- The function to swap between legacy and HD graphics is crazy good. Shows how much work it is done to keep Diablo 2 as close to the original.
- Classes are interesting.
- Dungeons and maps are eerie (in a good way) and sets a good tone to the game.

- Skill trees are a little too simple for modern times.
- Gameplay is a tad bit slow.

Actually, I think it's very good. Of course, we can argue about some outdated mechanics here and there. Developers are changing things slightly to make the game more digestible and modern though. What makes it stand out to me the most is the visuals.

I can't point out what I disliked in D3 and actually MOST RPGs these days -but I think it might be that generic "make it run on all platforms" 3D graphic. Somehow they made it look like it's still 20 y.o. game but contemporary at the same time.

I believe being so old school visually and mechanically wise - somehow this game transcends most of its clones, successors and offspring these days.

i just want to say the ability to switch between 2021 and 2001 graphics on the go is crazy and cool as fuck

I played for about 3 hours and it seems to be a clunky game with no smoothness and always spamming the same buttons in combat. The game only looks visually remastered, the gameplay mechanics still feel 25 years old. It doesn't have enough motivation or gripping to keep me going any further. In short, I didn't find a purpose in the game worth pursuing.

One of the best games ever made, now and forever

I have fond memories of playing the original "Diablo II" at my friend's house in elementary school, as my parents wouldn't buy me the game. We would replay act one over and over again, and we'd always get stuck in act two. Years later, I got my hands on "Diablo III" on PS3, but it quickly lost its luster for me. It just felt like it wasn’t worth the limited time I had to play on consoles. However, when I saw this “Diablo II” remake available for Switch, I knew I had to give it a chance.

Even though I don’t think I got any of the plot, the gameplay loop is so addictively simple that I started from killing time with it to desperately finding time to play with it.

While the graphics are vastly improved, the tiny character models make it difficult to fully appreciate the visual overhaul on mobile consoles. Despite that, I still enjoyed playing as a Necromancer (as usual). Even though I had to spam potions in the late chapters, I found the game to be relatively easy to complete, with the exception of Baal and Duriel.

The game's mechanics and progression system have aged well, and the new quality-of-life features make it more accessible to newcomers.

Excellent remake of a great action RPG - surprisingly faithful to the original while being visually more palatable and buffing some underused builds to provide much better variety with each class. Game still holds up!

Buen remaster, es visualmente espectacular, ademas si quieres siempre puedes jugar con los graficos originales pulsando una tecla. Como videojuego se le sigue notando los años, los huecos de inventario limitados que te obliga a ir a la ciudad cada dos por tres... Aun asi es un juego muy entretenido que te dara para horas y horas.

I understand the importance this game has had on gaming, but I did not enjoy my time with it. The classes all are unique, it has great music, and has a lot of cool features and builds but it feels janky and awkward to me with a lot of little annoyances.

A beautiful game, marred by horrible drop rates, poor balance, and limiting character customization. It's very much worth playing, but be ready for some struggles if you decide to play anything higher than the base difficulty.