Reviews from

in the past

jogo extremamente bonito
já começo falando sobre isso pq eu diria que é o ponto alto dele, as fases até que são bem criativas, os cenários não deixam a desejar e tem várias entradas opcionais pra quem quer tentar platinar pegando todos os itens, mas pra quem quer só andar reto e jogar na moral, o jogo funciona muito bem também

as cutscenes do jogo são partes da animação original, porém não perderam muita qualidade na compressão, diferente das cutscenes do famigerado stuart little 2 que viraram quase uma creepypasta de tão ruim

os cenários e história parecem bem fiéis ao produto original da disney e é até chocante que eu já joguei 3 jogos bons os quais foram todos feitos a partir de obras da gigante das animações... hoje em dia eu sinto que isso nunca mais aconteceria

o único defeito que consigo pensar nesse jogo, é que quando você morre, você volta pro menu inicial, algo que acontece em vários jogos de ps1, mas por alguma razão nesse aqui se torna meio incomodativo... talvez por eu não levar ele muito a sério eu espero o mínimo de coisas facilitadas dele... não sei

ah... a parte de deslizar nos galhos... eu não faço ideia como faz pra saber quando vai vir um galho ou não, visto que do nada eles só surgem e te dão meio milésimo pra reagir e se esquivar... nem ideia como deveria ser

é isso, jogo maneiro, jogo supimpa e que provou mais uma vez que os jogos considerados bons do ps1 na minha infância seguem sendo bons atualmente

pena que é curtíssimo, mas dá pra ganhar uma hora extra nele platinando eu acho

Better than you'd expect a late 90s Disney movie tie in game to be. Having so many animals did it a lot of favors with me.

First "3D" game I ever played on the home PC at like 6 years old, at least it was 3D in my mind because it was not all pixels but approximated some kind of "realism"

How does Tarzan slide on tree braches while barefoot? Seems like splinters would be a problem

Played this on our Windows 97 beige box when I was a child. I loved it and hated it, it was the most fascinating thing I'd ever seen and the most infuriating piece of shit. It may have been my first-ever video game. This game led to a fight between my little brother and I that still haunts me. 1 star for childhood nostalgia, 1 star for irreversible childhood trauma

I just remember this game slapping hard as a kid. I don't know if this is legitimately good at all lmao

Talk about nostalgic. Fun but don’t think I ever finished it, though.

i had this game in spanish when i was a child, it was nice to revisit it! it's a fun platformer with a cool mix of 2D and 3D. the last 3 levels were just plain boring to me and the ending is just so anticlimactic it makes you wonder if you haven't missed anything.

Tarzan was one of my favorite disney movies when I was little, so playing this game was a blast as well!

One of my favorite Disney movies and also one of my fav. games as a kid. I decided to re-play it to remind myself about those childhood moments when I loved to play this. I see that it isn't that good of a game now but it's tolerable and simple.

I, no joke, dreamed how to beat the last boss after being stuck on it for 2 days when I was a kid.

Reconta muito bem este maravilhoso clássico da Disney, acho ele bem difícil até hoje, mas é divertido mesmo assim, adorava jogar isso na infância.

So close for greatness. Should be called a true Action Game the likes of Disney's Hercules Action Game

Actually pretty fun like I remember it being. Controls a bit jank. But the camera works well and zooms around the level giving them a lot of depth for what is essentially a 2D game. The music is inspired by or is pulled from the film so it is nice. A lot of varied levels considering it follows the movie rather closely.

I loved this when I was a kid like 15 years ago. Nowadays it really seems terrible but back then whas an amazing experience when personal computer wasn't such a common thing and no many games where known. I could spend hours. Recently I've seen a gameplay of this and I don't know how I've been capable of enjoying so much such a terrible image quality besides other stuff. The rating of this game is made exclusively based on the good memories.

Joguei algumas vezes quando criança e não pensei muito sobre porque não entendia os controles, jogava um pouco, tirava e voltava pro Crash kk
Acabei terminando um tempo atrás, é um bom jogo pras crianças fãs do filme, mas não é nada que alguém deva correr atrás. O controle pode ser confuso e nas raras áreas 3D não tem um andar fluido de 360, é travado nas 8 direções e com algumas limitações zuadas. Experimente se quiser

One of the better tie-in games I've ever seen. Though I remember having a lot of trouble with the final boss as a kid. I should replay it sometime.

my mom used to stay up until late trying to beat this game


plataforming bem legal e tem as músicas mt boas, e tbm é como outros jogos do n64 que não salvam sem o rumble pack, e consequentemente dps dos créditos ele não salvou e não me deixou completar 100%

A cute 2.5D platformer for its genre. Simple gameplay with a balanced difficulty (although it will be bitchy for certain collectibles).
Tarzan will have to tackle various jungle levels with an arsenal of "fruits," there will be those that cluster, or those that do more damage although you will mainly use the default ones given the ease of the game.
Tarzan will also be able to use a kind ci knife which I found useless since the attack is so short that the enemy will hit you most of the time.
There are also a ton of bonus levels (if you can find 4 slips of paper during the level), I did not expect this amount, they are quite varied.
The graphics are really well done and the game always runs smoothly. The music is well done especially the original brams, those from the movie as much as I love them I found them less "spot on".

As mush as i want to give this game 4 stars because it's the first game i ever played and i grew up with it, unfortunately i can't rate it that high now that i've replayed it.

The controls man, the start up frames of said animations are way too slow (which was REALLY annoying during the final boss).

At the first levels I was like "hey, this game is as good as I remembered as a kid". But the game gets worst really fast.
The side scrolling levels are fine, everything else is bad. And good luck with the Baboon Chase

amava esse jogo, nossa, incrível demais!!!

I played this when i was 4...

Seguramente es un plataformero de lo más corriente, pero entre que es uno de los juegos de mi infancia, que me gozo la banda sonora de la peli cada vez que juego, que hay una variedad de niveles considerable, y que la curva de dificultad me parece PERFECTA...