Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun arena fighter, online sucks really bad though but I play it anyway. Online has some serious connection issues, where your opponent can hit you from extreme distances or you can get sucked into Kamehamehas, or guardbreaks just dont guardbreak when online, and sometimes tech ONLY works online in lag. Really easy to pick up, I learned most of the tech within a day of playing. Modding community is awesome for the PC version of the game.

Woefully unbalanced, anything that isn't a top tier attack with tracking or one of the 30 Kamehameha variants isn't worth using. Yawn

this shit kinda sucks but i beat it for some reason and did as much content as possible when i got it. i want nothing to do with this game now because it really just is another bland lame ass anime arena fighter and they keep supporting it with dlc to this day

Worst game I’ve ever played

um pouco menos paia que o 1, mas ainda é muito paia tnc, jogaram a diversão no lixo.

Better RPG than a fighting game. Also so much DLC

Definition of wasted potential.

Improves upon the first entry in so many ways, this game added so much depth to character creation and builds

Overall a well made dragon ball game with a lot of issues but the ton's of content save it from being a flop.

The music sucks, story meh, the custom game sucks , now this might be a skill issue but having to always play ai on the highest fucking difficulty possible while not being a sweat myself is a damn shore.

But then you also have the insane amount of customisation on your self-made character and ton's of side missions. As a dragon ball fan i can't hate it, it's fun, i played it a lot but i also find some things very frustrating that you don't have in other dragon ball games.
But still my fav dragon ball game of the ps4 era since i kinda hate the dragon ball kakarot combat and the 2d combat of fighterz isn't my thing.

Love it, Custom character going through DB History. But it has issues: you go back to base form in cutscenes, ssj1-ssj2 hair doesn't change, base form to ssj hair doesn't change when it actually could, story was a little bit better in the previous entry, etc. Mods enhance the experience.

Embora ele visualmente seja bonito, tenhamos a possibilidade de criar vários personagens e tem como temática viagens temporais na linha do tempo de Dragon Ball, ele deixa muito a desejar sobre balanceamento no combate e aprofundamento da estória. É só você escolher um herói ou vilão que possua ataques em área e "GG Easy".

Tem muita coisa pra ser feita dentro desse jogo, só que a maioria é bem meme. Aliás, entrando no tópico de estória, depois que a Saga Freeza termina, que por sinal é longa, o jogo só rusha todas as outras.

Dentro da gameplay podem ser encontrados vários bugs e técnicas especiais quebradas. É aquela história: "Quando são usadas contra mim não são divertidas".

Não sei como esse jogo está vivo até agora, de verdade. Ele vem recebendo atualizações que não vejo mudanças alguma, além de que temos várias DLC's de personagens à venda... Sério, que vergonha.

Veredito: Ele é bom pra reunir a galera e ficar zuando entre vocês. Afinal, tem personagem a rodo desbloqueados logo de início.

OBS: Enquanto estava jogando o online eu tive a sorte, espero que tenha sido isso, de encontrar players que entenderam que eu só queria conseguir os troféus do online e ficaram parados. Vocês merecem tudo de bom! s2

excellent, meilleur que le premier en tout point, compter les dlcs comme facultatif si vous compter juste faire le jeux de bases, sinon les dlcs sera extra pour la TONNE de personnage, technique, costume ,âme z, et éviter de prendre les dlc durant les prix fort, attends les promotions pour un prix plus raisonnable


this shit is like xenoverse 1 but better in most ways. story is absurdly samey (like most dbz games to be fair) but the combat is fun and for some reason i never tire of playing through most of these story beats. i will say after having played dbz kakarot a lot of the appeal of the story/combat wore off since i feel that game does everything universally better for a dbz game. this one has the added bonus of some decent time sink-y multiplayer though!

edit: i've spent the past like 3 days grinding this game like crazy (and it can be grindy as shit) but it's really fun! i'm kinda just doing the same shit over and over but i'm still having a great time!! the story is samey but the epilogue was actually really interesting and cool, was a big fan of that. i haven't gotten any DLC yet, and i haven't gotten into the meat of PQs but i'm having a really good time. i'll say i have zero interest and will do none of the online PvP it just isn't that kind of game to me so i can't speak on it. after getting more comfortable with the combat it is a whole lot better than xenoverse 1 in that aspect. you get a fuck ton of content here, not even including the big grind for certain milestones there's just a huge amount of stuff here and it keeps getting added to. highly recommend for any DBZ fan! if u don't rlly care about DBZ this will do absolutely nothing for you.

This is basically my childhood Dragon Ball game, the one I have played the most alongside Xenoverse 1 and maybe Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It's kind of a mixed bag, though. I feel like i'm inmensely biased because of my personal history with the game, which is why i'm rewriting this review, as my previous review was maybe a little too positive; i'm not changing the game's score though, because that's still the score I would personally give it, but I feel as though it's a good idea to talk about the negatives and all of the nitpicks I have with this game despite how much I like it.

The combat is good in my opinion, not the most stunning fighting mechanics ever made but they're solid enough and pretty fun and i'd argue they're at least somewhat mechanically deep, with stuff like ki blast cancelling and such. What sells this game is mostly being able to assemble your own moveset mishmashing skills from just about every conceivable character and/or moment in the show, and it does a damn good job at that. I personally really enjoy setting up a bunch of presets with all of my favorite skills and different super souls and transformations to experiment with. Talking about transformations, the first few the game added, like SSB and SSBE, are kinda mid. Not really though, but they're more like flat stat boosts that render previous transformations obsolete, which kinda sucks. Some of the more recent transformations though, like Beast or Ultra Instinct, are incredible. They have a lot more sauce, little gimmicks that change how the character plays, with downsides and upsides or exclusive functions. That starts setting down a pattern: all newer content is much, much better than what used to be there before. It feels like an obvious statement, but given how much rougher and outdated most launch skills, models and animations are (because they are ported from XV1 which, may I remind you, is a game that released for the PS3 and the Xbox 360), it just feels like there's a big disparity that has never been quite fixed. It feels like the developers are terribly afraid of doing a little bit of a quality sweep to the old content, or what's most likely, they don't think it'll be worth the money. Xenoverse 2 has been a big cash cow for 7 years and it's probably going to continue being that. While more recent DLC (like the upcoming Future Saga Pack 1) definitely feel like they're worth the price, some of the older ones might as well be a robbery. At least in the year of the lord 2024 they all go on sale pretty often so getting most of them won't be all that expensive.

The game's story is just kinda alright, like XV1's was, nothing terribly interesting, which feels like kind of a waste of the whole time travel concept. Then again, that was fixed with DLC (how strange) thanks to the Infinite History mode and all subsequent little missions which all manage to actually show cool and interesting what if's and team ups instead of the main story's typical "we're just gonna make this guy stronger with magic".

The game's shading and visual style is the biggest elephant in the room, and I have mixed thoughts about it. On one hand, it looks like booty cheeks, everyone looks oiled up like they're about to have a twerk off and textures sometimes look like they were drawn with a marker. On the other hand, it's kind of charming? I have to admit it has grown on me. I don't really have any arguments to defend it though. It probably qualifies as stockholm syndrome. My biggest gripe with this game that I've had ever since I started playing is the fact that hair doesn't spike up in super saiyan. Some people might think it's not that big of a deal, but it kills my vibe so bad I have to use super saiyan wigs to feel good about myself. Kinda sucks because there isn't a lot of wig variety either, nor have they had the guts to at least add more hairs to the character creator that look better when transformed. To add salt to the wound, transforming hairstyles have been in DB The Breakers for like a whole fucking while now, and I have no idea why it hasn't been ported over yet. XV2 and DBTB are like flesh and bone, they share every fucking asset, i wouldn't be surprised if half of DBTB's code was just rehashed from XV2, so why don't they port it? What stops them? Like, genuinely, what stops them?

The customization is a whole other thing, but it's also not as bad as people might make you think. For a game that's branded as the "make your own unique super cool guy" game, you have very little customization in terms of body. Few hairs, eyes, mouths, whatever. A lot of characters will end up looking the same. Billions and billions of white men collectively decide to use Gohan's hairstyle. The pretty decent clothing variety serves as a little bandaid, and does allow you to make some cool combinations. The only big issue with clothing is that colorable clothing was kinda scarce and limited to original outfits, but as of recent more colorable versions of actual DB character's clothes are being released so that's not too big a deal anymore. The accesory system is lame and kicks in another episode of "why didn't they port this from the breakers?".

I gotta say, I really like Conton City as a hub. I do wish it was more interactable, cause at a certain point it just becomes a little redundant. Stuff like Krilin's milk delivery missions I enjoy in particular, because it's a slightly more casual activity that's kinda funny. Given that this game is meant to be the personal dragon ball simulator, I think it's cool if it does that in more fronts rather than just the fighting. I'll give some extra credit to the soundtrack. It's not super remarkable, but I really like the vibes it creates.

This is a game that I enjoy a lot despite it's flaws, it's sort of a comfort game for me. I'm still split on whether i'd prefer XV3 to be made or XV2 to keep living for longer. It mostly depends on the how willing the team is to make more big changes for stuff like graphics and customization. I have a lot of hope for the future, though. Every update under the new producer has been a certified banger and has made a lot of great changes and additions that have been in demand for a lot of time, so I trust that eventually he'll build up the game to a much better state that I feel it deserves.

man i fucking hate this game

I haven't played this shit since like 2019 why in God's name is it still getting updates and DLC

Kakarot is the single player experience, Fighterz the competitive experience, Xenoverse is the weird one that tries to do both and ends up being worse at both.
Creating your own character is fun but you still have to suffer through the braindead main quest and side missions to make them though.

Another solid not great dragon ball game. Fun for fans

i miss beating my best friend in this game every single time we fought

O jogo em si é bem ok, só é meio repetitivo e um pouco entediante as vezes.

Goku did not do the face like the meme. Disappointed.

Fun arena fighter that actually has competitive depth in its character roster. There are a few things that are holding it back for me though. The dlc for the game is vast and at this point is so vastly more expensive that the initial product that I would advise to stay away from the game if you are looking into getting into the game competitively.

guilty pleasure but still a very good anime game

God Damn This game got filled with micro transactions since i last played :(

Definitely the best dragon ball game since budokai Tenkaichi 3

why am i addicted to this jank ass wax figure game thats obviously segwaying into an MMO

pra quem jogou o primeiro enjoa rápido mais pra quem não jogou o primeiro e ótimo