Reviews from

in the past

Such an improvement on the first Xenoverse. The fighting system is surprisingly deep and enjoyable throughout, with a wide range of abilities for every kind of build. The story is pretty standard but also enjoyable and very nostalgic, especially for someone like me who hasn't engaged with this universe since Tenkaichi 3 and the GT series.
The only downside of the game is the absolute fucking insanity of side content. I didn't even finish all of the Parallel Quests (of which there are over 100), grinding for wishes, Expert Missions, tons of online content and more. It's actually kinda exhausting how much there is to do, and if you wanted to, you could spend hundreds of hours with this game. I'm satisfied with what I saw and did - which is only about 50% of the total completion rate. The difficulty curve for endgame content is absolutely brutal, so I didn't touch too much of that stuff.

This game lets me experience Dragon Peak with my self insert oc and its awesome. However, when you hop online the game become super ass

Uma boa evolução do primeiro, embora a gameplay seja muito parecida, gosto muito mais de como a história é contada nesse jogo, tendo muito mais "reviravoltas" do que no primeiro, que é basicamente só vencer o vilão da saga só que mais forte.. gosto também que o jogo tem várias coisas e modos diferentes pra fazer, customização muito melhor e mais divertida, as raças estão mais equilibradas e as missões em si são mais divertidas, o sistema de mestre é melhor, usar os movimentos é melhor .

A única coisa melhor no primeiro jogo, é o final que é muito mais épico e legal de se jogar.

O jogo ainda é um pouco repetitivo mas bem menos que o primeiro jogo.

to muito apaixonado, que jogo bom

This is basically my childhood Dragon Ball game, the one I have played the most alongside Xenoverse 1 and maybe Budokai Tenkaichi 3. It's kind of a mixed bag, though. I feel like i'm inmensely biased because of my personal history with the game, which is why i'm rewriting this review, as my previous review was maybe a little too positive; i'm not changing the game's score though, because that's still the score I would personally give it, but I feel as though it's a good idea to talk about the negatives and all of the nitpicks I have with this game despite how much I like it.

The combat is good in my opinion, not the most stunning fighting mechanics ever made but they're solid enough and pretty fun and i'd argue they're at least somewhat mechanically deep, with stuff like ki blast cancelling and such. What sells this game is mostly being able to assemble your own moveset mishmashing skills from just about every conceivable character and/or moment in the show, and it does a damn good job at that. I personally really enjoy setting up a bunch of presets with all of my favorite skills and different super souls and transformations to experiment with. Talking about transformations, the first few the game added, like SSB and SSBE, are kinda mid. Not really though, but they're more like flat stat boosts that render previous transformations obsolete, which kinda sucks. Some of the more recent transformations though, like Beast or Ultra Instinct, are incredible. They have a lot more sauce, little gimmicks that change how the character plays, with downsides and upsides or exclusive functions. That starts setting down a pattern: all newer content is much, much better than what used to be there before. It feels like an obvious statement, but given how much rougher and outdated most launch skills, models and animations are (because they are ported from XV1 which, may I remind you, is a game that released for the PS3 and the Xbox 360), it just feels like there's a big disparity that has never been quite fixed. It feels like the developers are terribly afraid of doing a little bit of a quality sweep to the old content, or what's most likely, they don't think it'll be worth the money. Xenoverse 2 has been a big cash cow for 7 years and it's probably going to continue being that. While more recent DLC (like the upcoming Future Saga Pack 1) definitely feel like they're worth the price, some of the older ones might as well be a robbery. At least in the year of the lord 2024 they all go on sale pretty often so getting most of them won't be all that expensive.

The game's story is just kinda alright, like XV1's was, nothing terribly interesting, which feels like kind of a waste of the whole time travel concept. Then again, that was fixed with DLC (how strange) thanks to the Infinite History mode and all subsequent little missions which all manage to actually show cool and interesting what if's and team ups instead of the main story's typical "we're just gonna make this guy stronger with magic".

The game's shading and visual style is the biggest elephant in the room, and I have mixed thoughts about it. On one hand, it looks like booty cheeks, everyone looks oiled up like they're about to have a twerk off and textures sometimes look like they were drawn with a marker. On the other hand, it's kind of charming? I have to admit it has grown on me. I don't really have any arguments to defend it though. It probably qualifies as stockholm syndrome. My biggest gripe with this game that I've had ever since I started playing is the fact that hair doesn't spike up in super saiyan. Some people might think it's not that big of a deal, but it kills my vibe so bad I have to use super saiyan wigs to feel good about myself. Kinda sucks because there isn't a lot of wig variety either, nor have they had the guts to at least add more hairs to the character creator that look better when transformed. To add salt to the wound, transforming hairstyles have been in DB The Breakers for like a whole fucking while now, and I have no idea why it hasn't been ported over yet. XV2 and DBTB are like flesh and bone, they share every fucking asset, i wouldn't be surprised if half of DBTB's code was just rehashed from XV2, so why don't they port it? What stops them? Like, genuinely, what stops them?

The customization is a whole other thing, but it's also not as bad as people might make you think. For a game that's branded as the "make your own unique super cool guy" game, you have very little customization in terms of body. Few hairs, eyes, mouths, whatever. A lot of characters will end up looking the same. Billions and billions of white men collectively decide to use Gohan's hairstyle. The pretty decent clothing variety serves as a little bandaid, and does allow you to make some cool combinations. The only big issue with clothing is that colorable clothing was kinda scarce and limited to original outfits, but as of recent more colorable versions of actual DB character's clothes are being released so that's not too big a deal anymore. The accesory system is lame and kicks in another episode of "why didn't they port this from the breakers?".

I gotta say, I really like Conton City as a hub. I do wish it was more interactable, cause at a certain point it just becomes a little redundant. Stuff like Krilin's milk delivery missions I enjoy in particular, because it's a slightly more casual activity that's kinda funny. Given that this game is meant to be the personal dragon ball simulator, I think it's cool if it does that in more fronts rather than just the fighting. I'll give some extra credit to the soundtrack. It's not super remarkable, but I really like the vibes it creates.

This is a game that I enjoy a lot despite it's flaws, it's sort of a comfort game for me. I'm still split on whether i'd prefer XV3 to be made or XV2 to keep living for longer. It mostly depends on the how willing the team is to make more big changes for stuff like graphics and customization. I have a lot of hope for the future, though. Every update under the new producer has been a certified banger and has made a lot of great changes and additions that have been in demand for a lot of time, so I trust that eventually he'll build up the game to a much better state that I feel it deserves.

man i fucking hate this game

Depois de 8 anos, eu finalmente consegui degustar quase tudo que esse jogo proporciona. O desejo de um jovem fã de Dragon Ball que queria jogar a sequência do que era um dos seus jogos favoritos foi concluído, puro sentimento de realização.

This game is certainly something, I'm currently in the middle of getting all the achievements, it's very hard and painstaking

MMORPG de dragon ball muito bom, raid e missões, a história também é muito boa

Love it, Custom character going through DB History. But it has issues: you go back to base form in cutscenes, ssj1-ssj2 hair doesn't change, base form to ssj hair doesn't change when it actually could, story was a little bit better in the previous entry, etc. Mods enhance the experience.

While it's definitely fallen off for me, this used to be a massive favorite a couple years ago, and it's still not bad, just a bit janky with annoying CPU.

the 2nd best dragonball game ever made

guilty pleasure but still a very good anime game

The dlc cost 109$ ☠



Enfim partindo pra análise, é basicamente quase a mesma história do primeiro que inclusive vou rejogar pra fazer uma review, pois não lembro de nada, continuando aki a gameplay é bem boa, o combate é bem satisfatório é gostosinho fazer combo, pelo menos pra mim, também tem transformações que não tem no 1, sem falar das varias missões paralelas que existem pra você enfrentar diversos inimigos e ter a chance de dropar as skills deles, mas já tem no primeiro também, o que eu sinto jogando esse jogo é que os gráficos ficaram um pouco melhores e só, existe DLCs que expandem o conteúdo do jogo mas é sacanagem pagar 50 conto pra vir 5 missões paralelas e 3 personagens, (e mesmo assim eu comprei);
Jogar com amigos é claramente melhor mas não vejo porque comprar só pra jogar com alguém, pois não vale tanto apena, se querem jogar algo COOP procurem outro jogo, pois com certeza existe coisa melhor, agora se só quer jogar algo de Dragon Ball vai no KAKAROT que é muito melhor por mais que sejam propostas totalmente diferentes.

E não enche o saco falando que faltou isso ou aquilo, apenas falo oque lembro que no caso é quase nada.

Enfim essa é apenas a opinião de alguem que ama jogar video jogos☝️🤓.

An utter mess I really love. Sometimes a game can have repetitive quest design and mediocre combat but be saved by dressing up and doing a Galick Gun. Mods to get rid of RNG rewards help.

I enjoyed it the first time around, completing the main story, doing side quests and other things. But i recently tried to dive back in after playing Fighterz and i just can't get back into it. It's a fine RPG but it's not a good fighting game.

Woefully unbalanced, anything that isn't a top tier attack with tracking or one of the 30 Kamehameha variants isn't worth using. Yawn

I haven't played this shit since like 2019 why in God's name is it still getting updates and DLC

I never watched Dragon Ball before playing this game, but I found it quite fun. The story was clean and straightforward and the quests were fairly fun but could be repetitive at times. There was a good amount of customisation; it had a lot of different accessories to change your character's look and different races (classes) to choose from when starting the game which don’t alter the game but will affect the build you have.

Although all the fun I had in this game was from the arena fights, the great combat system made it extremely enjoyable for me. My brother was crazy about Dragon Ball, so he LOVED this game, and he was the reason I played it. He grinded through the whole game, unlocked all the characters, and we would always play against each other, experimenting different characters and abilities. I don't like that some of the fan-favourite characters can only be unlocked through the DLCs, of which there are too many, priced up to $10 each. However, they all had new content along with it: additional quests, stories, abilities, and costumes, which made some of the DLCs worth it. WAAYYYY too much side content though.

Overall, game is decent/good and I think it is one of the better anime games.

Improves upon the first entry in so many ways, this game added so much depth to character creation and builds

The best dragon ball game, the last dragon ball game, the eternal dragon ball game that (apparently) will never fade away.

Played this game on switch and got heaps of fun from it. Definitel lots of better games out there but i have so much nostalgia from when i was about 12 with this game

excellent, meilleur que le premier en tout point, compter les dlcs comme facultatif si vous compter juste faire le jeux de bases, sinon les dlcs sera extra pour la TONNE de personnage, technique, costume ,âme z, et éviter de prendre les dlc durant les prix fort, attends les promotions pour un prix plus raisonnable

Melhor jogo de anime ( para mim.) e também um dos jogos que mais zerei na vida kk, eu era louco por esse.