Reviews from

in the past

The only crime this game commits is it's blown away by New Vegas. I've only 100%ed this once, when I was 16, and I really ought to go back to it...if it won't corrupt on me like last time.

Best moment was early on, when I left Megaton with 3 bullets in my hunting rifle because I had nothing else and no money...these are the moments I remember.

I would very much like to complete this game but it crashes every half hour on PC

Let's go sunning
It's so good for you
Let's go sunning
Beneath the sky of blue
Greet the sun every morn
Feel as free and happy as the day you were born

Let's go native
Sun your cares away
Be creative
Learn to live and play
Pretty flowers need the sun
This applies to everyone

Life's worth living
When nature's giving
Happiness to everyone
So let's go sunning

Not as good as New Vegas. but better than 4.

I've got a real love-hate relationship with this game. The story is objectively bad and dumb but damn if it isn't a good time regardless. Fallout New Vegas is better in almost every way but I have a soft spot for this one nonetheless.

Uno de los mejores juegos que he probado en mi vida, mi introducción a los juegos de Bethesda y a los RPGs, obra maestra.

Best fallout game in my opinion(nostalgia). i don't know how or why but i remember i was scared to death at the sub metro areas. Also main story kinda got me at that time.

Fun open world. Lots to do and see. Has a better younger brother.

Игра в жанре, путешествовать/жить в вымышленном мире около ста часов
Мир очень красивый , стильный, звук вкупе с эмбиентом, очень играет на атмосферу
Но вот диалоги и сюжет, настолько крижовые и нереалистичные, что постоянно портят тебе погружение
Но дин плюс есть, они намного вариативнее чем в нью вегасе
Плюс тут есть один мой фетиш - заброшенный постапокалиптичный город
Дополнения классные, особенно зе питт

(Difficulty: Very Hard)
A true work of art. If you have a propensity for open world rpgs at all, then this game will knock your socks off.
Fallout 3 is rewarding and amazing. So much depth and consequential decision making. Everything you do and say has a real effect on your relationships and environments.
Actual moral dilemmas, fun weapons, great voice acting. Funny as hell. The writing and delivery is strong, self-aware, and intelligent.
Value levels are off the charts with Fallout 3. Just under 40 hours for my first playthrough but I left SO MUCH undiscovered. This game could eat 100 hours easily from me.
DLC's are very fun and unique.
My only gripe is that the game will likely crash at an inopportune time and you might possibly get stuck in between two rocks which inevitably leads to a restart.

Takes all the DLC content and places it all in one convenient package. An already great game is now all on one disc.

Of the games I've played, this is undoubtedly the worst entry of the Fallout series that I've played. The game aged like milk, having mediocre RPG systems and gunplay even when in comparison to releases of a similar time. On top of that, it has little to no redeeming qualities with a mediocre main quest and few great side-quests.

I spent almost 2 days trying to get this to work and when i did i enjoyed it but fuck the games settings

juegazo, mejor que starfield carajo

It's not a bad game. Just bad when compared to Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout NV, which it kind of has to be.

i enjoy this game but it has some of the worst writing ive seen in my life

Fucking dad issues little bitch

It's cool, I guess. It's inferior to Fallout 4, but you can still find some enjoyment out of it. The real issue, however, is the horrible PC port this game has. I spent an entire afternoon installing mods, which half were on the purpose of making the game run well, and I still had some random problems and random crashes.

All in all, if you want a plug and play experience, play Fallout 4, it is also a better game overall.

Broken Steel is forgettable. Basically just an answer to the "why does the game end!! omg i want to keep playing!!" complaints and nothing else.

The Pitt is fine, it's a cool setting and does a lot for worldbuilding, in addition to giving the protagonist an actual choice, but it probably could've been executed better.

Mothership Zeta is fucking awful. i'm sure they had a meeting or some shit and they were still small (ish) enough for Todd to be like "Okay guys ... Get this... What if we had aliens." and they all started like drawing funny stuff on a dry erase board while laughing. that meeting was probably a lot more fun than playing through this stupid linear corridor shooter in an RPG.

Finally, the Kino... Point Lookout. This is, i shit you not, the BEST thing Bethesda has ever made. Ever. It's better than any of their Fallout titles, better than any Elder Scrolls games, and any of the other shit they've made that nobody cares about. The atmosphere is there and stronger than ever. There are more memorable characters in this DLC than the entire main game. The writing is actually inspired. The setting is interesting. It just fucking looks and feels cool. They truly hit savant territory here. If they ever reach this level again I will eat my shoe. The winds, stars, and moons aligned all at once to create this DLC. They were a smaller studio, they were still in that kino Oblivion mindset (fuck the haters), and they must've had some ghost writers or a special team on it because there is NO way the same writers of the main game and fucking Mothership Zeta made this.

Oh, and I forgot about Operation Anchorage. Yeah, that one might be even worse than Zeta. The only positive is that it, at least, doesn't fuck around with the lore in a bad way as far as I could tell. Still a shitty corridor shooter (this time it's outside?) but with a slightly more interesting setting.

Was good when I was a kid just shooting mutants in the subway. Now as an adult the history is laughable, quests are painful and the game is far to easy to give me any sense of an unforgiving wasteland. Ending is actual garbage and the DLC ending feels like the developers are pointing a finger at you and laughing.

Everytime I play this game, I find something new. It may not have the best story (or a good ending), but it's always a pleasure to get lost in the wasteland with boppy tunes, shooting mutants

This game singlehandedly made me love Fallout as a franchise. People will get caught up in Obsidian superiority complexes, but I think Bethesda absolutely knocked it out of the park here.

I will definitely say that this game is more linear than New Vegas, only facilitating 1 or 2 extra playthroughs for other endings. However, it takes that design decision and makes a Main Quest far more interesting and fun to play than a good chunk of the New Vegas Main Questline. If you're only gonna play through once - Fallout 3 is the far better choice.

A legit masterpiece in gaming. A plethora of imagination, action, dialogue, and decision making. I believe this game has at least something for every gamer. One of my top 5 of all time!

Fallout 3 will always be a 5 star rating in my heart. Fallout is my favourite franchise (with Metal Gear and Zelda) and Fallout 3 was my entry to the saga. But it's important to say that this game is not perfect and hasn't aged well. The setting of the Wasteland is magnificent - probably the best one - but the dungeons aren't good. There are a few exceptions (Dunwich Building, the metro), but in general in the dungeons there is no lore and there are just enemies to kill.
Now, because this is a little review of the goty edition, just a few words for the DLCs.
Operation Anchorage: pretty interesting, but not that good. God tier overpowered loot.
The Pitt: best DLC of Fallout 3. Great setting, great characters, great loot, best questline in the game.
Broken Steel: bad. With this DLC the level cap becomes 30.
Point Lookout: I always think that this DLC is overrated as hell. However, it's good and Point Lookout is pretty nice to explore.
Mothership Zeta: pure shit. God tier overpowered energy weapons.

Having to be compared to New Vegas does this game no favors

Fallout 3 was the first title I bought myself that had an 18+/M-rating, before that I had either been buying The Sims expansions or getting old hand second hand titles (Tomb Raider II, Fallout 1, The Simpsons Hit n Run, etc.). Thus it is with great nostalgia I look back on this game.

I recently started a final replay of the game, to play it with a more recent mindset. And what a game huh? Leaving the Vault for Springvale is still one of my most iconic gaming moments to this day. Together with the DLCs, I'd say that Fallout 3 is still, despite being a bit rough on the edges in the Gamebryo engine, a game that holds up. The story is simple, good vs evil, but exploring the Capital Wasteland is not only fun but genuinly interesting at times.

Coming to the DLCs; Point Outlook and The Pitt are clearly the better ones. Anchorage is a fun concept, Broken Steel is good if you want more out of the game and uhhh Mothership Zeta? We're not gonna talk about that, in fact we're not gonna talk about Mothership Zeta at all!

In conclusion; Fallout 3 is perhaps an aged classic but if you still want to relive the reboot of the Fallout series, go ahead.