Reviews from

in the past

Bro I was so stoked to get my first fuckin iPhone so I could get the exclusive unicorn or whatever the fuck it was but then it wouldn’t let me get it so I never played it again but I was mad into this for a minute

I already avoid phone calls from my relatives, why did someone create a new place for them to annoy me

This game robbed me of any enjoyment I otherwise had in my childhood. Fuck you, Farmville.

i know a local business that went bankrupt because the owner was addicted to farmville

GooeyScale: 50/100

One of the main reasons I have a Facebook....was all the rage for those early days. One of the first games to capitalize on the idea of daily tasks and energy usage, in my experience.

Don’t know why I bothered spending time on FB for this.

Classic Facebook game. Good ol' days

I used to play this back in the day and there's nothing here you can't just get from a decent Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons game or Stardew Valley. but I mostly remember this because my dad was utterly obsessed with Farmville. was awkward as a middle schooler to explain to your peers that your dad was obsessed with a Facebook game

i made a facebook account to play this, entering the endless cycle of social media. not even fun

the damage this game had on the game industry and fuck it society in general :'^(

The two stars are ONLY because of blind childhood nostalgia

My mom would give this 5 stars. Also, my facebook friend Angelica who I used to play this game with had a tuxedo cat as her pp, and I named my tuxedo cat Angelica after her :,)

Parents were so addicted to this shit back in the day we had a dog named Zynga. Zynga (the company) saw a facebook post about this and sent us a letter and a package with some dog toys and all that. RIP to the dog and the whole era of shitty facebook games.

Just looking for more games to flesh out my 0.5 star category. Sorry, DAniel Zynga

Not gonna lie, this is one of many games I used to have multiple Facebook accounts for and shortly after (months later) realizing how much of a hassle it was not only for me but the rest, I abandoned it and never looked back.

I was waaay obsessed with this game. I would be on during classes, stalking my feed for strawberry cows and golden chickens. And I always made sure to plant watermelons before going on vacation, since they took four days to grow, then another four days before they wilted. Can't lose my crops for a week in Disneyland!

Idk if anyone else had this happen but when I made a Facebook account for the first time my dad commandeered my account to have yet another FarmVille account. My man was running my mom's farm, my farm, the farm of my brother, and my grandma's too. He would cycle through them periodically throughout the day and time the crops to make sure he maximized efficiency.

That doesn't really have anything to do with this game, but I thought it was worth sharing. I think FarmVille of days past really was something special though. It was a simple idle game, but it had lots of community events, special integration for Facebook leaderboards, lots of different trees and animals and crops, and a weirdly good theme song.

As always though, the game quickly jumped the shark and went from a simple but effective farming sim to an absolute juggernaut of bloated content. The game surely would have died much sooner if not for these additions, but it seriously damaged the game's quality as a result. A sad, slow decline for a game I remember playing fondly.

The reason why I made my Facebook account, so it's kind of the root of all evil.

wasnt that into it but good idle game

Facebook games were a fleeting and interesting sensation and Farmville was the one I played the most. I was 12 when I played it and hadn't had really any experience with farming sim games, so this one hooked me and I have quite a bit of nostalgia for it. But now I've played lots of amazing farming games and Farmville just really isn't anything special. Just a surface-level clicking game

My aunt would always let me farm for her. I hate that aunt now

I recognise this game is vile and has probably caused severe harm to the medium in the long run, but playing it on my grandmother's laptop as a five-year old child too young to understand what money is and with no means of getting it probably did teach me to enjoy busywork and boringitude as entertainment. So maybe Farmville is the reason I'm a spreadsheet hound? Honestly I miss my farm a lot

my dad used to play this all the time everyday. nothing else... like ever... just farmville