Reviews from

in the past

Really fun western shooter with the jankiest controls ever, and community servers that play kid rock and wild wild west songs on repeat

This game is fun as fuck to play with friends. "I'm gonna pump you full of lead" is part of my daily vocabulary now and it ain't going away for a while. The game isn't too active so if you are going to play it i highly recommend playing with a bunch of friends and just joining a random ass public lobby and fuck around for a few hours in a night.

To whoever changed the cover may your whiskeys taste like horse piss

This game is honestly pretty good but the ping can get so bad it severely hampers the online experience; that and how mechanically, movement hampers your accuracy and so you have to stand still/crouch to improve it contradicts how lethal the gunplay is, to where you have to move around a lot to avoid gunfire, and it makes for a very confusing experience at times because you're wondering why some shots from near point-blank range don't hit and others do. Just feels very luck-based at times which is when the game feels at its worst. But maybe I'm just an idiot, idk.

BUT when it is working right it's a good time - great sound, reloading is made a strategic choice due to how long it often takes guns to reload, thus effectively selling the tension of the western-gunfight fantasy, and the maps are fun and well designed.

Very fun western themed fps game.

Ayuda, andale, not without my gawld, b*tch i know you got my gawld. Peak gaming.

Very fun western game. If you like shooting and tooting, then this is the game for you.

many great memories with this one

Strangely enough, Fistful of Frags is one of the most fun games you'll ever play with a group of friends. It's simple, straightforward fun that drops you straight into combat and is just awkward enough to lead to hilarious encounters.

If you don't have a large group of friends to play with, you might not get as much out of this game. However if you log in with 4-8 friends you are guaranteed to have a great time.

Even just an hour or so of playing makes it obvious why Fistful of Frags is the greatest multiplayer shooter. It's the most fun parts (headshots, movement, multiple playstyles, satisfying guns) all refined to the perfect package. The revolvers are absurdly satisfying to shoot, and they've all got a ton of unique character). Kicking and wall-jumping and sliding are hard to pass up on, but you've got other perks like an extra tiny pistol, a couple sticks of dynamite, or brass knuckles to disarm your opponents. Matches are perfectly-long bloodbaths on some of the most well-designed maps I've ever encountered in the genre. Death pits, moving trains, windows, enormously tall open staircases - no map is devoid of providing creative arenas to jump and shoot in. Loot chests litter these maps and provide varying degrees of additional weaponry, including an endless dynamite vest and a very slow-reloading revolver powerful enough to oneshot enemies at close range. Core movement options are limited, so every step matters, especially when moving comes at the cost of accuracy. If you want to land a shot, you need to slow down, crouch, or look down your sights. After a scuffle, you're likely to be nearly dead, so you'll have to peruse various shelves and safes to find jugs of glorious whiskey - though even that will get you drunk and mess up your aim momentarily. It's a game where every one of its few pieces is constantly, violently ramming into the other ones; moment-to-moment gameplay in Fistful of Frags is perhaps more tense and deranged than in any other multiplayer shooter I've played. A big part of that is that guys are constantly spawning all around you, and the maps are usually pretty close-quarters. You never know who's right around the corner ready to unload a shotgun right into your head.

Perfect one-off game to play with your buddies. Solid FPS deathmatch.

if you are making a game don't try to make a different game, just make a good game
making a good game is different enough.

Better than Read Dead 2 even.

О том как Родион Раскольков решил нарубить бабок

Um dos primeiros que joguei na Steam.
Jogava com meu primo, um controlava a movimentação e o outro as ações.

Game is 90% screaming the "GIMmE A WEAPON" in a western accent command

Wanted to give it a try a few days ago... I love the old West so, yeah, I said what the hell..

And I can honestly say it's not leaving my had drive any time soon.

It's just a fun FPS to play. The sounds of the guns is what gets me. Real western feeling, and when you kill someone is so damn satisfying. Much more satisfying the killing someone on CS definitely.

Recommended son.