Reviews from

in the past

I'm not crazy about Source shooters, but this was fun for a single night with friends.

yippe kai yay, this boot is for you(tube)

a classic shitty game i used to play with my goons

what if it was like a game about a bunch of gay guys fighting, and, hear me out, it was called

Ayuda, andale, not without my gawld, b*tch i know you got my gawld. Peak gaming.

Pretty good game to play while shooting the shit with friends


Strangely enough, Fistful of Frags is one of the most fun games you'll ever play with a group of friends. It's simple, straightforward fun that drops you straight into combat and is just awkward enough to lead to hilarious encounters.

If you don't have a large group of friends to play with, you might not get as much out of this game. However if you log in with 4-8 friends you are guaranteed to have a great time.

Some of the most fun I’ve had in a multiplayer FPS in a long time, I’m surprised that it’s both still getting updates and still has active servers this long after launch. Just a great time all around even if some people have like 600 hours and will one shot you every time because they’ve memorized every map.

Cactos wearing hat in the picture!

so much better than all modern fps games its not even funny, also just cs:go but better

better before they removed schofield from the starting loadout. many many fond memories playing this game with friends. pastor whiskey (rip)

Counter Strike if it was fun, nothing beats it's hayday back in 2015

best game ever
i recommend

this review was written by santa lucia gang

Cowboy game. Nobody plays it anymore, but it was really, really funny. If you never played this game, you missed something.

Very fun western themed fps game.

Even just an hour or so of playing makes it obvious why Fistful of Frags is the greatest multiplayer shooter. It's the most fun parts (headshots, movement, multiple playstyles, satisfying guns) all refined to the perfect package. The revolvers are absurdly satisfying to shoot, and they've all got a ton of unique character). Kicking and wall-jumping and sliding are hard to pass up on, but you've got other perks like an extra tiny pistol, a couple sticks of dynamite, or brass knuckles to disarm your opponents. Matches are perfectly-long bloodbaths on some of the most well-designed maps I've ever encountered in the genre. Death pits, moving trains, windows, enormously tall open staircases - no map is devoid of providing creative arenas to jump and shoot in. Loot chests litter these maps and provide varying degrees of additional weaponry, including an endless dynamite vest and a very slow-reloading revolver powerful enough to oneshot enemies at close range. Core movement options are limited, so every step matters, especially when moving comes at the cost of accuracy. If you want to land a shot, you need to slow down, crouch, or look down your sights. After a scuffle, you're likely to be nearly dead, so you'll have to peruse various shelves and safes to find jugs of glorious whiskey - though even that will get you drunk and mess up your aim momentarily. It's a game where every one of its few pieces is constantly, violently ramming into the other ones; moment-to-moment gameplay in Fistful of Frags is perhaps more tense and deranged than in any other multiplayer shooter I've played. A big part of that is that guys are constantly spawning all around you, and the maps are usually pretty close-quarters. You never know who's right around the corner ready to unload a shotgun right into your head.

i set my menu music to cowboy bebop, my walker sound effect to a silly laser, and the enemy team to look like the joker. a perfect game