Reviews from

in the past

Bro? On yo momma? I gotta yap about fat fuck karting deluxe? This game, from what I remember of the OG, has been improved to the degree you can expect a 3DS game to be on PC. It could have been improved further. That's not a problem though when you have unlimited empathy (like myself!!), imagine working on this game making pristine 3D garfield assets and prefabs under crunch, yeah you don't want that... not that it's many assets but it doesnt take much to break someone's spirits. The grind takes its toll on us all... so, be nice. You never know if the person in front of you has been slaving away on a shitty licensed game.

Not many things to do. Few courses, few items, few customization = few fun. The maths is mathing. This was made to check boxes but I still have to think about the fact that Garfield Kart got a sequel faster than VA-11 Hall-A. One day, we shall. That day, we shall gather the boys and race in full glory on one of the desert maps (1/3 of the courses are desert themed).

I have striped this game of all its layers. There truly is nothing else to say. Painstakingly, I might have to admit this was a drunk purchase. I was lucid enough to know what I was doing, but this might have helped.

Win Em All 1989
I am lasagna cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD NERMALS

I mean, It's the first kart game I remember playing, I don't know if this is peak

I think It's just average, but I didn't have the multiplayer experience

Walks the line of the perfect bad-fun ratio. Garfield Kart is worth every penny (of the £1.29 I paid, that is) for about an hour of slapstick fun with a friend. This game is by no means polished but I'd argue that the level of jank actually enhances the fun factor significantly if you're not taking it too seriously.

get pied on

I let my Discord pick the 500th game I would log onto my Backloggd, and this won.

Fearful I had been trolled, I streamed the game (On a Monday, eating lasagna on camera for the lols), and found this is....not that terrible!

A competent Kart racer built around some colorful iconic characters. Has some hilariously stupid physics mishaps from time to time. Also, I don't really understand the themeing of a lot of these courses (when did Garfield ever go to Egypt?). But otherwise: Fun!

truly the most video game i have ever played. i made everyone i know buy this


you are not immune to propaganda

I am still reassembling my atoms after the effects of this game scattered them across time

I have over 100 hours in this and have one hundred percented the game, and even I'm not gonna lie to you and say it's good.

Garfield, I just had profound a thought.

Why do they call it kart when you of in the race of out the tracks when the Garfield?

Got the truly immersive Garfield Kart experience by playing this on a Monday and hating it

I was held hostage and forced to play this with my "friends".

Garfield Kart es irónicamente un relato humano sobre la pérdida de la inocencia y la cordura.

La historia nos sitúa en un día cualquiera, mostrando que las tragedias suceden cuando menos te las esperas. Garfield no puede caminar por algún motivo extraño así que decide usar un coche para cumplir su sueño de correr por varios circuitos que tuvo desde muy pequeño. Jon es consciente de esto así que le pide como favor al resto de personajes del universo que colaboren y hagan carreras junto al gato.

Esto pone feliz a Garfield y le muestra que incluso en su punto más bajo puede encontrar la felicidad mediante sus seres queridos. Pero a la vez, le envía en una espiral de la que no podrá salir. El juego solo nos da la opción de correr en los mismos circuitos hasta que nos aburramos mostrando que Garfield nunca será feliz. Correrá hasta el final de los tiempos y no encontrará la cura.

Al tener su nombre en el título del juego ninguno de los otros personajes puede hacer nada. Simplemente rezar en un paralelismo a “I have no mouth and I must scream” de que algún día morirán y podrán descansar de llevar estúpidos sombreros y conducir coches más pequeños que la mesa de mi comedor.

Es por esta depresión que pasa Garfield que los niveles son algo planos y sin mucho desafío. La mente de Garfield se abstrae a recuerdos de sitios que conoce o en los que le gustaría estar. También ahí el manejo de algunos vehículos siendo torpe. Simplemente no hay ganas de girar un poquito el volante. Y los objetos son pura esquizofrenia.

Podría profundizar mucho más pero me quiero ir a dormir así que lo dejaré así: Garfield Kart es uno de los videojuegos más emocionalmente impactantes que he jugado en mi vida por la historia que nos cuenta donde ningún personaje acaba siendo feliz. Es deprimente y cada segundo que pasas jugando piensas en como pocos videojuegos se han atrevido a tocar estos temas y llevarlos con tanta maestría de la metáfora. El infierno son los otros. A quick one before the eternal worm devours connecticut.

The only redeeming quality of this game is all the lasagna puns. My personal favorite being a football helmet you can equip called “Joe Montagna.”

This review contains spoilers

it's really good


The fact that this game is able to give me the exact same emotional response of watching the Garfield Show is a testament to how faithfully Garfield and his friends were translated from television to video game.

i got this for free on fanatical

it isnt even worth that

so slow, monotonous, boring,
it looks alright tho

the gameplay is trash. but it is garfield.

Way better than the original Garfield Kart, with no annoying tutorial (you get to go straight into the action). Better graphics, AI, and controls. Of course, if you have no friends who want to play Garfield Kart - Furious Racing with you, it kind of makes this kind of depressing to play. Just backlog thoughts.

It’s no Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart which also features Garfield and friends in karts, but it sure is fun.