Reviews from

in the past

Panquecas, experimentos e mais músicas boas

A DLC começa com o Protagonista acordando em um outro corpo e acaba descobrindo que está sendo parte de um experimento da loremaster que planeja dominar todo o inferno e o resto é gameplay.

Sinceramente é a mesma coisa do jogo normal, sem nenhuma mudança só as musicas que são a novidade e um pouquinho a mais de história em complemento ao original, vou dar um 7/10 por que para mim faltou um pouquinho mais.

Final boss was hard but really felt really good to beat.

If only the whole game were like this chapter. The boss fight at the end was super fun and challenging and while i didn't enjoy the base game as much, this was a very fun short little challenge.

My ass was flattened like a... pie?

Lo he disfrutado demasiado, teniendo en cuenta la sangre que he tenido que llorar para pasármelo.

No puedo evitar querer más Helltaker, pero tampoco me quita el sueño. Quedará como un pequeño milagro GRATUITO del que todos pudimos disfrutar durante dos horitas.

Primero, coincido con el comentario de GranMonoBaby.
Segundo, use mas neuronas cerebrales en este DLC que en los examenes de la universidad.

that last third of the boss was fucking ridiculous oml, so hard to discern between lasers about to fire and ones that just fired

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Its fun. Wish Azazel stayed an angel though, I think its cuter lmao.

It sure is more Helltaker, a decent way to continue pretending you didn't look up a YouTube guide to watch the dating sim segments

Shows promise to what a bigger scale to this game could be....very good and outshines the base game. Special mention to the final boss.

The puzzle rooms were also much better. Hope we get another game, hopefully paid, so we can get more like this.

Com exceção de um Puzzle que eu realmente quase achei impossível de ser resolvido, essa DLC é quase a mesma coisa que o outro game. Embora, a maior parte dos Puzzles sejam mais simples de serem solucionados e com uma Final Boss mais complicada do que o resto do jogo inteiro.

Detalhes legais na história da DLC. Nada demais, mas é legal só porque se interliga com a historinha do jogo base.

Im glad I randomly clicked on Helltaker on steam or I wouldve never known this existed

too fucking hard dude just kill me

Não gostei, é desnecessariamente difícil, só terminei por causa dos achievements.

A DLC worth paying attention to not only as an epilogue but as an additional challenge that somehow manages to add not one but TWO electronic dance worthy tracks. Seriously, whether you'll play it or not, look up Alchemy and Titanium and give them a listen if you can.

Fuck the final boss and final puzzle
Interesting lore, alright DLC

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i only made this review to note how much i fucking detest them making azazel a demon. fuck this game

This is a Dlc?
I Thought it Was an Update.

The best demon only got cuter and better. All is right in the world.

When i finished this, the achievements were some of the rarest on my profile, and showed up before my marvel 3 and wallpaper engine achievements under 'rarest.' That changed after a couple of hours.

bem sem sal e previsível tbh

loremaster's design is so cool and the final boss was cool

Despite being free dlc for an already free game, Examtaker pretty much is it's own game with it's own set of levels, and story to itself. I wouldn't say that it's as endearing as the original story, but the gameplay changes are certainly for the better in my book.

While the original Helltaker has a dating sim aspect to it, Examtaker only has you going through various puzzles to satisfy one character throughout the story. While you do get to see another character through out, a lot of the back and forth dialogue has been replaced with various banter between the main protag and the two characters. If you are looking for more charm in Examtaker, it simply doesn't have a lot to give, but it at least teasing enough for a proper sequel to the series.

Examtaker's gameplay however did get a much needed added element to it. Not only are you beating puzzles with limited moves, but you are also doing so by reaction and timing of your moves. This certainly gives Examtaker a modest edge in the gameplay department as both elements help greatly when you face the final boss. If you were to ask me, not only is the final boss easier to beat in Examtaker compared to the original, it also feels far more puzzly than the original final boss. The limited move puzzles do feel far more strict than the original game, and while I was able to get most of them in due time, I simply couldn't get all of them due to how tricky they are laid out. Regardless I feel Examtaker continues to re-enforce the solid gameplay loop and feel that Helltaker has while also evolving it to be far more interesting.

Overall, Examtaker is just more fun with the Helltaker cast and gameplay that you have come to love from the previous game. Not only does the DLC feel like a proper expansion, but it adds new elements in while giving enough story to at least remain interesting. The fact this is all free on top of free is kinda just icing on the cake. If you haven't played Helltaker, play that first, then play this. It's worth your time.


Trying to get a perfect on the final boss was something...
The story was actually pretty interesting tho

mais duas horas pra zerar esse