Reviews from

in the past

great game to play with friends if you enjoy causing them psychological torment

This is such a fun multiplayer game, guaranteed to get you mad at your friends!

very funny with the right people

It's only problem is that there aren't more courses

i had a LOT of fun playing this with my brother!! we were both bad at it but that's okay because it was fun.

i mean what the fuck is there to say this is like THE go to 2-player snes game

This feels like it should be a shitty mini game in some bigger game. But no, its the actual game.

This is such an amazingly fun multiplayer game. I regularly play this on call with my best friend on Nintendo Switch Online and have done so for years now as a tradition. I do wish there were more stages but it somehow still doesn't get old. It's super intuitive and easy to explain as well, which is perfect for a multiplayer game. Absolutely perfect for some 1v1 gaming with a buddy and one of my go-to's with anyone.

kirby golf. the single player of this game is ok. you kinda just do the same thing over and over again BUT that multiplayer. just grab a friend who has switch online and play this with them trust me you will have fun. the multiplayer is this game is so goofy and i love it

unironically the best game in the franchise

An okay and original Kirby golf game.

Surprisingly more evil multiplayer game than Mario Party.

They should open a Kirby themed mini golf attraction at Super Nintendo World

Another one I had missed until the SNES classic. I appreciate all the different experiments they tried with Kirby, and as a huge mini golf fan this should have been right up my alley. But it felt a little too slow and confusing to really get into

when are they going to make a new kirby golf come on nintendo this game is so goated like come on man please nintendo come on you gotta come on please

The single greatest game of all time. the most intense gaming experience you will ever have. the game is incredibly intuitive with extremely versatile abilities to cover phenomenal map design. for true hot-blooded competitive gaming for those that seek it. as i can attest from my battle with @Midrulean.

golf if it was silly and miniature and cute and silly and had nice sound effects and didnt cave out thousands of acres worth of land to play

I'm currently trying to play all the Kirby games in release order, and this is the first spin-off title on that list. I really didn't know much about it before going in, other than it's a "mini-golf" style game. Quite frankly, I think this Kirby's Dream Course is more brilliant than it sounds on paper.

This is just another one of those classic Nintendo games with some really smart game design (alongside some that come to mind for me like Wrecking Crew and Panel De Pon). Yes, the main goal is to putt Kirby into various enemies before reaching the hole, but there's much more variety here than a typical game of golf. Not only do holes appear where the last enemy on the course is located, but the game utilizes traditional Kirby mechanics like tomato health and power-ups. This combination actually creates a puzzle game with various strategies and solutions the player can choose to go forward with. Especially during the later courses, it's almost required to examine the map and plan out your moves and power-ups ahead of time, and that makes for some brilliant design.

My only wish is that there were more courses, perhaps some post-game challenges, especially after an obtuse final boss fight. Those cons definitely outweigh the pros though, and Kirby's Dream Course is simply another smart and charming game to come out of old-school Nintendo. It's great, and definitely worth your time if you're looking for another puzzle game.

This isn't the first case of Kirby spin-offs going very hard. I don't have a "but".

Genuinely one of the most fun games I’ve played in a while

Last 2 courses are NUTS. Course knowledge gets really important and solving it is a bit obtuse. Most of this game is a fun minigolf type game though. Music is nice and its cute Kirby graphics are pretty too.

"but what if he was golf ball?"
"sure why not"

one time me and an old friend from school met up for the first time in years and all we did was play kirby's dream course for like 5 hours it was the fucking greatest

I've somehow managed to enjoy this game way more than any mainline Kirby game, also very fun with friends!

really fun golf game surprisingly

I tried this game on the SNES classic and it was really hard and I couldn't beat the first world. Golf was a mistake.

this honestly kinda rules? i don't know that i'm all that interested in playing the single player mode (my partner says it's pretty good) but i really enjoyed the two player mode.