Reviews from

in the past

So while Mafia 1 got a full remake, Mafia 2 settles for a remaster, Although calling it that seems generous.

Starting with the positive; The game is now in 4K on the newer consoles. Some of the textures are improved, and a few of the main cast have more detailed character models. That's about it though, and even this comes at at cost. There's far more visual glitches and bugs in this than I remember from the 360 version and the still 30fps framerate frequently stutters (even on Series X). It's also missing quality of life improvements that are in both the Mafia remake and Mafia 3, like road signs appearing to direct you to your objective so you're not driving staring at the mini map.

The game itself is still decent. Although it was a little jarring coming from Mafia 1 remake. The first entry has gentleman gangster Don "No cursing on the premises. There's a million words out there, and the man who needs to resort to "fuck this" and "fuck that" is just ignorant or lazy." Salieri easing you in to the game where as Mafia 2 has foul mouthed, whore obsessed Joe "When you measure seven soft, you don't got to be good with words" Barbaro with you for the whole game. That drop in classiness extends to the whole game.

Mafia 2 ramps up the misogyny and has a solid amount of racism (especially against the Chinese). Now I know this is a game about criminals in the 50s but the way the game handles this stuff just feels...immature. It wasn't in Mafia 1 and Mafia 3 approached it in a mature way. here it just comes across as there for the sake of it.

The gameplay itself is mostly good although the majority of my deaths felt cheap, Vito can only take a very small amount of damage and the game frequently drops you in front of multiple enemies nowhere near cover or an enemy through a doorway you can't see 1 shots you. It's made more frustrating with the long gaps between checkpoints.

Overall it's still a fun game but I enjoyed it a lot less than I remembered the first time around.

Como eu queria ter vivido nos anos 50, entrado pra mafia e morrido antes dos 30

Haven't played the original, so I can't say how bad this remaster was, but I've encountered some bugs. Some graphical issues where the textures started spazzing out, a few frame drops, at some points the dialogue would repeat itself a few times and in a cutscene a character's pupils were screwed up, which made him just side-eye the entire cutscene, being the most notable ones.

Otherwise all in all a great solid game with some fun and challenging gameplay. The story was phenomenal and I loved the characters a lot and I grew attached to them very quickly.

Having played the original's remake and this and having loved them both makes them one of my favorite game series now.

A boring, plodding game where the main activity is driving slowly to the next mission on the other side of the city. It's also bug ridden and suffers constant frame rate drops in cutscenes, and contains crackling/distorted audio for some dialogue.
Awful stealth sections and laughably easy melee combat combine to make anything that's not shooting other gangsters a dull chore. The gunplay is from the mid to late 00's school of third person cover shooting. Take cover, pop up, shoot, duck, regenerate health.
I found the story dull and predictable and it ends without a real conclusion. Seems the devs ran out of time and just ended it. I did enjoy the small tie-in to the first Mafia though.
The game was clearly designed to be a GTA clone but something must have happened to reduce the scope. Left behind are signs of open world activities that don't exist (you can buy guns, outfits, and steal cars, but there's no reason to do any of it) and NPC's that seem to be quest givers are introduced then never used again. You can revisit them but they state dumbly at you while you hammer the 'Talk to NPC' button.
Easily the worst remaster of the trilogy but the original game had very shaky foundations to begin with.

Played this one on PS3 before and while liking it, couldn't quite appreciate it. My replay gave me new appreciation for the title. I love the story, the music and characters. The intro sequence (after the flashback) is just amazing and while the gameplay is mediocre af, it doesn't really deviate from my enjoyment.

Almost want to downgrade this edition because of it's shitty DLC, but it's easily ignored. Don't touch it.

This is a massive disappointment compared to the first definitive edition, especially in terms of gameplay, despite releasing around the same time.
There are many game-breaking bugs all over the place which render proceeding with the mission impossible. The lack of checkpoints also ruins the experience when you have to restart a whole mission. The game also crashes frequently.

In terms of story it's pretty good, it starts out a little slow and gets a bit better later on.
I liked that one mission (can't say because of spoil) connecting the two games together, I was flabbergasted when I realised what was about to happen.
Though I preferred the first game a lot better. The first one really felt like being a mafia, being part of a family and everything.

I am a sucker for Mafia/Mobster media I must say.

Очень смешенные чувства после прохождения.

Поговорим сначала об этой версии игры.
Спустя два года после релиза, разрабы так и не смогли исправить косяки. Они, конечно, игру не ломают, но делают опыт от неё менее приятным. То у героя перестанет отображаться шляпа и будет виден странный разрез головы, как будто Вито вышел из больницы после неудачной операции на мозге. То свет будет просвечивать сквозь балки на крыше. То герой будет стоять в текстуре кровати. То во время катсцены у одного из героев будут косые глаза и т.д.
Про русскую озвучку я промолчу. Она свой функционал выполняет, но не более того.

Что касается самой игры, то тут тоже есть вопросы. Во-первых, копы в этой игре крайне жалкие. Смыться от них не составит никакого труда. Более того, вам даже не надо будет менять номер машины, хотя игра учила делать это для таких целей. Соблюдать правила на дороге тоже не надо. Даже в присутствии копов можно проехать на красный свет, хотя в первой части, они бы тут же начали погоню.
Магазины с оружием абсолютно бессмысленные, потому что вы и так получите оружие во время заданий. К тому же есть шанс, что вы можете потерять всё оружие, потому что так потребовал сюжет. Походы в магазин не имеют никакого смысла, имхо. Их можно грабануть, но зачем вам все эти вещи и деньги, если всё и так вам дают за бесплатно. Если нужны деньги, то можно потратить 15 минут и украсть пару машин на продажу. Вообще странная ситуация. Если герои хотят денег, то им же реально проще машины красть, лол. И не надо вступать ни в какую мафию. За 15 минут можно заработать 2к долларов.
Стрельба в игре нормальная. Очень порадовала система разрушения. Всё разлетается на щепки и во время крупных перестрелок это выглядит очень эффектно.
Сюжет сумбурный, но понравилось, что он с двойным дном. Бэкграунд главного героя к концу сливается с основными событиями в игре, что очень круто. Однако, концовка полное говно, с закосом на ДЛС.
Атмосфера хороша, но всё равно было такое чувство, будто чего-то не хватает. Сложно сказать чего, поэтому можете пропустить эту претензию мимо ушей. Просто говорю про личный опыт.

Даже не знаю, стоит ли рекомендовать или нет. Если будет крупная скидка на игру - почему бы и нет. Брать за полную цену я бы не стал из-за выше перечисленных моментов.

Despite how buggy this version is, i still loved it

hello vito hi vito hello vito hey. hey vito hey. hey vito . hello

Eu amei esse jogo, que historia sensacional, mas recomendo jogar a versão classica pq essa versão é bem bugada.

Esse segundo jogo é uma maluquice! O Mafia 1 tinha uma narrativa inteligente e uma trama concisa, tudo rodava ao redor do mesmo tema, já esse jogo aqui ele não sabe que história quer contar, é uma coisa que puxa a outra e no meio disso vão te jogando nome atrás de nome e é muito fácil se perder ou sentir que você tá sem rumo na história. E os personagens desse também perdem muito pro primeiro jogo, quem se salva aqui é o Joe Barbarro, mas tirando ele o protagonista é uma porta sem sentimentos, ele foi pra guerra, ele vai preso, a mãe dele morre, queimam sua casa... e nada parece realmente afetar o Vito, o cara é uma pedra, e essas coisas não trazem consequência nenhuma pra história, então é muito difícil se conectar com essa história e deixou muito a desejar pra mim.
O gameplay foi uma complicação, eu tive que me adaptar aos controles da época do PS3 e XBOX 360, esse gameplay devia ser ótimo pra época, mas pra hoje em dia foi o motivo de quase desistir de jogar no início. Apesar disso eu me peguei me divertindo e querendo jogar mais, então não é um jogo ruim.

The game has massive flaws, some pretty big bugs, even to this day, but Mafia II's last set piece and story ending do some heavy lifting at the finish line to make it a pretty enjoyable experience despite those flaws.

The camera is wonky at times, every vehicle feels bad to drive, the AI can be unpredictable, including the cars on the road, which can be frustrating at times. A lot of this though is just an age thing though, so some of these frustrations are a bit forgivable for me.

A lot of it is big dumb empty calories of gangster cliches and action-movie-levels of gameplay depth. But if you like those types of games and want one that's got a better than average story, Mafia II is an easy recommend.

Although I understand why the original version of this game was praised for its captivating story and immersive atmosphere, I can't help but view this remaster as a missed opportunity. It's difficult for me to identify any notable improvements over the original version. The frame rate remains disappointingly low, and historical glitches persist. I simply hope that d3t Ltd, the developer responsible for this remaster, won't be entrusted with the task of remastering any of my favorite old games in the future.

funny, good story

checkpoint system SUCKS especially if you're playing on hard

more buggier than the original, there were times where the screen would turn black like as if i teleported somewhere. if anything the only reason worth buying this new definitive edition now is that it comes with every DLC (including the clothes if youre into that stuff)

Great game, an umbrella propelled my car into the air.

Tek Kelime İle Harikaydı.
Son Olarak Leo Yapacağın Anlaşmayı sikeyim kardeş.

Histoire simple efficace, mais de gros soucis de performances qui peuvent ruiner l'expérience de jeu, en plus de la gestion de L'IA qui rend fou, des voitures qui spawn de nulle part sans parler des tours de police, de l'open world qui sert de prétexte...

Mais en vrai le jeu était sympa, la difficulté était parfaite et l'histoire reste prenante, la fin choque de fou et Vito Scaletta est tellement le perso que les affranchis auraient aimé avoir, ça reste un classique à faire et c'est une bonne ambiance malgré tout.

A história é legal e eu curto muito a temática, curto muito a amizade do Joe e Vito, esse final é foda e esse jogo merecia um remaster melhor ou até mesmo um remake igual fizeram com o primeiro, mas tirando isso, eu não gosto da gameplay desse jogo e é muito frustrante ao decorrer da campanha, a gente tem pouca vida e os checkpoints são longes pra caralho, tem uns que tu termina a missão e vai brincar um pouco no mundo aberto e morre tu volta pra um lugar que tu não terminou a missão, no jogo também tiveram bugs de carros aparecendo do nada e vozes uma por cima da outra no ultimo capitulo e problemas de FPS durante algumas partes do jogo

Mafia 2, and I must say that it is quite good technically, the only technical thing that failed me a lot is the AI ​​of the NPCs, since many enemies could not be found or they did not advance and I had to go look for them, which is annoying, It's not great, but not to play it, it's an "open world" since it lets you do what you want only between missions, which takes away from the immersion (immersion, which is the best thing about the game). I feel like this game could perfectly be a movie and would work better. since there are many missions that are about going from point A to point B and are only to advance the story. The rest of the gameplay feels pretty good, the shootings are the main thing, I didn't like the driving as much but it's not bad. overall I recommend it 9/10

Essa vai ser uma review não convencional, até porquê, Mafia é um jogo não convencional.

Eu tive minha primeira experiência com Mafia jogando o remake de 2020. E honestamente, me surpreendeu bastante. Os gráficos, a gameplay, e principalmente a história me pegaram de surpresa. O conto sobre o taxista Tommy Angelo, que começa a ir mais e mais fundo na toca de coelho que é a vida mafiosa, e quando se dá conta do quão fundo foi, não consegue mais ver a luz da saída.

Como podem ver, eu estava ansioso pra ver a sequência desse jogo, então fui com sede ao pote... e me decepcionei.

A review é sem spoilers, então não vou falar muito sobre ela, mas ela não tem começo, meio, e honestamente, nem fim. E isso me irritou bastante. Ela poderia ter continuado e continuado, igual uma série de TV muito popular. Ela não tem um ápice, não tem momentos tristes nem memoráveis. É facilmente esquecível. Esse é meu problema com ela.

A gameplay é tremendamente boa. As armas, a mecânica de dirigir, de quebrar fechaduras, tudo é extremamente fluido e satisfatório. É super divertido roubar uma loja e sair correndo da policia em carros dos anos 50/60. E tudo sem bugs.

Se na gameplay o jogo não tem bugs, nos gráficos... meu deus. Eu enfrentei diversos bugs gráficos: rostos deformados, texturas inexistentes... e a lista continua. Os gráficos em si não são ruins, mas a qualidade do remaster é duvidosa. É possível inclusive notar, enquanto você estiver em um carro em alta velocidade, o ponto em que o jogo aplica o filtro e o ponto que o filtro acaba. Um pouco mal feito, mas no limite do aceitável.

Resumindo, é um ótimo jogo. Recomendo? Sim, é um jogo extremamente divertido. É melhor que seu antecessor? Não, nem a pau.

O melhor deste jogo é a estória e a sua ambientação.
Mas o port para o PS5 falha com constantes travamentos.
Difícil continuar jogando.

A true masterpiece of gaming industry.

The game world is pretty, but unfortunately also completely irrelevant. Everything only serves as a backdrop. As a result, the sometimes long journeys to mission goals are boring. But those who stick out here will still be rewarded with a great, atmospheric gangster story that shines with interesting characters throughout.

Se comparar esse com o primeiro ele fica um lixo.
É um bom jogo, mas a historia q é o foco... pqp, mt ruim, fraca, sem construção, personagens fraquissimos.Diferente do primeiro q é o exato oposto. Inclusive a cena em q eles matam o protagonista do primeiro jogo, q desleixo, poderiam ter feito um negocio formidavel mas foi só uma missao qualquer matando um cara qualquer. PODRE.
E o q falar do final, mt mediocre, sem graça de mais.
A gameplay é legal, ambientação, trilha sonora tbm, e só por isso acho um jogo bom, mas nao jogaria de novo. É uma pena